Come around traduction Espagnol
6,892 traduction parallèle
He'll come around.
El entenderá.
I'm glad you've come around.
Me alegra que hayas venido.
Los chicos son una molestia, pero valemos la pena.
Please come around.
¡ Recupera la cordura, por favor!
Then no, Rae, you can't just come around whenever you want.
No puede aparecer cualquier momento que desee.
And, you know, I really appreciate how you've come around to Rosalee and me.
Y, ya sabes, te agradezco realmente cómo te has comportado conmigo y con Rosalee.
No, but come around the back.
No, pero vamos por la parte trasera.
So come around there on the way to Russia. If you say that you will volunteer.
Cuando vayas a Rusia diles que viniste para ser voluntaria....
Look, leo, she'll come around.
- Mira, Leo, ella recapacitara.
I knew you'd come around.
Sabía que ella recapacitaría.
She come around when we were playing poker.
Ella venía cuando estábamos jugando al póker.
There's gonna be yelling, jaw flexing, obscure military references, but eventually, he'll come around.
Va a haber gritos, mandíbulas dobladas, referencias militares oscuras, pero eventualmente, entrará en razón.
I think that if you give Luke a little more time, he'll come around.
Creo que si le dan a Luke un poco más de tiempo, él lo considerará.
They asked me not to come around again for a while.
Me pidieron que no viniera por aquí de nuevo por un tiempo.
I knew you'd come around.
Sabía que aceptarías.
Guard's about to come around the bend, Caffrey.
El guardia está a punto de girar por la esquina, Caffrey.
Now and then some guys would come around.
Y, por ahí venía algún muchacho.
What's gonna happen when other hunks come around?
¿ Qué va a pasar cuando vengan otros hombres?
* And I've been waiting for this time * * To come around *
* Y he estado esperando este momento * * para acercarme *
- Oh. - I come around here quite a bit, so try not to murder anyone.
Vengo por aquí a menudo, así que procura no asesinar a nadie.
Maybe he's come around.
Tal vez ha cambiado de opinión.
He'll whine, he'll cry, he'll bitch, he'll moan, then he'll come around.
Se quejará, llorará, refunfuñará, gimoteará y después recapacitará.
You're all gonna split off into different rooms, start a dialogue, and I'll come around and make sure that you're communicating effectively.
Os vais a separar en diferentes habitaciones, iniciar un diálogo, y yo estaré alrededor y me aseguraré de que os comunicáis eficazmente
I saw a man with a wool hat come around the side carrying something heavy wrapped in a tarp.
Vi a un hombre con un gorro de lana que volvía al arcén y llevaba algo pesado envuelto en lona.
He'll - - he'll come around.
Ya... ya recapacitará.
I'll come around with Julien as soon as I track him down.
Volveré con Julien tan pronto como lo encuentre.
Turn him around. Come on.
Dale la vuelta, vamos.
You... come on, I'll show you around.
Vamos... te enseñaré todo esto.
Come on, ghouls, I'll show you around.
Vengan, monstruos. Los llevaré de visita.
Anyway, uh, we were just hoping we could come inside and take a look around.
En fin, solo esperábamos poder entrar y echar un vistazo.
So then Dad nails the Hitler fetus right in the head and the whole thing explodes! Wow! Klaus, that makes your story about thinking someone might've come to the door around 3 : 30 really boring.
Entonces papá las uñas del feto Hitler, la cabeza todo explotó! Klaus, que hace que tu historia trata de pensar en alguien que podría haber llegado a la puerta alrededor de las 3 : 30 realmente aburrido.
Wait. Why are there three in here? ♪ where I come from, we don't play around... ♪ 305!
Espera. ¿ Por qué hay tres aquí? ¡ 305!
I didn't come back from Afghanistan to follow a horse around with a broom.
No he venido de nuevo desde Afganistán seguir un caballo alrededor con una escoba.
What you can do is find Louis and have him come up with a way around this demand to look at our books.
Lo que puedes hacer se encuentra Louis y le han encontrar una manera alrededor de esta demanda mirar nuestros libros.
You really want me to radio her, have her turn the plane around, come all the way back?
