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Annalise keating traduction Espagnol

66 traduction parallèle
I'm professor Annalise Keating, and this is criminal law 100.
Soy la profesora Annalise Keating y esta es la ley criminal 100.
Mrs. Murphy, I'm Annalise Keating.
Señora Murphy, soy Annalise Keating.
Annalise Keating.
Annalise Keating.
I work for Annalise Keating.
Trabajo para Annalise Keating.
What would Annalise Keating do?
¿ Qué haría Annalise Keating?
Annalise keating.
Annalise Keating.
I need to see Annalise Keating.
Necesito ver a Annalise Keating.
To Annalise Keating's fancy-ass rich house.
A la ostentosa casa de ricos de Annalise Keating.
This is Annalise Keating.
Ella es Annalise Keating.
- Annalise Keating.
- Annalise Keating.
The suspect in question, former Philadelphia police detective Nate Lahey, who has been romantically linked to Annalise Keating, the wife of the murder victim.
El sospechoso en cuestión, ex policía y detective de Filadelfia, Nate Lahey, quien ha estado románticamente involucrado con Annalise Keating, la esposa de la víctima.
Asher Millstone has been in the employ of Annalise Keating for the past several months, a woman who blames my client for the murder of her husband.
Asher Millstone ha estado trabajando para Annalise Keating durante los últimos meses, una mujer que acusa a mi cliente de asesinar a su marido.
How'd the lecture go? I need to see Annalise Keating.
¿ Cómo fue la conferencia? Necesito ver a Annalise Keating.
Annalise Keating gave me your number.
Annalise Keating me dió tu número.
[Crying] I need to see Annalise Keating.
Necesito ver a Annalise Keating.
Annalise Keating gave me your number.
Annalise Keating me dio tu número.
" @ ShondaRhimes If Annalise Keating really wanted
" @ ShondaRhimes Si Annalise Keating de verdad quería
- Annalise Keating gave me your number.
- Annalise Keating me ha dado su número.
Annalise Keating, of course!
Annalise Keating, ¡ por supuesto!
- Annalise Keating, the victim's wife, has had a long-standing relationship with the defendant's attorney.
- Annalise Keating, la esposa de la víctima, ha mantenido una larga relación con la abogada defensora.
- Because what this reveals about this case is that Annalise Keating helped Mr. Lahey commit her husband's murder.
- Porque lo que esto revela sobre este caso es que Annalise Keating ayudó al Sr. Lahey a cometer el asesinato de su marido.
This is Annalise Keating.
Esta es Annalise Keating.
We're here because Annalise Keating is a criminal who finally needs to be stopped.
Estamos aquí porque Annalise Keating es una criminal que finalmente necesita ser detenida.
This is a closed hearing for a wiretap warrant on the residence of Annalise Keating, due to the corroborating testimony of the informant,
Esta es una audiencia a puerta cerrada, para intervenir legalmente las comunicaciones de la residencia de Annalise Keating, De acuerdo al testimonio corroborado del informante,
Or maybe you were manufacturing a file on Philip Jessup for Annalise Keating?
¿ O quizás estaba manipulando un archivo de Philip Jessup para Annalise Keating?
This is Annalise Keating.
Soy Annalise Keating.
This is a closed hearing for a wiretap warrant on the residence of Annalise Keating.
Esta es una audiencia a puerta cerrada por una orden para pinchar el teléfono en la residencia de Annalise Keating.
Law office of Annalise Keating.
Bufete de Annalise Keating.
Catherine Hapstall remains behind bars ahead of her preliminary hearing tomorrow where she'll face charges for the murder of Emily Sinclair and attempted murder of Annalise Keating.
Catherine Hapstall sigue entre rejas esperando la audiencia preliminar de mañana donde se enfrentará al cargo de asesinato de Emily Sinclair y de intento de asesinato de Annalise Keating.
I shot Annalise Keating.
Yo disparé a Annalise Keating.
Annalise Keating... the professor you work for who got shot?
Annalise Keating... ¿ la profesora para la que trabajas a la que dispararon?
Annalise Keating. What can I help you with?
Annalise Keating...
I'm here at Annalise Keating's office where the police are executing a search warrant.
Estoy en la oficina de Annalise Keating, donde la policía está ejecutando una orden de registro.
My wife, Annalise Keating... she was in a car accident.
Mi mujer, Annalise Keating... ha tenido un accidente de coche.
So, you want to change your life, or are you happy just to stay Annalise Keating's bitch?
Por lo tanto, desea cambiar su vida, o es usted feliz sólo para mantenerse perra de Annalise Keating?
Or are you happy just to stay Annalise Keating's bitch?
O es usted feliz sólo para mantenerse perra de Annalise Keating?
You're Annalise Keating.
Usted es Annalise Keating.
Annalise Keating...
Annalise Keating...
You want to change your life, or are you happy just to stay Annalise Keating's bitch?
¿ Quieres cambiar tu vida o eres feliz siendo el perrito faldero de Annalise Keating?
Everything on it. - Annalise Keating, you're under arrest.
Annalise Keating, está bajo arresto.
I'm Annalise Keating's lawyer. This is her house.
Soy la abogada de Annalise Keating.
Annalise Keating, you're under arrest.
Annalise Keating, está bajo arresto.
Annalise Keating, you're under arrest.
Annalise Keating, queda bajo arresto.
My name is Annalise Keating, and I've been a member of the Pennsylvania Bar for 18 years.
Mi nombre es Annalise Keating, y he sido miembro del Colegio de Abogados de Pensilvania por 18 años.
My name is Annalise Keating, and I'm an alcoholic.
Me llamo Annalise Keating y soy alcohólica.
I'm no Annalise Keating.
No soy Annalise Keating.
Annalise Keating, you're under arrest.
Annalise Keating, está usted detenida.
You want to change your life, or are you happy just to stay Annalise Keating's bitch?
¿ Quieres cambiar tu vida o te gusta ser la zorra de Annalise?
This office is not investigating Annalise Keating.
Esta oficina no está investigando a Annalise Keating.
I mean, the current one only covers me for testifying against Annalise's professional illegal misconduct, not for the murder of Sam Keating, so we need a new one... right?
Digo, el actual sólo me protege por testificar en contra de la conducta anti-profesional ilegal de Annalise, no por el asesinato de Sam Keating, así que necesitamos uno nuevo, ¿ no?
Sinclair, this is Annalise Keating.
Sinclair, soy Annalise Keating.

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