But that's not you traduction Espagnol
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I suppose you could challenge him to fight you man to man, but I think we can both agree that's not going to end well for anyone.
Supongo que podría desafiarlo a pelear de hombre a hombre pero creo que ambos podemos estar de acuerdo en que no acabará bien para nadie.
Well, not business-wise, but I think, between you and I... I don't think that's really going too good at all.
Bueno, no en términos de negocios, pero, entre tú y yo no creo que esté yendo bien en absoluto.
But that's not what happened you see,'cause I went all mental
Pero no pasó eso, porque me volví loco
I mean, look, we can do your security, right, that's not a problem, you know, but we don't want to work for you.
Podemos encargarnos de la seguridad, no hay problema. Pero no queremos trabajar para ustedes.
Normally I'd attach a heart monitor, but since that's not an option, you're just gonna have to keep her awake.
Normalmente la conecto a un monitor de corazón, pero como esa no es una opción, tendrás que mantenerla despierta.
It's impressive, but... - We are hardly even. - No, that's not what you said...
Sí, fue impresionante, pero no ajustamos las cuentas.
You may have trouble believing that, but he's not.
Puedes tener problemas creyendo eso, pero no lo es.
I get that you guys are different, and that's fine, but she's not a terrible person.
Entiendo que son diferentes, y eso está bien, pero ella no es una persona terrible.
I'm all but a scrooge! You know that money's not all for me!
Soy todo un tacaño. ¡ Sabes que ese dinero no es sólo para mí!
You're building something that's exactly the same as what I've already built, except with you instead of me, but that's not possible now, Richard.
Estas construyendo algo que es exactamente lo mismo que ya está construido. Excepto contigo en mi lugar, pero eso no es posible ahora, Richard.
Just so you know, it's not that we didn't think of you, but unfortunately, there's really nothing that you'd be right for.
Quiero que sepas, que no es que no hayamos pensado en ti, pero por desgracia no hay ningún papel que encaje contigo.
Now I'm not sure if there's an official gangsta handbook, but I'm dead certain that if there was one, it would frown heavily upon you recording conversations with your gangsta friends.
Ahora no estoy seguro de si hay un funcionario manual gangsta, pero estoy seguro de muertos que si había uno, sería ceño pesadamente sobre que la grabación de las conversaciones con tus amigos gangsta.
But that's not why I married you.
Pero eso es no ¿ por qué me casé contigo.
That book might engender a couple of unpleasant months for you here, raise a couple of uncomfortable questions, but what it will not do is affect the outcome of Flint's trial.
Ese libro podría engendrar un par de meses desagradables para usted, plantear un par de preguntas incómodas, pero lo que no va a conseguir es afectar al resultado del juicio de Flint.
But once you do, then you have peace and you realize that god's not to blame.
Pero cuando lo sepas, tendrás paz y notarás que Dios no tiene la culpa.
And you can fool yourself into thinking that quitting's an option, but it's not.
Y puedes seguir engañándote pensando que renunciar es una opción, pero no lo es.
But I've learned that family is not what you're born with, it's what you choose.
Pero he aprendido que la familia no es lo que se nace, que es lo que usted elija.
But if you're thinking that, it's because you're not familiar with M-19.
Pero si piensan eso, es porque no conocen al M-19.
It's not too challenging of a climb, but it's a beautiful hike, it's perfect for those of you that have small children with you.
No es muy difícil de subir, pero es una hermosa caminata. Es perfecta para quienes tienen niños pequeños con ustedes.
That's when you feel like this guy really has his finger on the pulse of, not only just audience response, but the world in general, that the world was ready for a film like that.
Y ahí es cuando realmente sentís que este tipo la tiene atada. No sólo por la respuesta del público, si no por la del mundo en general. El mundo estaba listo para una película como ésta.
She knows that you're her son, but it's not like she knows the rest of it or that she ever has to find out.
Ella sabe que eres su hijo, pero no le gustaría conocer el resto o lo que incluso pueda averiguar.
Simone... I know you didn't have a mother, So I don't blame you for this but pasta and pizza, and badly prepared to boot that's not done.
Simone... No sabía que no tenías una madre, así que no te culpo por esto... Pero pasta y pizza, y mal preparadas para colmo...
But if I teach you how to grow and you do all the work, that's not illegal for me.
Pero si te enseño a sembrar y haces el trabajo, yo no hago nada ilegal. ¿ Me entiendes?
Mom just expressed it to grandma that its fun if two brother's are married to two sisters but its not that she didn't love you when you came...
Mamá solo le expresaba a la abuela eso. Es divertido si dos hermanos se casan con dos hermanas. Pero no es que ella no quizó cuando llegaste.
But I'll tell you what's not fine, Mr. Kelly, and that's the The regulation is exactly six feet and you were at five and a half. Dumpster.
Pero le diré lo que no esta bien, Sr. Kelly, y es el basurero.
I'm sorry if you don't think I don't deserve to be with somebody like him, but that's not for you to say.
