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And you took it traduction Espagnol

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This was my decision to make, and you took it away.
Yo debía tomar esa decisión, y tú me la quitaste.
You saw an opportunity to relieve Fisk of his cash and you took it.
Viste una oportunidad de quitarle a Fisk su dinero y la cogiste.
You sort of nailed every dish, every challenge, and you took it in your strides, but in a very inspirational way.
Usted especie de clavado cada plato, cada reto, y lo tomó en sus pasos, pero en una muy manera inspiradora.
Said you took that motorcycle your daddy gave you and took it out for a spin.
Dijo que cogiste esa moto que su padre le dio y la llevaste a dar una vuelta.
It took you two years and defiling my sister to turn that frown upside down.
Te tomó dos años y deshonrar a mi hermana como para fruncir el ceño al revés.
You stood right there and you took a pill and made a fool of yourself with your boss and then came over here and slept it off.
Estabas parada ahí mismo y tomaste una píldora y tonteaste con tu jefe y viniste aquí, y dormiste.
You're the one who took what I wrote and twisted it for your stupid "Voice" article.
Fuiste el único que cogió lo que escribí y lo retorciste para tu estúpido artículo de "La voz".
Look, men are men, and a traditional guy like Dev, bought you a ring, took you out to dinner and asked you to marry him, it's very Joe DiMaggio of him.
Mira, los hombres son hombres, y un chico tradicional como Dev te compra un anillo, te lleva a cenar y te pide que te cases con él, es muy Joe DiMaggio por su parte.
Wait, so we give you a $ 60 crab, and you took the backfin meat and did what with it?
Espera, por lo que le damos un cangrejo de $ 60, y que tomó la carne backfin e hizo lo consigo?
- took it from me! - No, you imploded, and you dragged me down right along with you.
- No, implosionaste, y me arrastraste junto contigo.
So I took it out of the box'cause this is just for me and you and for nobody else.
Así que lo saqué de la caja porque es para ti y para mi y nadie más.
You took out the heart and held it in your hands, and I remember thinking, "That could be my heart."
Sacaste el corazón y lo sostuviste con tus manos, y recuerdo que pensé, "ese podría ser mi corazón".
You have to come up with the conclusion that, you know, it's very possible that extraterrestrials saw this civilization, gave them knowledge and took off.
Tienes que llegar a la conclusión, ya sabes, que es muy posible que los extraterrestres vieran esta civilización, les otorgaran el conocimiento y se fueran.
That night at the club, you took it from me and I want it back. ♪... Soul
Esa noche en el club me la quitaste, y la quiero de vuelta.
And all it took was placing you at a murder scene.
Y todo lo que he hecho es situarlo en la escena del crimen.
Hey, did you see him when I tossed him the bottle, how he caught it and the long sip he took? Mm-hmm. Man's bellied up to many a bar before.
¿ Viste cuando le lancé la botella, cómo la cogió y el gran trago que le dio? El tío ha estado en muchos bares antes.
She's mad at me, but she took it out on you, and for that I am sorry.
Bueno, le pedí ayuda a la niñera de Jacques, al parecer ella no es un genio con la pistola de pegamento.
It took me a year to get my system on the "Colorado," and I am not gonna wait another year. So if you want me to keep quiet, you put my equipment on the next boat that goes out.
"No deberá ser ciego ante ninguna falta en ningún subordinado, aunque al mismo tiempo, debe ser rápido y constante en distinguir error de malicia, irreflexión de incompetencia, y defecto bien intencionado de negligente o de un error estúpido."
When Mortenson took you around, she showed you a few places, told you to pick one and put lipstick on it?
Cuando Mortenson dio una vuelta contigo, ¿ te llevó a un par de sitios, te dijo que eligieras uno y lo maquillaras un poco?
It took one second and I fell flat for her... you haven't seen my wife, hmm?
Le tomó un segundo y Caí rendido para ella... ¿ No has visto a mi esposa? , ¿ eh?
You said- - and I'm quoting you- - you said, "Marty, it would be nice if every once in a while you took some initiative and surprised me."
Dijiste, y te voy a citar, dijiste, "Marty, sería bonito si de vez en cuando tomaras la iniciativa y me sorprendieras".
I was lonely this morning, and I wanted something near me that smelt like you, so I took the T-shirt out of the laundry basket and I snuggled up with it.
Esta mañana me sentía solo y buscaba algo que oliera a ti así que la saqué de la cesta de la ropa y me acurruqué en ella.
I just took it too far, and now I don't feel comfortable being around you.
Lo dejé llegar demasiado lejos, y ahora no me siento bien estando a tu lado.
You told me you took all the money out my piggy bank and put it in a retirement four-oh-wunk.
Me dijiste que sacaste todo mi dinero de la alcancía y lo pusiste en un fondo de retiro.
