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But i didn't do anything traduction Espagnol

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But I didn't do anything wrong. Don't these slaves die every day, one way or another?
Pero no tengo ninguna culpa. ¿ Acaso estos esclavos no mueren cada día, de una forma o de otra?
I didn ´ t do anything, but Ken hit me.
No he hecho nada, pero Ken me pegó.
But, Professor, I didn't do anything.
Pero, Profesor, yo no he hecho nada.
But you realize I didn't have anything to do with it, Joan.
No tengo nada que ver con ello, Joan.
But... but I didn't do anything.
Pero - Pero no hice nada.
I told you how charming and how lovely you were and I'd still repeat it, but I didn't do anything.
Le dije lo encantadora y hermosa que era... y volvería a repetirlo, pero no hice nada.
I was here this morning, but I didn't have anything to do with - with that.
Estuve esta mañana, pero no tengo nada que ver con eso.
But I didn't have anything to do with it.
Pero no tuve nada que ver con eso.
Well, I didn't do anything wrong. I mean, my conscience is clear, But if an apology would fix...
Tengo la conciencia tranquila, pero, si una disculpa...
- But I didn't do anything.
¡ Pero no he hecho nada!
It didn't do anything to me. But him... I think he's badly hurt.
a mi no me hizo nada, pero a él, creo que está muy mal.
I'm as guilty as he is, not for anything I did, but for what I didn't do.
Soy tan culpable como él. No por mis acciones, sino por lo que no hice.
I didn't have the nerve to say anything, but I'm going to do it, Philippe.
No tuve valor para decirle nada, pero voy a hacerlo, Philippe.
But I swear to you, I didn't do anything.
Pero le juro que yo no he hecho nada.
- You didn't do anything, but I did.
- Tú nada, pero yo sí.
- But I didn't do anything.
- Yo no hice nada.
But I didn't do anything.
Yo no he hecho nada.
Why, uh, yes, I was, but I didn't have anything to do with the Wiecek case.
Sí, pero no tuve nada que ver con el caso Wiecek.
- Ya lo sabes.
But, I didn't do anything... Not even a fountain...
Yo quería decirte que no he apañado ni siquiera una fuente...
But I didn't do anything!
- ¡ Si no he hecho nada!
But I didn't do anything!
Te ha tratado bien. Pero no hice nada.
A few more times around, this is going to be a pretty lively story. But I didn't do anything!
Cuéntala más veces y será una historia muy jugosa.
I didn't do anything. But you make it sound as though I did.
No, yo no hice nada pero usted hace parecer que lo hice.
Poseyon, but I didn't do anything.
Poseyon, pero no tengo nada que ver.
This night I didn't do anything but ask her to forgive me, all night long.
Esta noche no he hecho otra cosa que pedirle perdón continuamente. ¡ Vamos!
I did, I am, I told them you didn't have anything to do with me but they wouldn't listen.
Es lo que hago, se lo dije, pero no quisieron escucharme.
I wanted to learn, but the monkey didn't do anything...
Yo quería aprender, pero el simio no hacía nada...
- But I didn't do anything.
- Pero yo no hice nada.
A friend suggested going, but I didn't do anything.
Un amigo quiso que fuéramos, pero no hice nada.
I'm not here to accuse anyone... but I didn't do anything wrong either, to be beaten up like that.
No vine aquí para acusar a nadie, pero tampoco... he hecho nada para que me golpearan como me golpearon.
But I didn't do anything bad,
Yo no he hecho nada malo.
- But I didn't do anything!
- ¡ Pero yo no he sido!
I know it was our first date and I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me, but... Well, I guess it's only natural for a fellow to try to get a little fresh with a girl and make a pass at her but you didn't do anything.
Fue nuestra primera cita y no quiero que tengas la impresión equivocada de mí... pero supongo que es natural que un chico se ponga un poco fresco con una chica... y le tire un lance.
But I didn't do anything.
Pero no hice nada.
I'm as guilty as he is- - not for anything I did, but for what I didn't do.
Soy tan culpable como él. No por el hecho material sino por no haberle desengañado.
I've punished the traitor But I freed his family Because they didn't do anything wrong
Yo he castigado al traidor pero liberé a su familia por que no habían hecho nada malo.
They take advantage of me, they always blame me, but I didn't do anything!
Ellos se aprovechan de mí, siempre me culpan,... pero yo no hice nada.
I didn't do anything, but I know who caused it all.
No hice nada, pero sé quién lo empezó todo.
Terumichi had become grandfather's secretary in Tokyo... wand that was probably one of the reasons that I left Tokyo Terumichi was promoted to so-called secretary, but in fact, he didn't do anything... except reading thick tomes
Cuando Terumichi se hizo secretario del abuelo, aunque se decía que sólo leía libros, quise marcharme de Tokio.
Everybody's after me, but I didn't do anything.
Todo el mundo me persigue, pero no he hecho nada.
But I didn't do anything.
No ha sido nada.
- But I didn't do anything!
- ¡ Pero yo no hice nada!
- But I didn't do anything! I was framed!
¡ Me tendieron una trampa!
I didn't have anything to do with that... and you know it, but I warned you.
Espera. No tuve nada que ver con eso... y lo sabes, pero te lo advertí.
I've always tried to be honest and not to do anything I didn't believe in deep down inside, but now I know you can't exist without taking advantage of people, even of those you love more then anyone else.
Siempre he tratado de serte honesto y de no hacer nada que pudiera herirte. Pero ahora sé que no se puede vivir sin aprovecharse de alguien incluso de la gente a la que se ama más que a otra cosa en el mundo.
But I'm not sick, I didn't do anything.
Pero no estoy enferma, no he hecho nada.
- But I didn't do anything!
- ¡ Pero no hice nada!
I didn't do anything heroic, but I did get her out of Sicily.
No hice nada heroico, pero logré sacarla de Sicilia.
But I didn't expect you to do anything.
Pero no esperaba que hiciese nada.
But I didn't do anything, she just showed me around, that's all.
Pero no hicimos nada, ella sólo me daba un paseo, es todo.

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