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But you don't believe me traduction Espagnol

653 traduction parallèle
Well, I like you for saying that, but I don't believe you.
Me agrada que diga eso, pero no le creo.
I know you don't follow Arsenal but they're a good bet, believe me.
No entiendo. - No, pero es una buena apuesta. Creanme.
You'll pardon me, but I don't believe a word you're saying.
Me perdonará, pero no creo ni una palabra de lo que dice.
But... you don't believe me?
Pero... ¿ no me crees?
Keep an eye on him for me but don't believe everything that he tells you
¿ Qué tal, chico? Vigílamelo, y no te creas todo lo que te cuente.
You don't have to believe Steve if you don't want to, but believe me, this is California.
No tienes que creer a Steve si no lo deseas, pero creéme a mi, esto es California.
- I don't know what Vanda told you... but believe me, she's not a bad person.
Pero créame, no es mala.
I believe you, and I'm very flattered, but I don't want to marry you.
Te creo, y me halaga, pero no quiero estar casada contigo.
Dr. Judd, I know you don't believe me, but you must be careful.
Dr. Judd, sé que usted no me cree, pero debe tener cuidado.
- You know a lot of things... but when you speak about home, you don't know me, believe me.
- Sabes muchas cosas. Pero cuando hablas de un hogar, no me conoces, créeme.
It doesn't matter to me if you don't believe me, but I'd like to give you one last chance.
Si no me cree, me da igual, pero le daré una última oportunidad.
Bien, sí que suena raro pero créame, señor, lo sé.
I don't expect you to believe me, but it's the truth.
No espero que me crea,... pero es la verdad.
Of course, I don't believe a word you said, but I'm awfully glad you said it.
Claro que no creo nada de lo que habéis dicho. Pero me alegro de que lo hayáis dicho.
I know you don't believe me and you're trying valiantly to humor me... but I'm going to prove it to you.
Sé que no lo crees y que intentas seguirme la corriente... pero, voy a demostrártelo.
You look at me as though you don't believe it, but I know I'm right.
Me miras incrédula, pero sé que tengo razón.
I don ´ t know how to make you believe it, but- - l ´ m Terpsichore, the Grecian goddess and I came down from Mt.
No sé si me van a creer, pero... Soy Terpsícore, la diosa griega y he venido del Monte Parnaso para...
I understand how you feel and I don't blame you... but believe me, it's blotted out of her mind.
Entiendo lo que siente y no se lo reprocho, pero créame, lo ha borrado de su mente.
Mary, you won't believe this, but I don't know how those glasses got in here, but I'm glad you found them.
Mary, no creerás esto, pero no sé cómo esas gafas entraron aquí, pero me alegra que las hayas encontrado.
I don't expect you to believe me but these few last months have been getting me down almost as much as they have you.
No me creerás, pero estos meses me han deprimido tanto como a ti.
- But because I'm colored, you don't believe me.
- Como soy de color, no me cree.
You had every right, but don't ask me to believe you've ever regarded me as a part of you.
Pero no me pidas que crea que siempre me consideraste parte de ti.
Right now I don't know anything about you but believe me, within 24 hours I will.
Ahora mismo, yo no sé nada de ti, pero, créeme, en 24 horas lo sabré.
I don't want to jeopardize your deal with Rohmer, Inspector, believe me but this job is proposed on the basis of a complete and perfect disappearance and all we want from you is a policeman's uniform.
No quiero poner en la picota el trato que has hecho con Rohmer, créeme, pero este trabajo se basa en una completa y perfecta desaparición. Todo lo que te pedimos es un uniforme de policía.
But I am. If you don't believe me, my chauffeur is outside. Ask him.
Claro que lo soy, si no me cree pregúntele a mi chofer...
I don't suppose you'll believe this, but he told me this morning he liked you very much.
Supongo que no me creerá, pero esta mañana me dijo que usted le gustaba mucho.
- You don't believe me... any of you. But it's true.
No me creéis, pero es verdad.
But if you don't believe me, let's end it.
Lo sé muy bien. Pero si no me crees, dejémoslo como está y se acabó.
Well you're going to hear. I don't care what you think of me, but you must believe that I know their kind.
- Pues seguirás oyendo. No importa lo que piensen de mí, pero conozco a esta clase de hombres.
I don't think you'll believe it, but I wouldn't have missed this boat trip. Not for anything.
No sé si te lo creerás, pero no me habría perdido esta travesía por nada del mundo.
I believe you, Warden, but I don't trust your screws.
Conflo en usted, Alcaide, pero no me fío de los guardias.
I was moved too, but I don't believe you! Let me see!
¡ Pero no te creo, déjame ver!
Fine words. I was moved too, but I don't believe you!
La chica también me conmovió a mí.
But confidentially, between you and me, I don't believe a word of it.
Pero, aquí entre nosotros, no creo ni una palabra.
But of course, you don't believe me.
Pero por supuesto no me creéis.
But you don't believe me...
Pero usted no me cree.
You don't believe me, but it was true.
No me crees, pero es verdad.
I don't know why you want me to believe you, but I believe you.
No sé por qué quieres que te crea, pero te creo.
But you don't believe me?
¿ Pero no me crees?
Dear Monsignore, you won't believe it, but the 7 0-80,000 lire..... I need to get a house, I don't have it!
Querido Monseñor, no me va a creer, pero aquellas 70-80.000 liras que necesito para entrar en una casa, no las tengo.
But I don't think you'd believe me anyway.
Pero no creo que me creyera.
I don't care whether you believe me, you know, for myself... but I'm tryin'to help you two kids.
A mí, personalmente, me da igual que me creas o no... pero estoy intentando ayudarlos a los dos. ¿ Qué quieres que te diga?
Póngalo en cualquier bebida, jugo, sopa, café, agua, lo que sea.
It's true, but you don't believe me.
Sí. No me cree, ¿ eh?
You think you're making a fool of me, but you are the fools.. you who don't believe that ghosts exist.
Creéis que me vais a tomar por el pito del sereno, pero los tontos... sois vosotros que no creéis que los fantasmas no existen.
But it's so funny, though, sometimes you'd never believe it, they call me Katharine, I don't even know it's my own name, I forget to answer.
A veces me llaman Katharine ¡ y se me olvida contestar!
I don't know if you're lying to me, or if you're insane and I don't really care any longer, but that man, I believe was in the car that's been following us.
No sé si me estás mintiendo, o si estás loca y realmente ya no me importa, pero ese hombre, creo que conduce el carro que nos sigue.
Commissioner, excuse me... but if you don't allow me to leave, I'll be in big trouble, believe me!
Comisario, discúlpeme... pero si no me deja marcharme, tendré problemas, créame.
But you're a doctor of divinity. Don't tell me you believe in them too.
Ud. es doctor en divinidad, ¿ no creerá en eso también?
I don't believe a word you've told me, but it's gonna make a hell of a column.
No me creo una palabra de lo que me ha dicho, pero va a valer para una columna fantástica.
Betsy, I don't blame you for feeling the way you do, but please believe me, everything's going to work out all right.
No te culpo por sentir lo que sientes. Pero, créeme, todo saldrá bien.

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