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Born traduction Espagnol

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He was born in prison.
Nació en prisión.
T.J. was born in November?
¿ T.J. nació en noviembre?
She was born here, but her parents weren't.
Ella nació aquí, pero sus padres no.
Robin was barely born.
Robin apenas había nacido.
Caleb wailed when Robin was born.
Caleb lloró cuando nació Robin.
When Robin was just born, I was heating his milk on the stove and very tired, you see.
Cuando Robin acababa de nacer, calentaba su leche en el fogón y era agotador.
Who was he? He was born Tobias Thoma.
Antes se llamaba Tobías Thoma.
Three of my brothers were born in the car.
Tres de mis hermanos nacieron en el coche.
On the way to the woods, where they were supposed to be born.
De camino al bosque, donde tenían que nacer.
Why, because it's bad luck to see your wife before she's born?
¿ Por qué? ¿ Es que da mala suerte ver a la esposa antes del nacimiento?
Oh, and he had his heart set on seeing the baby being born.
Estaba muy emocionado por ver nacer al bebé.
These people are not choosing this upon their own free will, nor were they born into slavery.
Estas personas no elegirán esto por su propia voluntad, ni han nacido como esclavas.
I was born on this land.
Yo nací en esta tierra.
That's where my mother was born.
Fue donde mi madre nació.
They came to my planet before I was born.
Vinieron a mi planeta antes de que yo naciera.
I would wish that my kid was already born and sleeping through the night.
Desearía... que mi bebé naciera y pudiera dormir toda la noche.
Legends are born in "RuPaul's Drag Race".
No cambiaria esto por nada.
Many of the workers had children who were born in the United States.
Muchos de los trabajadores tienen hijos nacidos en los Estados Unidos.
Gabriel, Clarissa, and Miguel, and this is Maria and Silvio Gomez and their American-born daughter, Betty.
Gabriel, Clarissa y Miguel, y estos son María y Silvio Gómez y su hija nacida en Estados Unidos, Betty.
For it is in giving that we receive, it is pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is dying that we are born To eternal life.
Porque es dando que recibimos, perdonando somos perdonados y muriendo es como obtenemos vida eterna.
♪ Born is the king ♪ When you've taken your vows, and you turn your back on The Light, You are a Denier.
Al haber tomado tus votos, y si le das la espalda a La Luz, eres un Negador.
I realise some people might think it's vulgar, but, Emily, we were born writing.
Entiendo que a alguna gente le parezca vulgar, pero, Emily, nacimos escribiendo.
Gerlando Nicotra, born 34 years ago in Vigata.
Gerlando Nicotra, nacido hace 34 años en Vigata.
Born in Bonn and is 29 years old.
casado con Inge Schneider hace cinco años.
When a person is born with what is typically perceived as both male and female sex organs.
Es cuando una persona ha nacido con lo que se conoce típicamente como ambos órganos sexuales, masculinos y femeninos.
What? I went to school in Hong Kong before you were born to be an engineer.
Y lo supe, en mi corazón, él era mío.
- Were you born in Marseille?
- ¿ Naciste en Marsella?
Barrès claims he was born on 25 February 1973 in Cavaillon.
Barrès afirma que nació el 25 de febrero de 1973 en Cavaillon.
Actually, he was born four months later in Châlons-en-Champagne.
En realidad, nació cuatro meses más tarde en Châlons-en-Champagne.
Lucas was born June'73 in Châlons-en-Champagne.
Lucas nació en junio de 1973 en Châlons-en-Champagne.
I mean, that's where I was born.
O sea, ahí fue donde nací.
The blues were born right here in the Mississippi delta.
Los blues nacieron aquí, en el delta del Mississippi.
Well, trust me, everyone, she was born to do this job.
Bueno, créanme todos, ella fue hecha para hacer este trabajo.
Live badly, and you'll suffer the consequences in your next life which may not be as a human, and the cycle repeats, living, dying, and being born again.
Sé malo y sufrirás las consecuencias en tu próxima vida... que podría no ser como humano, y el ciclo se repite, viviendo, muriendo y naciendo de nuevo.
I was born in Las Vegas, and I rode dirt bikes.
Nací en Las Vegas, y he usado motos de Cross.
One that was just being born.
Una que acababa de nacer.
You were born in a country of Mahabharat and Ramayana!
Naciste en la tierra del Ramayana y Mahabharata.
And if some no-good shepherd swoops you away... then what's the point of being born in such a high-class family?
Si un pastor vagabundo te roba de mí, entonces ¿ cuál es el propósito de haber nacido en una familia real?
♪ Jesus your King is born ♪
Jesús tu Señor ha nacido
♪ Jesus is born ♪
Jesús ha nacido
Were you born this way, or did some ex-boyfriend turn you into a man hating bitch?
¿ Naciste así, o es que algún ex-novio te convirtió en una perra que odia a los hombres?
- ♫ I was born already nailed to the cross ♫
Genial. ♪ ♪
I was born here in America, and I went to elementary school in South Korea.
Yo naci en América y fui a la primaria en Corea del Sur.
He was born and bred.
Nació y creció allá.
Care to Celebrate? - Do you know where the restaurant is in Born.
¿ Podemos quedar en el restaurante "La cigüeña"?
Do you remember being born?
¿ Recuerdas haber nacido?
You know... I was born a nightcrawler.
Señor, la cosa es que, nací siendo un merodeador.
Born to lie, you're truly filthy
- Eres sucio como una ortiga Uno cuyas intenciones están manchadas
Born to lie, you're truly filthy so filthy!
- Eres sucio como una ortiga Cuyas intenciones están manchadas
Uh, well, he took off before I was born, so, all I know about him is he makes really great decisions.
Bueno, se largó antes de que naciera, así que lo único que sé de él es que toma muy buenas decisiones.
When Mario was born, I promised my wife that he would never be part of our thing.
Cuando Mario nació, prometí a mi esposa que nunca sería parte de nuestras fechorías.

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