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But i didn't kill her traduction Espagnol

163 traduction parallèle
I didn't kill Roberta but when she fell in the water, I could have saved her.
Yo no maté a Roberta pero cuando ella se cayó en el agua, podría haber salvado.
But I didn't kill her.
Pero no la maté.
Those are Miss Dean's jewels all right, but I didn't kill her.
Sí. Son las joyas de la Srta. Dean, pero yo no la maté.
But I-I didn't kill her!
- Pero yo no la maté.
But I didn't kill her for money but because she was wailing on Jean.
Pero no la maté por el dinero sino por que estaba matando a palos a Jean.
We were at that lunch counter but I didn't kill her.
Estuvimos en aquel restaurante... pero yo no la maté.
But, honest, Skip, I didn't think he'd kill her.
Pero créeme, Skip, no creí que la mataría.
You say you didn't kill her and I believe you but...
Dices que no la mataste y te creo, pero...
No doubt I had every reason to, but I didn't kill her.
Motivos no me faltaban, pero no la maté yo.
But I didn't kill her.
¡ Pero no la maté!
But, I didn't kill her, right?
Pero, no la he matado, ¿ verdad?
But I didn't kill her!
Pero no la maté.
But as I understand, you didn't believe her, because this wasn't the first time she telephoned you threatening to kill herself.
Pero tengo entendido que no la creyó,... porque no era la primera vez que le llamaba amenazando con matarse.
I didn't mean to kill her, but she was driving me crazy.
No quería matarla, pero me estaba volviendo loco.
Mrs. Fletcher, I want desperately to believe that Howard didn't kill her. But he was so furious when he saw me here -
Sra. Fletcher, quiero creer que Howard no la mató... pero se puso tan furioso al verme aquí...
[Sighs] I know how this sounds. But I didn't kill her.
Sé que no me creen, pero yo no la maté.
If that's a motive, I plead guilty, but I didn't kill her.
Si eso es un motivo, soy culpable. Pero yo no la maté.
I have no lover to vouch for me but I didn't kill her.
No tengo un amante que responda por mí, pero no la maté.
But I didn't kill her.
Pero yo no la maté.
I didn't ask you to kill her, but you were smart!
No te pedí que la mataras, pero fuiste inteligente.
Everything you say is true, but I didn't kill her.
Todo cuanto dice es cierto. Pero... yo no la maté...
I didn't wanna kill her, but she pulled a gun on me.
No quería matarla, pero me apuntó con un arma.
I didn't want to kill her... but since you talked to her, she knew too much.
No quería matarla pero, como anduvisteis de charla, ahora sabe demasiado.
I didn't kill Diane but I can understand how someone in love with her feels.
Yo no maté a Diane, pero entiendo qué se siente estando enamorado de ella.
That bomb didn't just kill him. I mean, it killed her, too, in the head, but slowly.
Quiero decir que la mató a ella también, en la cabeza, pero lentamente.
But I didn't kill her if that's what you're thinking.
Pero no la maté, si es lo que está pensando.
I may not have shed any tears when I heard she was dead, but I didn't kill her.
Puede que no derramase lágrimas cuando me enteré, pero yo no la maté.
Yeah, but I didn't kill her.
Sí, pero no la maté.
I did the nasty with her, yeah, but I didn't kill her family.
Hice lo sucio con ella, si, pero no maté a su familia.
kaye screamed at me a lot, that's for sure but I didn't kill her.
Kaye me gritó mucho, eso es seguro pero no la maté.
I didn't want to kill her but I had to.
No quería matarla, pero tuve que hacerlo.
I slept with her, but I didn't kill her. WILLOWS : Huh.
Me acosté con ella, pero no la maté.
But I'll tell you what didn't kill her...
Pero le diré qué no la mató : ¡ el cigarrillo!
Y'all beat the hell out of that woman. But you didn't kill her. And I put a bullet in her head.
Todas ustedes hicieron lo imposible, pero no la mataron y yo le metí una bala en la cabeza, pero su corazón siguió latiendo.
You went with it because you didn't want to see him kill her and you knew he wouldn't do it but I was shocked by him thinking that way, "An experiment."
Te dejabas llevar, porque no querías que la matara... Y sabías que no lo haría. Pero me impactó que pensara así : " "Un experimento" ".
I know you didn't kill her, but you're involved and I wanna know how.
Ya sé que no lo hizo pero está involucrado, y quiero saber como.
No one hated him more than me, but I didn't kill him. No, no, you can't take her.
Nadie lo odiaba más que yo, pero yo no lo maté.
I might've called her too much, but I certainly didn't kill her by phone.
Tal vez la llamé demasiado, pero no por eso la asesiné.
I didn't have the guts to kill her, but it's the result that counts.
No tuve valor para matarla, lo reconozco, pero el resultado es lo que cuenta.
I hated her, but I didn't kill her.
Yo la odiaba, pero no la asesiné.
The crew Tosha was running with, maybe they didn't kill her, but if they don't tell me the true story, I guarantee they won't breathe a free breath until them cicadas come back.
Puede que la gente con la que estaba Tosha no la matara, pero si ellos no me dicen la verdad, les garantizo que no los dejaremos tranquilos.
Look, say what you want, but I didn't kill her.
Mire, puede decir lo que quiera pero yo no la maté.
Okay, so, yes, I know her, but I didn't kill her.
Está bien, la conocía, pero no la maté.
But I swear to you both, I didn't, I couldn't kill her.
Pero les juro que no... No podría haberla matado.
She came here, but I didn't kill her!
Vino aquí, ¡ pero no la maté!
But I didn't kill her.
Yo no la maté.
We may have proved that I didn't kill her but we're not finished, not by a long shot.
Hemos probado que yo no la maté, pero no hemos acabado, ni de lejos.
You won't believe me, but I didn't come to town to kill her.
No va a creerme, pero no vine a la ciudad para matarla.
I didn't kill her... but it did put my total at 157.
Yo no la maté... pero eso puso mi total en 157.
I know you didn't technically kill her but... she's dead all the same because of you.
Se que tecnicamente no la mataste pero... igualmente está muerta por tu culpa.
But I didn't kill her.
Pero no... la maté.

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