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Corned beef traduction Espagnol

322 traduction parallèle
I'd like some corned beef hash and coffee, please.
¡ Quisiera carne picada y café, por favor!
BILL : Corned beef hash.
Una hamburguesa.
I think I'll have some corned beef and cabbage.
Creo que tomaré estofado de ternera y col.
I love corned beef and cabbage.
Me encanta el estofado de ternera y col.
Because I like corned beef and cabbage?
¿ Porque me gusta el estofado de ternera y col?
Per signore. Corned beef and cabbage.
Para el señor, estofado de ternera y col.
Corned beef and cabbage, I love you
Estofado de ternera y col, te quiero.
- Corned beef - And cabbage
- Estofado de ternera.
Corned beef hash and poached eggs for 30 cents.
Picadillo de carne con huevos, treinta centavos.
Two corned beef hashes. Coffee?
Dos picadillos de carne...
Oh, say, Tommy, don't forget to deliver that Jurgen's corned beef the first thing.
Muchas cosas. Di, Tommy. No te olvides entregar... esa cecina de ternera de Jurgen en primer lugar.
Corned beef hash. That just shows you haven't been around.
No, no sé lo que pienso.
Special tonight, corned bee hash. Corned beef hash is always special. Give me a cup of coffee and some donuts.
Y tomaré el estofado de carne con dos huevos escalfados, tostada con mantequilla y leche de primera.
And I'll have corned beef hash with two poached eggs, whole wheat toast butter then grade A milk.
Desde luego ha vivido a lo grande, nena. Mi nombre no es nena. Es Irene.
Now where's a guy gonna get a plate of corned beef and cabbage?
Ahora, ¿ dónde compraremos cecina y repollo en New York?
You know, Fay is making one of her corned beef and cabbage dinners.
¡ Bajad eso del camión y traedlo aquí! Fay preparará ternera y berza.
Look, sugar, what does it take to get you to darn my socks, cook my corned beef and cabbage... and sort of confine your magic to one place and one customer?
Mira, cariño... ¿ qué tengo que hacer para que cosas mis calcetines... me cocines carne y repollo... y reserves tu magia para un solo lugar y un solo cliente?
Monsieur, that is corned beef and cabbage.
Eso es ternera con coles.
Three bucks for corned beef and cabbage!
- ¿ Esto vale 3 pavos?
I'll bet you couldn't lift three bucks worth of corned beef and cabbage.
No podrías comerte 3 pavos de ternera con coles.
Confidentially, the corned beef and cabbage stinks.
Confidencialmente, la carne con coles es pura basura.
Don't blame me if the corned beef's an hour tougher.
No me culpe si la carne está una hora más dura.
Ah, corned beef and cabbage.
Carne ahumada y repollo.
In this house, we cut the corned beef.
En esta casa cortamos la carne.
I'd like a slice of corned beef.
Querría una rodaja de carne.
Half pound of corned beef, please.
220 gramos de carne curada.
No fat. Half pound of corned beef. Hold the fat.
- 220 gramos de carne curada sin grasa.
We are having corned beef and cabbage.
Cenaremos ternera asada con coliflor.
I'd rather sigh Over hot corned beef on rye
Prefiero suspirar por un filete caliente con pan
- Corned beef, Swiss on rye.
- Embutido de carne y pan de centeno.
- Corned beef.
- Embutido.
The corned beef.
La ternera.
Here, why don't you try some of this terrific corned beef
¿ Por qué no prueba este fantástico fiambre,
I'll get you a nice corned beef sandwich.
Te haré un buen bocadillo de ternera.
And that's when they're havin their darling'corned beef.
Es entonces cuando toman esa buenísima carne asada.
English corned beef.
Carne en conserva inglesa.
" Turkey, corned beef, Swiss cheese combination on rye with mustard.
" Pavo, carne y queso suizo en pan de centeno con mostaza.
I put the coffee and corned beef in here.
Aquí dentro he metido el café y las latas de carne de vaca.
We also got some coffee and corned beef at Ryokichi's place.
También conseguimos café y ternera de Ryokichi.
They'll say, "You guys fought hard," then fill us up with corned beef.
Dirán : "chicos, habéis luchado duro", y después nos pondrán hasta el culo de ternera rebozada.
Here, take this corned beef.
Toma este corned-beef auténtico.
Oh, what I wouldn't give for a big plate of corned beef, a nice tall beer with a big, thick head on it, about 2 inches thick.
Oh, qué no daría por un gran plato de buey, una buena cerveza con una gran cabeza de espuma, de dos pulgadas.
Oh, look what crawled out of the corned beef!
Oh, ¡ mira lo que salió arrastrando fuera de la carne podrida!
And be sure the corned beef is lean.
Y asegúrate de que el corned beef sea magro.
Oh, he won't mind, seeing as how tonight's corned-beef night.
Ah, no le importará, porque hoy toca carne ahumada.
Order me a corned-beef sandwich, will you?
Pídeme un sándwich de ternera.
Corned beef, I think.
Carne enlatada, Creo.
Some more of that corned beef, if you please.
Pásame un poco más de carne, por favor.
This ain't kosher corned beef!
¡ Esto no es carne enlatada!
Gas and oil. Lunch. One corned beef, Steve.
La gasolina y el aceite de almuerzo, Steve comían carne, yo Burger,
A hot corned-beef sandwich?
¿ Un sándwich de carne?

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