¿ De verdad queréis que la llame, haga que el avión dé la vuelta, para venir?
Well, turn around and come home.
Bueno, date la vuelta y vuelve a casa.
And if any of those players come out onto the court and tell you to get off, you turn around and say, this is my court.
Y si uno de esos jugadores viene a la cancha y les dice que salgan, se dan vuelta y le dicen "esta es mi cancha".
And all around all you hear is "dreams come true," and stuff, but I don't necessarily believe that.
Todo lo que oyes a tu alrededor es "los sueños se hacen realidad," y demás, pero no lo creo necesariamente.
Can you imagine rambling around this house for 60 years waiting for your true love to come back?
¿ Te imaginas divagando alrededor de esta casa desde hace 60 años esperando su amor verdadero para volver?
Come on, man, I can't stand the thought of a friend of mine riding around on a dirty city bus.
Vamos, viejo, no puedo soportar la idea de un amigo mío tomando un sucio autobús.
Emma and Joey come running out of the woods, and Weston thinks he's ahead of the game and finally he's gonna get Joey, and Ava turns around and shoots Weston.
Emma y Joey salen corriendo del bosque, y Weston cree que va por delante en el juego y finalmente va a conseguir a Joey, y Ava se gira y le dispara a Weston.
I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I'm just gonna come right out and say it.
No voy a dar vueltas, voy a decirlo directamente.
And a son who stuck his nose in and caught a complaint, and a Chief of Department who can't seem to peek through the iron curtain that's come down around it.
Y un hijo que metió la nariz y se encontró con una queja, y un jefe de departamento que parece no poder mirar a través del muro que se ha levantado a su alrededor.
They can come here from all around and spend an hour with their sacred memories in peace and at rest.
Pueden venir aquí de todas partes y pasar una hora con sus sagrados recuerdos en paz y reposo.
But we can't spend our lives waiting around for something that may never come.
Pero no podemos pasar nuestra vida pendientes de algo que quizá nunca suceda.
Like if one of the hands wasn't around, the dome would come down?
¿ Como si una de las manos no estuviera cerca, la cúpula caería?
I come into this room and see her sitting at the piano or catch a glimpse of her going around a corner upstairs, and I think to myself this is what it's like to live in a haunted house.
Entro en la habitación y la veo sentada en el piano o echo una ojeada y la veo girando alguna esquina arriba, y pienso para mi mismo esto es lo que se siente al vivir en una casa encantada.
- And look around, and they're like, "No, no, doesn't look like he's in here, come on, let's go back downstairs." They go back downstairs, and I say, " Yo, Danielle, Sarah,
- Y mira alrededor, y son como, "No, no, no se ve como si estuviera aquí, vamos", vamos a bajar ". Ellos van a bajar, y yo digo : "Yo, Danielle, Sarah",
Hey, Dede, if you're around the 4th of July, you should come by and watch the wedding video.
Oye, Dede, si estás por aquí el 4 de julio, deberías pasarte a ver el vídeo de la boda.
Come to think of it... been a lot of trouble around here since you two showed up.
Si lo pensamos bien... han habido mucho problemas por aquí desde que vosotros dos aparecisteis.
If you walk around this tree 3 times with your eyes closed, while repeating your wish over and over, it will come true.
Si caminas a su alrededor 3 veces con los ojos cerrados... mientras repites lo que deseas una y otra vez... se volverá realidad.
around 956
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18
around midnight 41
around here 182
around money 20
come on 167938
come here 17944
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18
around midnight 41
around here 182
around money 20
come on 167938
come here 17944
come in 9605
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come on man 75
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come on man 75
come with me if you want to live 21
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come one 123
come back soon 95
come over here 869
come on now 949
come to daddy 102
come to my room 21
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come one 123
come back soon 95
come over here 869
come on now 949
come to daddy 102
come to my room 21
come on boy 27
come on home 31
come on down 295
come inside 424
come again 567
come on to my house 24
come back home 27
come with us 554
come on out 472
come on home 31
come on down 295
come inside 424
come again 567
come on to my house 24
come back home 27
come with us 554
come on out 472