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But you're not gonna like it traduction Espagnol

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I'm not supposed to give advice, Mr Doniac,..... but I advise you to get your lawyer down here right away,..... because it sounds to me like you're gonna be in serious trouble.
No se supone que yo de consejos, Sr. Doniac... pero le aconsejo que se consiga un abogado ahora mismo... porque me parece que usted se está metiendo en serios problemas.
I know you think this is all a joke, but you're gonna listen to me whether you like it or not.
Se cree que es una broma, pero me va a oír le guste o no.
You're not gonna like it, but we managed to locate Whitcomb.
No te va a gustar, hemos localizado a Whitbomb.
Well, we're gonna get married. I-I mean it-it's not like I don't wanna go with you, but...
Nos casaremos, no es como si no quisiera ir contigo.
Look, I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I got problems and if you're not gonna be part of the solution, just don't give me a hard time about it, all right?
Lamento que no le agrade, pero tengo problemas. ¡ Y Ud. No ayudará a solucionarlos, entonces, deje de molestarme!
- Yeah, it would be great if you could sort of be down about things, but still be all right with it, like finally accept the fact that you're gonna feel bad most of the time and not fight it.
- Sí, sería genial estar deprimido por algo, pero aceptarlo con calma, aceptar el hecho que de casi siempre te vas a sentir mal y no vas a hacer nada.
- that we're having. - It's not supposed to be. You think I should date black men, but I'm gonna date who I like.
Creéis que debería salir con negros, pero salgo con quien me gusra.
Yes I do! But you're not gonna like it.
Si la tengo, pero no le va a gustar.
But I'm gonna say something you're not gonna like. Watch it.
Pero diré algo que no le va a gustar.
This is something you need to know, but you're not gonna like it.
Hay algo que debe saber, pero que no le hará gracia.
Yeah, but it's not like you're gonna be nude or anything.
No es como si estuvieras desnuda.
Yeah, there is, but you're not gonna like it.
- Sí, hay una... pero no te gustará.
Was it like a I'm-not-gonna-show-up-in-court laugh, or more of a nice-try - but-you're-not-getting-off laugh?
¿ Fue como una risa de no voy a ir al tribunal o más como una risa de buen intento pero no te servirá?
Yeah, well, faking a stroke is not exactly like, uh, an Olympic event, but I gotta tell ya, if you know they're gonna be stickin'pins in ya, and you know that there are gonna be guards 24 hours a day... just waitin'for you to screw up on the hustle, then you know it ain't good enough to be just... playin'possum.
Sí, bueno, fingir una apoplejía no es exactamente... un deporte olímpico, pero tengo que reconocerlo... si sabes que te van a clavar agujas... y sabes que tendrán guardias vigilándote las 24 horas esperando... a que metas la pata... entonces te das cuenta que no basta con hacerse el muerto.
You're not gonna like it, but I really believe it's the right thing.
No va a gustarles, pero de verdad creo que es lo correcto.
I'm not sure whether you're gonna like it or not, but it's about the clocking procedure.
No estoy seguro si les va a gustar o no, pero es acerca del procedimiento de registro de entrada y salida.
I know it may not seem like it now, but you're gonna find someone else.
Sé que no lo parece ahora, pero vas a encontrar a alguien.
All right, but you're not gonna like it.
Bueno, pero no te va a gustar.
Like you're gonna bullet straight to the top of the charts, with a bullet or a - a gun's gonna shoot a bullet, and I'm not familiar with the precise terminology, but it's working, right?
Como si fueramos a subir al top del hit parade, Como una bala, o... - una pistola que dispara balas,
Look, it's not like I don't think you're cute... but I'm just still hoping I'm gonna be the one that fucks Vince.
Mira, no es que no crea que eres mono... pero todavía espero ser la que se tire a Vince.
But you're not gonna like it.
Pero no va a gustarte.
But you're like, "Well, fuck it, she's so old, and she's not gonna change now."
Y piensas : "Bueno, al carajo, es muy vieja y ahora no va a cambiar".
But you're like, "Well, fuck it, she's so old, and she's not gonna change now." - Oh.
Y piensas : "Bueno, al carajo, es muy vieja y ahora no va a cambiar".
