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Annyong traduction Espagnol

54 traduction parallèle
- Annyong was to teach Buster a lesson.
- Annyong era para escarmentar a Búster.
You've got a little pocket there, Annyong.
Ahí tienes un bolsillo, Annyong.
Was she on the phone, Annyong?
¿ Llamó por teléfono, Annyong?
It's in a trust fund for Annyong.
Lo invertí en un fondo para Annyong.
Oh, so that makes Annyong 18.
O sea que Annyong tiene 18 años.
- Where did Annyong get thatjuice box? - Annyong.
¿ De dónde sacó Annyong ese jugo?
Besides, I'm going to Annyong's soccer award ceremony...
Además, voy a la entrega de premios del equipo de Annyong...
- Yeah, I think they're gonna know that Annyong's...
Se darán cuenta de que Annyong...
- Annyong.
In fact, Buster and Annyong... Lucille's newly adopted Korean child, were waiting. Wow.
Efectivamente, Buster y Annyong... el niño coreano que Lucille adoptó, estaban esperando.
Annyong had hit a nerve, and Buster recalled... that right before George Sr.'s arrest, he'd made a similar threat.
Tú irte. Annyong puso el dedo en la llaga, y Buster recordó... que antes de ser arrestado, George lo había amenazado. HORAS ANTES DEL ARRESTO...
- Also, can you send Annyong back to Korea?
Además, ¿ pueden enviar a Annyong a Corea?
While Buster and Annyong waitedjust outside.
Mientras tanto, Buster y Annyong esperaban afuera.
Oh, I was just keeping Annyong company.
Le hacía compañía a Annyong.
Annyong had hit a nerve, and Buster recalled... that right before George Sr.'s arrest, he'd made a similar threat.
Tú irte. Annyong puso el dedo en la llaga, y Buster recordó... que antes de ser arrestado, George lo había amenazado.
- I liked it better when he just said annyong. - She old school. - I liked it better when he just said annyong.
Prefiero cuando sólo dices Annyong.
Why should I have to sit and cheer Annyong?
¿ Por que debo alentar a Annyong?
Annyong never cheers me.
Él jamás me alienta.
Anyway, Annyong's playing soccer, but I guess I should just ignore it.
No importa. Annyong juega al fútbol, pero lo ignoraré.
Look the other way as Mom and Uncle Oscar and Annyong have the perfect little family...
Miraré al otro lado mientras mamá, tío Oscar y toda la perfecta familia...
- And Annyong exacts his revenge.
- YAnnyong cobra su venganza.
This is "Annyong," who your father and I have adopted.
Es "Annyong", el niño que tu padre y yo adoptamos.
Yes. Annyong is your brother now.
- Sí, "Annyong" es tu hermano.
Yes, Annyong.
Sí, "Annyong".
Yes, Annyong.
Sí, Annyong.
Your name's Annyong.
Te llamas Annyong.
We all know you're Annyong. Annyong.
Todos sabemos que eres Annyong.
- Who's this?
Annyong. - ¿ Quién es?
- Oh, I'm sorry. This is Annyong.
- Disculpa, él es Annyong.
So, it's off with Mother now.
In fact, Lucille was just giving Annyong and Maeby a ride.
Lucille sólo había llevado a Annyong y a Maeby en su auto.
Lucille, meanwhile, was growing closer... to her recently adopted Korean son, whom she called Annyong.
Lucille, en tanto, estrechaba vínculos... con su recién adoptado hijo coreano, al que llamó Annyong...
- Much better, Annyong.
- Mucho mejor, Annyong.
- Which isn't a name... - Annyong. - but the Korean word for " hello'.
- que no es un nombre... sino "hola" en coreano.
- You got a job, Annyong?
¿ Conseguiste un empleo, Annyong?
Let me get something to write with. Back at the banana stand, Annyong had arrived.
En el puesto de plátanos, Annyong había llegado.
- Annyong and I are fine here.
Annyong y yo estamos bien aquí.
Annyong? Hello?
¿ Hola?
- Annyong?
- ¿ Annyong?
- Annyong.
- Annyong.
And Annyong tries to stick the Bluth family for a tomato juice that costs him $ 700 and ultimately his freedom.
Y Annyong intenta clavar a la familia Bluth un zumo de tomate que le cuesta $ 700 y ultimar su libertad.
Good-bye, Annyong.
Adiós, Annyong.
- Hola.
Annyong Hasseyo.

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