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Channing traduction Espagnol

836 traduction parallèle
Colonel and Mrs. Channing and Lady Eva Plumb.
El coronel y la señora Jailing. Lady Eva Plant.
Charles, I want you to meet Mr. Symonds and Mr. Channing.
Charles, quiero presentarte a los señores Symonds y Channing.
In order : Elizabeth Richardson, Eleanor Wwheatley... and Olivia Channing.
En orden, Elizabeth Richardson, Eleanor Weekly y Olivia Channing.
- ¿ Channing?
We are considering the report of the library committee. This strong feeling about the Channing family is not in order, unless it can be contained in a suitable resolution.
Considerando el informe del Comité de la Biblioteca, este sentimiento contra la familia Channing no es apropiado.
Councilor Morris. I move the full council instruct the library committee to remove from consideration the name of Olivia Channing.
Propongo que se sugiera al Comité de la Biblioteca que no tenga en consideración a Olivia Channing.
May I ask if our radical and somewhat tardy young councilor is familiar with the record of John Channing?
¿ Puedo preguntar si nuestro radical y algo tardío y joven consejero está familiarizado con los antecedentes de John Channing?
Then he's aware that Channing is a distasteful name in Browdley. And he will not deny that in the reorganization of the Channing mills in 1903, John Channing's behavior was reprehensible.
Pues sabrá que es un nombre desagradable para Browdley, y no negará que en la reorganización de las fábricas Channing en 1903, la conducta de John Channing fue censurable.
John Channing's behavior was not reprehensible, if that means what I think it does.
La conducta de John Channing no fue censurable, si eso significa lo que creo.
John Channing was a crook.
John Channing fue un ladrón.
I may be young, I may even be radical. But I fail to see what the fact that John Channing spent nearly 20 years of his life in jail has to do with the qualifications of his daughter, Olivia Channing, for giving out books at the library.
Quizá sea joven y quizá sea radical, pero no entiendo qué tiene que ver el hecho de que John Channing pasara casi veinte años en la cárcel, con la capacidad de su hija, Olivia Channing, para entregar libros.
Mr. Mayor, I take it that councilor Boswell has come here prepared to urge the appointment of miss Channing.
Sr. Alcalde, entiendo que el Consejero Boswell ha venido a apoyar a la Srta. Channing.
Miss Channing is considered beautiful, I've heard.
A la Srta. Channing se la considera bonita, ¿ verdad?
I'm Olivia Channing.
Soy Olivia Channing.
Another cup of tea, Annie, please. Miss Channing feels a bit faint.
La Srta. Channing se ha mareado.
Apparently miss Channing does.
Según parece, la Srta. Channing, sí.
I'm John Channing, Olivia's father.
Soy John Channing, el padre de Olivia.
Well, i... you didn't tell me you were so friendly with John Channing.
Bien, yo... No me dijiste que eras tan amigo de John Channing.
I'm afraid we shall have to do something about miss Channing.
- Sí. Tendremos que hacer algo respecto a la Srta. Channing.
Miss Channing?
¿ La Srta. Channing?
The account of the Channing trial.
La transcripción del juicio Channing.
The same bells tolled for both, and they were married in St. Luke's by the same rector who buried John Channing.
Las mismas campanas repicaban para ambos, y les casó el mismo pastor que había enterrado a John Channing.
How many cotton mills do you make it in Browdley since Channing closed?
¿ Cuántas fábricas de algodón hay en Browdley desde que Channing cerró?
Who's more responsible than the Channings?
¿ Quién es más responsable que los Channing?
Aye, the Channings, and with the blood and rent they squeezed from'em, you've got what decent schooling you ever had and what little respect.
Sí, los Channing. Y con su sangre y los alquileres que pagaban, tú recibiste una educación decente, y muy poco respeto.
Browdley added his marriage to the ugly Channing legend, and returned him to office again and again to continue his endless impatient battle against poverty and injustice.
Browdley añadió su matrimonio a la fea leyenda Channing. Y le votaron una y otra vez para que continuara con su interminable e impaciente batalla contra la pobreza y la injusticia.
That is the Channing blower, isn't it?
Es la sirena de Channing, ¿ verdad?
Olivia Channing.
Olivia Channing.
She won't be a Channing now, will she?
Aunque ahora no será una Channing, ¿ verdad?
Now, be a good lad, Channing, and off you go.
Sea un buen chico, Channing, y lárguese.
Half Channing, and that half better than any man you've got.
Soy medio Channing y ese medio es mejor que cualquiera de sus hombres.
And when the ancient, creaking machinery began to turn again, something of the old Channing tradition returned to Browdley.
Y cuando la vieja y chirriante maquinaria algo de la tradición Channing volvió a Browdley.
There's one reason Channing's was opened, and we know that, too.
Todos sabemos por qué han abierto las fábricas.
Where did you leave Olivia the night Channing was killed?
¿ Dónde dejaste a Olivia la noche que murió Channing?
Before she got up to the house, I had been talking to Channing about you.
Antes de que ella llegara a la casa, yo había hablado con Channing de ti.
Margo Channing is a star of the theatre.
Margo Channing es una estrella del teatro.
Six nights a week for weeks of watching even Margo Channing enter and leave a theatre.
Semanas enteras viendo a Margo Channing entrar y salir del teatro cada noche.
You're Margo Channing's best friend.
Es la mejor amiga de Margo Channing.
- Hello, Miss Channing.
- Hola, Srta. Channing.
- I'd like anything Miss Channing played in.
- Como cualquier obra de la Srta. Channing.
I think part of Miss Channing's greatness lies in her ability to pick the best plays.
La grandeza de la Srta. Channing está en su facilidad para elegir las mejores obras.
- Your new play is for Miss Channing, isn't it?
- Su nueva obra es para ella, ¿ verdad?
And then, one night, Margo Channing came to play in Remembrance, and I went to see it.
Entonces, una noche, Margo Channing vino a actuar en Recuerdo, y fui a verla.
Miss Channing?
¿ Margo Channing?
"Does Miss Channing know that she ordered domestic gin by mistake?"
"¿ Sabe la Srta. Channing que pidió ginebra nacional por error?".
Miss Channing?
¿ Srta. Channing?
The remains of Margo Channing... sitting up.
Los restos de Margo Channing... enderezada.
Miss Channing is ageless. Spoken like a press agent.
La Srta. Channing es eternamente joven.
Being here with Miss Channing has been a... I just can't say.
Estar aquí con la Srta. Channing ha sido... no puedo explicarlo.
- ¿ Olivia Channing?
Good-bye, Mr. Channing.
Adiós, Sr. Channing.

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