You took Afghanistan and made it more like Disneyland
# Te tomaste Afganistán y la hiciste como Disneyland #
Maybe I took your advice and I tried to talk to him about the whole "it's you" thing and maybe it backfired.
Puede que siguiera tu consejo e intentara hablar con él sobre el asunto del "eres tú" y puede que fracasara.
But it could look like you took money for favors and then got scared.
Pero podría parecer que cogiste el dinero para favores y luego te entró miedo.
I feel like I'm losing touch with Daphne and I took it out on you, and I'm sorry.
Siento que estoy perdiendo mi toque con Daphne y lo saqué de ti, y lo siento.
You left this charge, and I took it.
Tú abandonaste este puesto y yo lo cogí.
It's important to you and to the person who took your son.
Es importante para usted y la persona que se llevó a su hijo.
You took a malfunctioning mind and you just broke it completely.
Tomaron una mente en mal estado y la rompieron por completo.
And quite frankly, you took a pressure test and turned it into a demonstration for the rest of these contestants on how to create baking perfection.
Y francamente, usted tomó una prueba de presión y lo convirtió en una manifestación para el resto de estos concursantes sobre cómo crear perfección hornear.
( Stacey ) The judges didn't say you can't take a little twist, so I went ahead and took some creative license on it and just went my own direction, trusting my palette.
Los jueces no dicen usted no puede tomar un pequeño giro, así que siguió adelante y tomó alguna licencia creativa en él y fuimos a mi propia dirección, confiando en mi paleta.
I made a joke and you totally took it seriously. Wow.
Te hago una broma y tu te lo tomas en serio.
Dad... and your F.B. I. patch. - That's the patch you took from my gym bag. - Yeah, but it was an extra.
Papá... y tu escudo del FBI.
And it took you six visits to gauge that anger?
¿ Y te tomó seis visitas medir esa furia?
I think it was really clever that you took all those fake fingernails and stuck them in there as a quill-type thing.
Creo que fue realmente inteligente que tomó todas esas uñas postizas y les pegó allí como una cosa de tipo pluma.
RJ, I want to say you took the design and really got to another place with it.
RJ, quiero decir que tomó el diseño y realmente conseguido a otro lugar de la misma.
We hope that one day you will reveal it. And we pray that one day we will forgive those that took Carlina away.
Ojalé algfin dia nos lo reveles, y rezamos porque algfin dia perdonemos a los raptores.
It took those kids a lot of courage to come up here and ask you that. You're doing the eyebrow thing.
Estas haciendo lo ceja.
I mean, I think it's time that somebody took him aside and told him this is not how you treat your staff.
Es decir, creo que es hora de que alguien lo lleve aparte y le dije que así no se trata al personal.
... when I heard you singing it, but I hear her voice, and it took me back there, and that sucks for you.
Cuando te la escuché cantando, pero escuché su voz, y me llevó atrás, y eso apesta para ti.
Yep. I took the long view, you know, the long mature one, as I do, and I thought,'Fuck it.'
Pensé a largo plazo, sabes, de forma madura, como yo hago siempre, y pensé, al carajo.
Do you know how long it took the Webmaster to receive a cease and desist order from your office?
¿ Sabes cuánto tardó en llegarle al administrador de la página una orden para que lo retirara inmediatamente desde su oficina?
So you're saying, Rosa took Mary Jane's bike and rode it to this counselor's house?
Así que estás diciendo que Rosa cogió la bicicleta de Mary Jane y montó hasta la casa de su consejero? Sí.
I know you took your trip down here quite seriously, because you told our researcher, you were asking about the Kia and the roll cage, which you said, "Ah, that'll make it more rigid."
Sé que te tomaste tu viaje aqui abajo muy seriamente. porque le dijiste a nuestro investigador que estuviste preguntando por el Kia y la jaula anti-vuelco, de la cual tu dijistes, "Eso la hará más rígida".
But I took it out on you and that was wrong.
Pero la tomé contigo y eso estuvo mal.
This is why it took me three years to tell you that I loved you and another three years before I moved in with you.
Esta es la razón por la que me llevó tres años decirte que te quería y otras tres años antes de que me mudara contigo.
Of course, somebody took a picture and the next thing, it's in the press and its bows to be sexual and God knows what else, you know.
Por supuesto, alguien tomó una foto y luego está en la prensa, y se lo interpreta como algo sexual y Dios sabe qué más...
You know, when I was younger, someone told me who I was, and I pretty much took his word for it.
Sabes cuando era joven alguien me dijo lo que yo era, y más o menos tomé su palabra.
You took something that you must have been conscious of at some low level, and you created a story to bring your attention to it.
Tomaste algo de lo que debías ser consciente en algún profundo nivel, y creaste una historia sobre la que llevar tu atención.

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