Lo siento si no crees que merezca estar con alguien como él, pero eso no lo tienes que decidir tú.
But that's not who you're fucking, is it?
Pero no es a quien te estás jodiendo, ¿ verdad?
Look, I appreciate everything that you guys have done for me, but even if I put in the time and the money to refurbish this trash heap, it's not gonna change the fact that no respectable people live in this part of town anymore.
Mirad, agradezco todo lo que habéis hecho por mí, pero aunque pusiera tiempo y dinero para restaurar este vertedero, eso no va a cambiar el hecho de que ninguna persona respetable vive ya aquí.
If you want to have it out with Chick, that's fine, but not like that.
Si quieres salir con Chick, está bien, pero no así.
But if you think that the grass is greener, believe me, it's not.
Pero si piensas que el césped es más verde, créeme, no lo es.
But, I mean, maybe that's not what's gonna happen to you.
Pero, quiero decir, tal vez eso no es lo que va a pasar a ti.
I mean, not good that she's sick, but good that you weren't lying, and I hope that she feels better, and I hope that you both know not to mess with me.
No que tu mamá esté enferma, pero está bien que no me hayas mentido. Espero que ella se recupere, y que ustedes dos sepan que no deben meterse conmigo.
Ok, that's fine. But he's not with you. He's with her.
Está bien, pero él no está contigo.
Oh, that's interesting you fucking tell her about this shit but not about me and you.
Es interesante que le cuentes sobre ella, pero no sobre tú y yo.
But I warn you, that's not for sissies.
No es para maricas.
- I do not want to see you! But that's no use, dammit!
¡ Estás enferma, quiero que te vayas!
Not that you're not worthy, but Mario's always been trigger happy. You're all invited to the opening night.
No es por quitar mérito, pero Mario siempre ha sido de gatillo rápido.
You say you're not afraid of anything but that's bullshit.
Que no tienes miedo de nada y una mierda.
I think it'll probably suck, but I just always try to work outside my comfort zone'cause that's the only way you grow, but I'm not a real writer like you.
Seguramente será horrible... pero siempre salgo de mi zona de confort para crecer... pero no soy escritora como tú.
I'm not mad at Adam, but if I was, it'd probably be because he's deceitful and because he didn't tell me he was in love with someone else, if that's even a word you two are using.
No estoy molesta con Adam, pero si estuviera... sería porque es deshonesto... y no me dijo que estaba enamorado de otra persona... si están usando esa palabra.
I don't know how you do things in Georgia, but in Boston, that's not very funny.
No sé cómo hacen Uds. en Georgia, pero en Boston, eso no es muy gracioso.
Yeah, I-I know you believe in all that eternal salvation mumbo jumbo, but there's not a chance in hell this is happening.
Sí, sé que tú crees en todas esas tonterías acerca de la salvación eterna, pero no hay ni una maldita posibilidad de que esto ocurra.
Well, I know I'm only a civilian and not official police like you, but it's obvious to me that what Backstrom needs is a lover.
Bueno, sé que sólo soy una civil y no una policía como tú, pero me parece obvio que lo que Backstrom necesita es una amante.
There are other versions of you that might have had a chance, but there's only one swordsman my equal, and you are not him.
Hay otras versiones de tí que podrían tener la oportunidad, pero sólo hay un espadachín como yo, y no lo eres.
I'm not saying that it's gonna be easy, but I am saying now is the time for you and I to relax and have fun...
No digo que vaya a ser fácil, pero lo que sí te digo es que es hora de que tú y yo nos relajemos y nos divirtamos...
You know, we'll keep in touch, but it's not gonna be the same, and I think that we've all had enough group hugs that can last us a lifetime.
Bueno, seguiremos en contacto, pero no será lo mismo, y creo que hemos tenido abrazos de grupo suficientes que nos pueden durar toda la vida.
You know, I seen you on a few things, I never really laugh, I'm always like, oh, shit, there's Louie, but it's not like I really think it's funny, and you know, that's not a criticism, you know?
Ya sabes, te he visto algunas veces, y nunca me río de verdad, siempre pienso, joder, ese es Louie, pero no es que crea que eres realmente gracioso, y ya sabes, eso no es una crítica, ¿ sabes?
Shosh, that's so sweet of you to say. I appreciate it, but I'm actually not talking about you right now.
Shosh, eso es muy dulce de tu parte, te lo agradezco, pero en realidad no me refería a ti ahora mismo.
Yeah, well, that's not the general opinion these days, but thank you...
Sí, bueno, no es lo que me dicen hoy en día, pero gracias...
I know, when you were in high school, being gay was how you primarily identified yourself, but that's not my thing.
Sé que cuando estabas en el instituto ser gay era con lo que te identificabas principalmente pero eso no es lo mío.
Well, that's not why I did it, but I know it makes you happy.
Bueno, no lo hice por eso, pero sé que te hace feliz.
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the thing 39
but that's not true 78
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's not the point 136
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the thing 39
but that's not true 78
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's not the point 136