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Appointed attorney traduction Espagnol

153 traduction parallèle
Coke, appointed attorney general.
Coke, nombrado fiscal general.
No court-appointed attorney for me.
No quiero un abogado designado por la corte.
Sir Richard is appointed Attorney General for Wales.
Sir Richard ha sido nombrado fiscal general de Gales.
You have the right to remain silent. The right to a court-appointed attorney.
Tienen derecho a guardar silencio y a un abogado del Estado.
As your court-appointed attorney... I'm obligated to do what you wish... so I will call you "Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile" if you want.
Como su abogada designada por el juez... estoy obligada a hacer lo que desee... así que la llamaré "Cleopatra, la Reina del Nilo", si quiere.
I'm your court-appointed attorney.
Soy tu abogado de oficio.
Okay, this is the part where I get to talk to the court appointed attorney.
Aquí es donde hablo con un abogado que me asigna la corte.
I want a lawyer. I want a court-appointed attorney, man.
Quiero un abogado, un defensor público.
No O. J. Dream Team, just a court-appointed attorney who probably thought his ass was guilty.
Ninguna defensa tipo O. J., sólo un abogado de oficio que probablemente pensó que era culpable.
Mr. Brodigan, I'm your, uh, court-appointed attorney.
Sr. Brodigan soy su abogado de oficio.
In view of the unavoidable detention of the district attorney... the court has appointed a special counsel... a representative of the Election Reform Committee... in the case of The City of Chicago v. Edward Mitchell.
En vista de la inevitable indisposición del fiscal... el tribunal ha nombrado a un fiscal especial... un representante del Comité Electoral Reformista... en el caso La ciudad de Chicago contra Edward Mitchell.
Hey, have you appointed an attorney for the son of that woman?
Oye, ¿ han nombrado ya abogado para el hijo de aquella mujer del otro día?
We told him he had a right to an attorney... that one will be appointed for him if he couldn't afford one... that he had a right to remain silent.
Le dijimos que tenía derecho a un abogado... que le sería asignado uno de oficio si no podía permitírselo... y que tenía derecho a guardar silencio...
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the court.
Si no puede pagar a un abogado, se le nombrará uno de oficio.
If I cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed by the court.
Si no me lo puedo permitir, se me asignará uno de oficio.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.
Si no puedes pagarlo, se te asignará uno de oficio.
If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you.
Si no puedes pagar a un abogado...
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Si no puede pagárselo, nombraremos a uno para usted.
Haven't you appointed me as your attorney?
¿ Me has nombrado como tu abogado?
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Si no puede pagar a un abogado, se le asignará uno de oficio.
If you so desire and cannot afford one, an attorney will be appointed for you without charge before questioning.
Si desea pero no puede pagar, un abogado se le sera asignado sin costo antes del interrogatorio.
If you so desire and cannot afford one,..... an attorney will be appointed for you without charge before questioning.
Si lo desea y no puede pagarlo, el Estado le asignará un abogado antes de su interrogatorio.
If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Tiene derecho a un abogado. Si no puede pagar uno, la corte se lo asignará.
I'm a court-appointed virtual attorney.
Soy una abogada virtual nombrada por la corte.
If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed...
Si no puede contratarlo, se le asignará uno de oficio...
If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you by the court.
Si no puedes pagarlo, el tribunal te designará a uno.
Good morning. My name is Clement Rollins. I'm the special prosecutor appointed by the U.S. attorney general in the matter of docket CRSP-00101.
Me llamo Clement Rollins fiscal especial nombrado por el Fiscal General para el asunto del registro de acción judicial número CRSP-001 01.
Plus, he was appointed by your attorney general.
Y fue nombrado por su procurador. Es difícil ponerlo como villano.
If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the court.
Si no puede costearse un abogado, se le asignará uno de oficio.
If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Get in the car.
Suba al auto.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you without charge.
Si no puede pagar un abogado, le asignarán uno.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you by the courts.
Si no puede costearlo, el tribunal le asignará uno.
Which is why the court has appointed an attorney for her.
Por eso el tribunal le asignó un abogado.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.
Si no puede pagarlo, se le asignará uno de manera gratuita si así lo desea.
US attorney and the DOJ had to recuse themselves, so Alberto appointed me to carry the ball for team USA.
El Procurador y la Procuraduría General se recusaron. Y Alberto me nombró para llevar la voz cantante del equipo de los EE.
If you cannot afford an attorney, an attorney will be appointed for you by the state.
Sí no puede costear un abogado,
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state.
Si no puede permitirse uno, el estado le asignará uno de oficio.
You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the court.
Tiene el derecho a un abogado. Si no puede pagar un abogado, le será asignado uno de oficio.
I'm the attorney appointed to defend him.
El abogado de tu marido. - Usted lo vió?
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Si no puede costearse un abogado, le será designado uno.
Tomorrow that boy can have an attorney appointed for him by Children's Services.
Mañana ese chaval tendrá un abogado asignado por los servicios sociales.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.
Si no pueden pagar un Abogado, uno les será asignado.
If your broke ass can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you...
Si tu culo roto no puede pagar un abogado, uno se te asignará.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state.
Si no puede pagarlo, se le asignará uno de oficio.
You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
Si no puede costearse uno se le será asignado uno.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Si no puede permitirse un abogado, se le nombrará uno de oficio.
$ 750,000 in cash, your visa and discover cards paid, your nephew, Mickey, appointed head of the centers for disease control, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, quote,
750 mil dólares en efectivo, que se paguen sus tarjetas de crédito, que su sobrino Mickey sea nombrado jefe del Centro de Control de Enfermedades, que el fiscal general Patrick Fitzgerald sea "aporreado"
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the court.
Si no puede permitirse un abogado...
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state.
Si no puede pagarlo, le será asignado uno por el estado.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state.
Si no puede pagarse uno, le será asignado uno del estado
You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, it will be appointed by the state.
Tiene el derecho a un abogado, si no lo puede costear, le será asignado uno por el estado.

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