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Barkeep traduction Espagnol

299 traduction parallèle
Fill them up, barkeep.
Sírvanos a todos, tabernero.
Barkeep, bring me an applejack, will ya?
- Camarero, ¿ me trae un aguardiente?
You're a good barkeep, Calamity, but you're awful ornery.
Eres buena camarera, Calamity, pero tienes muy mal genio.
A rum, barkeep.
- Déme un ron, Patrón.
Barkeep, two triple Scotches.
Camarero, dos whiskys triples.
- This is the barkeep at the Cellar.
- Habla el barman de El Sótano.
Barkeep, where are those two drinks?
- ¿ Y esas dos copas?
- I got it from a barkeep in Touchstone.
Me la dió un camarero en Touchstone.
Barkeep, some whiskey down here.
Barman, traiga güisqui.
- Well, the barkeep, Dan, gave me this... saying that it was Edie's.
- El camarero, Dan, me dio esto... diciendo que era de Edie.
Well then, get that guy away from my piana'before we need a new barkeep real sudden!
Bueno, entonces, quita a ese tipo de mi piano antes de que necesitemos un nuevo camarero así de pronto!
¡ Tabernero!
¡ Cantinero!
Barkeep, we'll have two base-burners.
Cantinero, tomaremos dos whiskeys.
Let me have a drink of whiskey, barkeep.
Cantinero, sírvame un trago de whiskey.
Let's check out the boyfriend, the barkeep as well.
Investiga al novio y al barman.
Barkeep! Two stiff horns of gin.
Cantinero, dos tragos de gin.
- Hey. - Barkeep, the check.
Cantinero, la cuenta.
- Hello. Barkeep, I'll have a martini.
Cantinero, un martini.
Barkeep, a little more champagne.
Camarero, más champán.
Barkeep, give Tex some champagne so that he can toast with us.
Camarero, champán para que el vaquero pueda brindar con nosotros.
- Barkeep, I'd like to talk to Porky.
- Me gustaría hablar con Porky.
Barkeep, a little service, please.
Camarero, atiéndanos, por favor.
Smite me again, barkeep!
¡ sírveme otra, camarero!
Barkeep, make us another round here.
Camarero, trae otra ronda.
- A spritzer. Barkeep, give this man a trough of spritzer.
Camarero, sírvale a este hombre un chupito.
Hey, barkeep, how'd you like to arm-wrestle me for a beer?
Oye, cantinero, ¿ Te gustaría luchar brazo-me para una cerveza?
Barkeep, pour me a beer.
Cantinero, sírveme una cerveza.
There you go, barkeep.
Hay que ir, tabernero.
I remember ordering a draft, barkeep.
Acuérdate de pedir la cuenta.
Hey barkeep.
Hey camarero.
Hey, barkeep.
Hey, barman.
You'll have a guinea barkeep cell mate to keep you company.
Tendrás un cantinero italiano como compañero de celda.
Barkeep, some cheap domestic beer... for me and my buddy here.
Cantinero, una cerveza doméstica barata para mí y mi amigo aquí.
Yo, barkeep.
Ey, barman.
Hey, barkeep.
Oiga, camarero.
Don't call me barkeep. I'm not a barkeep.
No me llames camarero. No soy un camarero.
Two synthales, barkeep.
Dos sintecervezas, camarero.
If there were, I wouldn't talk to some barkeep about it.
Si fuera así, no hablaría de eso con un camarero.
Thanks, barkeep.
Gracias, camarero.
Barkeep, another round for all my friends!
¡ Camarero, otra ronda para todos mis amigos!
I'm a barkeep and a coward. I don't stick my neck out for anyone.
Soy dueño de un bar y un cobarde, no arriesgo el cuello por nadie.
Barkeep, I want a bottle of champagne.
Cantinero, quiero una botella de champaña.
Barkeep. Two ales.
Mesera, dos cervezas.
Care for something from the barkeep?
¿ Puedo brindarles una bebida?
The barkeep spiked my drink...
El camarero me echó algo en el vaso...
That'll make us even. Barkeep.
Cantinero, me traes un whiski y...

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