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As everyone knows traduction Espagnol

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Many a lassie as everyone knows'll Try to be married before 25
Muchas jóvenes Como todos saben intentan casarse antes De los veinticinco
We creatures, as everyone knows, long for respectability.
Nosotras, como todos saben, anhelamos ser respetables.
"and flowers, as everyone knows, have short lives."
"y las flores es sabido que no tienen larga vida".
Love is a flower and flowers, as everyone knows, have short lives.
El amor es una flor, y las flores es sabido que no tienen larga vida.
"and, as everyone knows, a ring has no end."
"y es sabido que un anillo no tiene fin".
Love is a ring and, as everyone knows, a ring has no end.
El amor es un anillo y es sabido que un anillo no tiene fin.
Love is a ring and, as everyone knows, a ring has no end.
El amor es como un anillo, y es sabido que un anillo no tiene fin.
Love is a ring and, as everyone knows, a ring has no end.
El amor es un anillo, y es sabido que un anillo no tiene fin.
God's an old queer, as everyone knows
Dios es un viejo pervertido, como todos saben.
I'm almost part of the family, as everyone knows, that's right Clara?
¿ Es cierto, Clara?
It is assumed the boys set out alone from some northern Cuban town in a gaily decorated boat called Julio 26, which, as everyone knows is the name of Fidel Castro's...
Se presume que los niños partieron solos... de un pueblo norteño de Cuba... en un bote alegre llamado "Julio 26"... que, como todos saben es el nombre que Fidel Castro...
As everyone knows, His Majesty is the world's greatest soccer player.
Como todos saben, su majestad es el mejor jugador de fútbol del mundo.
Seeing that, as everyone knows... my wife's child is yours... and that the one your wife's having... is mine... if you agree, when she's delivered... we could swap- - you take yours, I take mine.
En vista de que, como todos saben,... la criatura de mi señora es hija suya... y que el que tendrá su señora uno de estos días... es hijo mío... Si usted está de acuerdo, cuando el bebé nazca... podríamos cambiarlos. A usted el suyo y a mí el mío.
It was around August 15, the day of the Virgin Mary, which, as everyone knows, is Lyons's patron saint.
Era casi 15 de agosto, día de la Asunción, que es la patrona de Lyon.
Look, unfortunately, as everyone knows, I confuse the right with the left.
Mire, yo desafortunadamente, como ya saben todos,... confundo siempre la derecha con la izquierda.
As everyone knows what heard a proper story.
Como saben todos aquellos que han oído una buena historia.
Not remotely... because iocane comes from Australia, as everyone knows... and Australia is entirely peopled with criminals... and criminals are used to having people not trust them... as you are not trusted by me... so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.
Para nada... porque, como todos saben, el iocano viene de Australia... y Australia está poblado sólo de criminales... de quienes la gente no se fía, como yo no me fío, y no puedo elegir el vino delante tuyo.
But, as everyone knows, the best of the Cambridge lot became spies.
Pero, como todo el mundo sabe, los mejores del grupo de Cambridge acabaron siendo espias.
But denial, as everyone knows, is in Egypt.
Pero "En Vilo" como todo el mundo sabe queda en Egipto.
Just as long as everyone knows that Raphael is the star.
Mientras que todo el mundo sepa que Rafael es la estrella.
That's interesting because as everyone knows since there was no year zero the millennium doesn't begin until the year 2001 which would make your party one year late and thus quite lame.
Qué interesante, porque como se sabe no hubo un año cero. El milenio no empieza hasta el año 2001 y eso quiere decir que tu fiesta tendrá un año de adelante y por lo tanto será bastante sosa.
As everyone knows, I came to live here when I was 10 with my mother and my father.
Como todos saben, vine a vivir aquí cuando tenía 10 años con mi madre y mi padre.
They don't care we're standing around freezing, in the middle of the night as long as everyone knows who's in charge.
No les interesa que nos estemos congelando. Lo que quieren es demostrar quién manda.
- But, as everyone knows, it was found under a bush by a dog.
- Pero, como todos saben, fue encontrado debajo de un arbusto por un perro.
- Timeo danaos et dona ferentis - as everyone knows!
¿ Bien?
Narayan Shankar expelled him without even seeing him or meeting him. And, as everyone knows... once you're expelled from here, you cannot get admission elsewhere.
Narayan Shankar lo expulsó sin verlo o encontrarse con él... y como todo el mundo sabe... una vez expulsado de aquí no puedes ser admitido en ningún sitio.
As everyone knows I'm the Daler Mehndi of the poor...
