Come together traduction Espagnol
3,831 traduction parallèle
"If we come together."
"Si nos unimos."
When several hundred people come together, you would be surprised that how much you can get accomplished.
Cuando se juntan cientos de personas, se sorprenderían de todo lo qué pueden lograr.
And if you weren't who you were and had never been with him and somehow we had still come together right here right now, I wouldn't feel any different.
Y si no fueras quien eres nunca habría estado con él y de alguna forma todavía estaríamos reunidos aquí, en este momento, y no me sentiría diferente.
Shakira, and usher! [ "come together" plays ] ♪ here come old flat-top
Shakira, y Usher! * Aquí viene el viejo flap-top * * qie viene moviéndose lentamente *
♪ come together ♪ right now
* Júntense * * en este momento *
♪ come together ♪ right now ♪ over me [cheers and applause]
* Júntense * * en este momento * * conmigo * Aplausos para los tutores de la cuarta temporada,
The village will come together.
El pueblo se unirá.
Next time when I have a few days off both Vani and I will come together.
432 ) } La próxima vez que tenga unos días libres Vani y yo vendremos juntos.
the exercise ends when both teams have come together in the middle.
El ejercicio termina cuando ambos equipos se han reunido en el centro.
"come together, right now, over her."
"Únanse, ahora mismo, " por ella ".
But right now, you and I, we need to come together.
Pero ahora, tú y yo tenemos que estar más unidos que nunca.
How the patterns in different scenes come together.
Como los patrones en diferentes secuencias se unen.
- You want me to come together?
- ¿ Quieres que te acompañemos?
The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to come together, Ms. Lahari.
Las piezas del puzzle están empezando a juntarse, Señorita Lahari.
Tell him I never meant to hurt him. * * * It feels like the entire town of Rosewood has come together to mourn the loss of Detective Darren Wilden, one of Rosewood's most high-profile police officers.
Dile que nunca quise hacerle daño.
Come together.
Venid todos juntos.
Contact is happening, and if we come together as a people, what we're going to find is that all of us working together are going to be able to create a world that is amazing.
El contacto está sucediendo, y si no unimos como un pueblo, lo que vamos a encontrar es que todos nosotros trabajando juntos seremos capaces de crear un mundo que es increíble.
we must come together as one.
tenemos que reunirnos como uno sólo.
When I come back, we can go on a trip together.
Cuando vuelva, podríamos ir de viaje juntos.
We'd come up together. I don't know why he didn't.
Íbamos a subir juntos, no sé por qué no lo ha hecho.
Come on, get it together.
Vamos, comportate.
But anyway, some people are getting together tomorrow after work, and you should come out with us.
De todos modos, mañana algunas personas después del trabajo hemos quedado, deberías venir con nosotros.
Come on together and go.
Hacemos paquete y se van.
to come out and it would be terrific if the surviving girls get together and that would be a script.
Sería fantástico que las supervivientes se reunieran. Ahí hay posibilidad de guión.
All : ♪ come together ♪ right now
* Júntense * * en este momento * * conmigo * * Júntense *
Well, if you come with me, It'll be a journey for the first time, And we'll win together.
Bueno, si vienen conmigo, va a ser un viaje por primera vez, y ganaremos juntos.
I mean, it's great we're still together as a group, but without competitions, I have to come up with something fun and interesting on a weekly basis just to keep everybody involved, and this week I'm just stuck.
- y esta semana estoy en blanco. - Eso es pan comido.
Because, I mean, come on... don't you think Froink putting us together?
Porque, quiero decir, vamos... ¿ no lo crees, Froink poniéndonos juntos?
"Come, lets go ahead together."
Sigamos adelante juntos.
It's rather brazen indulgence, I know, but I figure if I can bring together some talented people I admire and keep out of their way, something worthwhile might just come of it.
Es algo presuntuoso, lo sé, pero supongo que si puedo reunir a gente con talento a la que admiro y mantenerme apartado de su camino, podría salir algo provechoso.
Come! Here we all go together.
Vamos de picnic todos juntos.
And so, when you walk into the seed vault, what you see is, for the first time that I can think of in my lifetime, countries, virtually all countries in the world, come in together for a common endeavor with a common purpose
Cuando entras a la bóveda de semillas, lo que ves es algo que vi por primera vez en lo que va de mi vida... países, virtualmente todos los países del mundo uniéndose en un proyecto en común con un propósito
Now I'll come down, let's be together a little.
ahora i voy bajar, vamos a estar juntos un poco
Rub your brains together and come up with a plan.
Usen sus cerebros e ideen un plan.
Come, we need to stick together.
Venga, debemos mantenernos juntos.
( presenfer ) Down from the Via / one, 185 miles an hour, four cars virtua / I y together, and down to the Parabol / ca they come.
Desde la Vialone, a 300 kilómetros por hora, cuatro autos prácticamente juntos van hacia la parabólica.
Well, why don't you guys come over to Alec's office tomorrow, and we can all go over together?
Chicos, ¿ por qué no venís mañana a la oficina de Alec y vamos todos juntos?
Why don't you take a short nap, get your head together, and then come over to my place.
¿ Por qué no te echas una pequeña siesta, ordenas tu cabeza, y luego vienes a mi casa? .
Come, share cup, and we shall seek him together.
Ven, compartamos la bebida, y le buscaremos juntos.
Come on, this is something we totally would've done if we grew up together.
Vamos, es algo que habríamos hecho si hubiésemos crecido juntos.
These 3 months that you haven't been together, Cris has come to the hospital.
Estos tres meses que no habéis estado juntos ella ha venido al hospital.
But can anything good come from putting two killers together, whether it be student and teacher or whatever Hannah and I have?
Pero, ¿ puede salir algo bueno de poner dos asesinos juntos, ya sea aprendiz y maestro o lo que sea que Hannah y yo tenemos?
All right, come on, everyone, we got to put our heads together and try to find a solution.
Vamos, todos. Debemos juntar nuestras cabezas para encontrar una solución.
And together, they had to make a living on this bare, rocky island that was so crucially different from the well-watered, luxuriant forests from which they had come.
Y juntos, tenían que ganarse la vida en este desnuda, isla rocosa que era tan radicalmente diferente de los húmedos y exuberantes bosques de donde donde habían venido.
Either my pecker fell off, or you're right. Ee! How come when you were hanging out with Jules, you always look so sexy and put together.
O se me ha caído la picha, o tienes razón. ¿ Cómo es que cuando estás pasando el tiempo con Jules, siempre estás tan sexy y arreglada, pero cuándo estás por aquí, pareces tan...
I swear, we're not back together. Oh oh! Can you come inside?
Lo juro, no estamos juntos de nuevo. ¿ Puedes entrar?
Come on, lad, pull yourself together.
Vamos, muchacho, recobra la compostura.
As in "get back together" come around?
En plan, ¿ que recapacite y volvamos a estar juntas?
- He's very much enjoyed your time together, but I'm afraid that time has... come to an end.
- Él ha disfrutado mucho su tiempo juntos, pero me temo que ese tiempo se ha terminado.
Come on, get it together!
¡ Vamos, hagamoslo!
And while other band members have come and gone, you two have been the ones to stay together, until 10 years ago, when you broke up.
Y mientras que otros miembros de la banda han ido y venido, Ustedes dos han sido los que permanecen juntos, hasta hace 10 anos, cuando se separaron.
together 2280
together forever 35
together again 49
togethers 19
come on 167938
come here 17944
come in 9605
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
together forever 35
together again 49
togethers 19
come on 167938
come here 17944
come in 9605
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
come inside 424
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
come inside 424