I think we got you your stay of execution, but you're not gonna like it much.
Encontramos algo para que suspendas la ejecución, pero no te va a gustar mucho.
But I'm not gonna make it easy on you... and sometimes you're not gonna like me for it.
Pero no te lo voy a hacer fácil y a veces no te agradaré por eso.
Lana, if you want me to be honest with you, I will, but you're not gonna like it.
Lana, si quieres que sea honesto con tigo, lo seré, pero no te va a gustar
As a matter of fact, I do. But you're not gonna like it.
De hecho, sí pero no le va a gustar.
It's not a bike or a cowboy hat, but you're gonna like this, I hope.
No es una bicicleta ni sombrero de vaquero, pero te gustará, espero.
Now you're not gonna like this, Sofia, but you are a very unhappy person, and I don't think it's good for Oliver.
Esto no te gustaría, Sofia pero eres una persona muy infeliz y no creo que sea bueno para Oliver.
- Yes, she is. But she is gonna be wearing... It looks like a button if you're not really...
Pero ella va a usar... parece un botón pero en realidad...
Well, I can tell you... but you're probably not gonna like it.
Bueno, puedo decírtelo, pero probablemente no te va a gustar.
Well, here's the deal, and you're not gonna want to hear this, so it's gonna sound like piss-poor parenting, but if you're lucky, never.
Así es la cosa y no querrás oírla, parecerá que soy un padre de mierda pero si tienes suerte, nunca.
Yeah, but you're not gonna like it as much as you think you are.
Si... - Pero no te va a gustar, tanto como crees...
Don't get me wrong, a piece of paper that tells me whether or not I'm gonna get lucky, you're not gonna say anything bad about, but... it's... it's like... watching a tape of a football game,
No me mal interpretes, un pedazo de papel que me dirá con quien tenga suerte pero.. es como..
Yeah, but you're not gonna like it.
But you're not gonna like it.
Pero no te gustará.
Okay, listen, I'm gonna tell you something and you're not gonna like it, but we can say anything in here, right?
De acuerdo, escucha, voy a decirte algo... y no te va a gustar... - pero podemos decir lo que sea aquí, ¿ no?
There is a choice two, but you're not gonna like it.
Hay una opción 2, pero no te va a gustar.
I'll make a motion but you're not gonna like it.
Yo haré la moción, pero no va a gustarte.
But, you know, if you're not gonna let it go and you're gonna feel like you've been so shafted, then just, you know, go ahead and take it.
Pero, sabes, si no lo dejas ir y te vas a sentir como si te hubieran jodido tanto, entonces solo, tu sabes, llévatela.
Gary, I don't want you to overreact, but I need you to do something for me, and you're not gonna like it.
Gary, no quiero que exageres, pero necesito que hagas algo por mí, y no te va a gustar.
It's not like it's okay, but you're not gonna be hooked.
No es que esté bien, pero no te vas a enganchar.
I got him, but you're not gonna like it.
Lo tengo, pero no te vá a gustar.
I have an idea, but you're not gonna like it.
Tengo una idea, pero no os va a gustar.
I mean, don't get me wrong, Sandy's a cool chick but it's not like you're gonna marry her.
Sandy es una chica genial pero no es como si te fueras a casar con ella
But what I'm about tell you is gonna sound like the craziest thing in the world, because it is. And I know you're not gonna believe me, because nobody believes me. But I need you to believe, Eli.
Pero lo que voy a contarte va a sonarte como la cosa más loca del mundo porque lo es y sé que no vas a creerme porque nadie me cree pero necesito que me creas.
Look, you're not gonna like it, but I gotta say, in answer to all three questions, it's not your problem anymore.
mira, no te va a gustar, pero voy a decirlo, en respuesta a todas estas tres preguntas. no es tu problama mas.
It's gonna make you feel better, it's gonna feel like you're doing the right thing But you're not, it's selfish
Parecerá que estás haciendo lo correcto, pero no es verdad.
I just like boobs. But you're not gonna do it anymore.
- Me gustan las tetas.
I have a plan, but you're not gonna like it.
Tengo un plan, pero no te gustará.
But you're not gonna like it.
Pero no te va a gustar.

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