Todos saben que reparto caridad entre los pobres...
'Cause as everyone knows. once you have an avuncular weatherman on your side.
Sí, porque una vez que tienes a un meteorólogo de tu lado no hay fin para tu poder.
I know that tonight we have with us el señor Sherlock Holmes... who as everyone knows is a phenomenal English detective.
Se que con nosotros esta noche lo tenemos al señor Sherlock Holmes... como todos saben es un fenomenal detective inglés.
As everyone knows, after 33 years, our beloved Pete Fineman is retiring.
Como saben, al cabo de 33 años, el querido Pete Fineman se jubila.
Almost no-one knows what is good if you come from bodenwerder, you can't become a turk everyone has one homeland, just as they have one mother
Casi nadie sabe qué es bueno. Si vienes de Bodenwerder, no puedes convertirte en turco. Todo el mundo tiene una patria, al igual que tiene una madre.
Besides, Judge, everyone knows as you do that there's no bootleg ring in Jericho.
Juez, todos saben que no existe contrabando de alcohol en Jericó.
Everyone knows one woman is as good as another.
Tanto vale una como la otra.
And she doesn't dare show herself now, as his sister, because everyone knows.
Y no se atreve a mostrarse ahora, porque sabe que todos saben.
Everyone knows me as So Hai.
Todo el mundo me conoce como So Hai.
Now, if a star were as near as the sun. it should appear as big and as bright as the sun. Everyone knows that the farther away an object is, the smaller it seems.
Cada planta usa sus carbohidratos como fuente energética para su trabajo vegetal.
And putting aside my personal response to Mr. Pagano... the fact that he insults me by the minute... the fact that I never saw him in my life till 20 minutes ago... we're never going to know whether Mr. Pagano did anything or not... because, as everyone in this courtroom knows... the police department makes 95,000 arrests a year like Mr. Pagano... but we've got room for only 700 trials.
Dejando de lado mi respuesta al Sr. Pagano... el hecho de que me insulte continuamente... y que hasta hace 20 minutos no lo conociera... jamás sabremos si hizo algo o no... porque en este juzgado todos saben... que la policía realiza 95 mil arrestos por año como los del Sr. Pagano... pero sólo tenemos lugar para 700 juicios.
The sons of cowards are as cowardly as their fathers,... and everyone knows that your father refused to ask your grandfather... to give out weapons to the people.
Los hijos de los cobardes son tan cobardes como su padre, y todo el mundo sabe que tu padre se ha negado a hablar con tu abuelo, para darle las armas al pueblo.
As of now, everyone knows.
- Sí, efectivamente.
Everyone knows there is no such thing as luck.
Todo el mundo sabe que no hay tal cosa como la suerte.
As your father knows, everyone steals a little sulphur.
Te lo habrá dicho tu padre : todo el mundo roba un poco de azufre.
- well, seeing as we started the school year As total losers and now everyone knows who we are, I don't think one mistake is such a big deal.
Viendo que comenzamos el año como perdedores, y ahora todos saben que somos,
Our guest today is Gray Grantham who has, as just about everyone in America knows revealed the plot behind the assassinations of Rosenberg and Jensen.
Nuestro invitado de hoy es Gray Granthan quién, como todos saben en los EE.UU reveló el complot tras los asesinatos de los jueces Rosenberg y Jensen.
He doesn't strike me as a fool and everyone knows that Potiphar's wife deceives him.
No me parece un tonto y todo el mundo sabe que la esposa de Putifar lo traiciona.
Sharp as a razor. They're not always hanging on to one another, but everyone knows they're a couple.
No van siempre pegados pero todos saben que son pareja.
It knows what it is, and somehow, as if by magic, everyone in the world knows as well.
Y como por arte de magia lo sabe todo el mundo.
Well, reassuring as that is, there's an assassin named Deathstroke and he's killing everyone that knows you.
Aunque eso le tranquilice, hay un asesino llamado Deathstroke y está matando a los que lo conocen.
Just make sure everyone knows about it, because I'm only as good as my reputation.
Sólo asegúrense de que todos lo sepan porque soy tan bueno como mi reputación.
"As everyone here knows, my last movie was a big-big hit"
"Como todos aquí saben, mi última película fue un gran-gran exito"
I can't introduce you as my mother. Everyone knows I'm an orphan.
No puedo presentarte como mi madre, todas saben que soy huérfana.
Lorelai, everyone knows that you are supposed to call people as soon as they have arrived home. - That's the polite way to do it.
Todo el mundo sabe se ha de llamar enseguida, eso es lo educado.

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