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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ A ] / Aren't you going

Aren't you going traduction Espagnol

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Mom, aren't you going on a date with Teacher Dong Myung?
Mamá, ¿ no vas a una cita con el Profesor Dong Myung?
Woo Ri, aren't you going to let us sleep?
Woo Ri, ¿ no nos van a dejar dormir?
Aren't you going to eat?
¿ No comes?
Boys aren't going anywhere with you, Jake.
Los muchachos no se van a ir contigo.
You aren't going? Oh... Er...
¿ No vas a ir?
Aren't you going on a date today?
¿ No vas a salir hoy?
Aren't you going to school?
¿ No vas a la escuela?
Dad, aren't you going to do that?
¿ Padre no fue quien lo hizo?
Aren't you going to answer it?
¿ No vas a responder?
Ahjumma, aren't you going to the kitchen?
Ahjumma, ¿ no tienes que ir a la cocina?
Well, you going to get wet. Aren't you?
Bueno, te mojarás. ¿ No?
These boys aren't going to hurt him, if that's what you're worried about.
Estos chicos no lo van a lastimar.
- Yes. - So aren't you going to write it down?
¿ Escribe usted nada?
Well, aren't you going to introduce us?
Bueno, no nos vas a presentar?
You're going to reference Art of War right now, aren't you?
Ahora me hablará de "El arte de la guerra", ¿ no?
Well, you're going to have to come out here then, aren't you?
Bueno, tendrás que salir aquí entonces, ¿ no es así?
Um, aren't you going to Venus,'cause that's the wrong way?
, ¿ porque no es esa la dirección equivocada?
Aren't you going to give it a rest?
¿ Pero tú no vas a descansar?
I almost die and you just aren't going to talk to me again?
¿ Casi me muero, y no volverás a hablarme?
Aren't you going to eat your broccoli?
¿ No vas a comer tu brócoli?
You aren't going to toast to your brother's happiness?
¿ No vas a brindar por la felicidad de tu hermano, Raúl?
- Aren't you going to arrest him?
- No piensa arrestarlo?
Aren't you going to answer?
¿ No vas a contestar?
Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?
Vas a darme un beso de despedida?
Aren't you supposed to know what is going on in Europe better than all of us, Mentor?
¿ No se supone que sabe lo que está pasando en Europa mejor que todos nosotros, Mentor?
I am not going to tell you that there aren't going to be casualties, or that it's going to be easy.
Yo no voy a decirles que no va a haber bajas, o que va a ser fácil.
Aren't you going to work?
¿ No vas a trabajar?
Aren't you going to look for Takanori-san?
¿ No vas a buscar a Takanori?
¿ Como huele?
You're going to race home, aren't you?
Vas a correr a casa, ¿ no es así?
Aren't you going to get in?
¿ Ustedes no van a entrar?
Aren't you going to work?
¿ No vas a ir a trabajar?
You going to steal Mr. Dan's spotlight on big night, aren't you?
Vas a robarle los focos al señor Dan en su gran noche, ¿ no?
Aren't you going to introduce us, Dad?
- ¿ No vas a presentarnos, papá?
Aren't you going to greet your mother?
¿ No vas a saludar a tu madre?
Aren't you going to help her?
¿ No estas dispuesta a ayudarla?
Aren't you going to congratulate me?
¿ No vas a felicitarme?
Heh. You two are really going to walk me all the way to the door, aren't you?
Ustedes dos en verdad me van a acompañar todo el trayecto hasta la puerta, ¿ no?
( clears throat ) So, hear you and, uh, Dr. Dolittle aren't going to the dance.
Bien, he oído que tú y... el Dr. Dolittle no vais a ir al baile.
Aren't you going to answer her?
¿ No le vas a responder?
Aren't you going to watch over your young?
¿ No vas a cuidar a tu prole?
Aren't you going to say anything?
¿ No dices nada?
Aren't you going to say anything?
Habla, habla...
Aren't you going to bed?
- Son cerca de diez... ¿ No te acuestas?
Aren't you going to open it?
¿ Y no, no lo vas a abrir?
You're going to speak to those people, aren't you?
Vas a hablar con esas personas, ¿ no?
- I'm waiting for you to make a move, but since you aren't going to, I'll make a move myself.
Espero que des el primer paso. Pero, como no lo vas a hacer... yo lo daré.
Aren't you going to say anything?
¿ No estás? ¿ iba a decir nada?
Aren't you going to say hello?
¿ No vas a saludar?
Aren't you going to yell at me?
¿ No me vas a gritar?
Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?
¿ No me presentarás a tus amigos?

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