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Church traduction Espagnol

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The church is emptier than a syrup bottle after a pancake breakfast.
La iglesia está más vacía que una botella de sirope después un desayuno de panqueqeus.
That's for church.
Eso es para la iglesia.
Locked us in the church.
Nos encerró en la iglesia.
Definitely not Church's M.O.
Sin duda no es el modus operandi de Church.
Well, that had to be Church.
Bueno, tuvo que ser Church.
Mr. Church, I'm selling you enough ordinance to take over a country.
Sr. Church, estoy vendiéndole las armas suficientes para tomar un país.
Well, if Amertek is in bed with Church, then- -
Bueno, si Amertek ha hecho un trato con Church, entonces...
Leading us right to Janet Carroll and Mr. Church.
Dirigiéndonos directamente a Janet Carroll y al Sr. Church.
And why they'd be willing to unload their excess ordinance on Tobias Church.
Y por qué estaban dispuestos a vender el exceso de armas a Tobias Church.
You let Church almost kill you so that you could recruit Ragman?
¿ Dejaste que Church casi te matara para así poder reclutar a Ragman?
Tobias church.
Tobias Church.
What was his problem with church?
¿ Cuál era su problema con Church?
According to word on the street, church nearly killed you last week.
De acuerdo a lo que se dice en las calles, Church casi te mató la semana pasada.
You go bigger, you draw attention from Tobias church.
Si piensas en grande, vas a atraer la atención de Tobias Church.
I'm not afraid of church no more.
Ya no le tengo miedo a Church.
So we all get this treatment, and we take back this city from Tobias church!
Así que todos haremos este tratamiento, ¡ y recuperaremos esta ciudad de las manos de Tobias Church!
Speaking of which, I heard there was an arrest last night that may help in our case against Tobias Church.
Hablando de ello, he oído que anoche hubo un arresto que podría ayudarnos en nuestro caso contra Tobias Church.
Sergio Espinosa, long-time Los Halcones member turned Church strongman.
Sergio Espinosa, durante mucho tiempo miembro de Los Halcones convertido en matón de Church.
Do you think that you can get Espinosa to flip on Church?
¿ Crees que puedes conseguir que Espinosa nos diga lo que sabe de Church?
Why would Church send a guy to steal a computer chip that you could buy from any Tech Village store?
¿ Por qué querría Church enviar a un tipo a robar un chip de ordenador que podrías comprar en cualquier tienda de Tech Village?
Because knowing what Church's endgame was is like... it's like this thing that's still out there, lurking.
Porque saber cuál es el objetivo final de Church, es como... es como si esta cosa estuviera ahí fuera, al acecho.
Tobias Church happened.
Tobias Church es lo que ha pasado.
We want to figure out what Church is up to before it's too late.
Averigüemos que planea Church antes de que sea muy tarde.
Second, were you able to locate Church on your recon?
Segundo, ¿ has podido localizar a Church en tu reconocimiento?
We can't go after Church without knowing his endgame first.
No podemos ir tras Church sin saber cuál es objetivo.
You're cross-plotting. Church's prior locations into a projection algorithm.
Estás introduciendo las ubicaciones anteriores de Church en un algoritmo de proyección.
Based on Church's route, I'm calculating an 86 % likelihood he's going to 18 Mill Road.
Basándome en la ruta de Church, calculo un 86 por ciento de probabilidad de que se dirija al 18 de Mill Road.
Church is gonna take them out.
Church va a acabar con ellos.
I'm not rolling on Church.
No voy a delatar a Church.
Word on the street is is that Church's planning something, something big.
Dicen en las calles que Church está planeando algo, algo grande.
At least we definitely know where Church is now.
Al menos sabemos sin duda dónde está Church ahora.
Still inside, fighting Church.
Todavía está dentro, luchando contra Church.
Last handful of honest cops in this city, and Church nearly took them out along with me.
El último grupo de policías honestos que queda en toda la ciudad y Church casi los mata a todos junto conmigo.
So Church has him.
Entonces lo tiene Church.
Tobias Church... Where is he?
Tobias Church... ¿ dónde está?
Where's Church?
¿ Dónde está Church?
Church... address now!
¡ Church... ubicación... ya!
Too many cops on Church's dime keeping him 5 steps ahead, and with Conahan gone and Church's assault on the ACU, I'm thinking we got to bring more men into the fold.
Hay demasiados policías a los que Church les paga para mantenerlo cinco pasos por delante y con Conahan muerto y el asalto de Church a la UAC, creo que tenemos que traer más hombres al redil.
I thought Church would put up more of a fight.
Creí que Church daría más pelea.
Church didn't want to fight.
Church no quería pelear.
Evelyn and Rory are gonna watch Thea and Quentin in case Church tries to get me through them.
Evelyn y Rory van a vigilar a Thea y a Quentin en caso de que Church trate de llegar hasta mí a través de ellos.
Whoa. Wait. Doesn't a vote take a backseat to finding Church before he tells every criminal in the city who you are?
Espera. ¿ Qué ese voto no quedaría en segundo plano respecto a encontrar a Church antes que le diga a todos los criminales de la ciudad quién eres?
Church told Rene that he's planning something, something big enough to involve 5 cities.
Church le dijo a Rene que está planeando algo, algo lo suficientemente grande como para abarcar cinco ciudades.
So Church just gave up his master plan?
¿ Así que Church dijo en voz alta su plan maestro?
Church is trying to consolidate the drug trade through Star City, but he was waiting for the Green Arrow to be gone before he made his move.
Church está tratando de consolidar su tráfico de drogas a través de Star City, pero estaba esperando a que Green Arrow ya no estuviera antes de hacer su movimiento.
I don't know, maybe you saw something, heard something that can help us bring down Church.
No lo sé, tal vez viste algo o escuchaste algo que nos pueda ayudar a vencer a Church.
Church :
If you want to help us, if you want to give us anything that could bring down Church, I'm afraid you're gonna have to.
Si quieres ayudarnos, si quieres darnos cualquier cosa que nos ayude a derrotar a Church, me temo que tendrás que hacerlo.
Just until Church makes his big move.
Solo hasta que Church haga su gran jugada.
That's the one, and this Trust, I think it's the heads of the crime families that Church controls.
Ese es y este Trust, creo que son los líderes de las familias criminales que Church controla.

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