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Cross him traduction Espagnol

853 traduction parallèle
You, too, he will destroy if you cross him!
¡ Y también le destruirá a usted si se interpone en su camino!
"We can't double-cross him - - we owe him everything."
"No podemos traicionarle, ¡ se lo debemos todo!"
I didn't mean to double cross him.
No quería traicionarle.
Don't double-cross him
No le hagáis trampas
Don't cross him!
No le hagas enojar.
Your mother says I'm a crook, and your father thinks I tried to double-cross him.
Tu madre dice que soy un ladrón... y tu padre cree que intenté estafarlo.
But I'll hate to cross him.
Pero odiaré traicionarlo.
Now it's all right to cross him up.
- Y ahora está bien robarle.
Bet him eight to five he can't, and I'll double-cross him.
Apuéstele 8 a 5 a que no puede, y yo lo traicionaré. ¿ Me permites por favor?
You're not suggesting that I cross him, are you?
No estará sugiriendo que lo traicione, ¿ verdad?
Well, supposing I do cross him.
Bueno, supongamos que lo traiciono.
"Sherwin, Slatterly, Stevens." I can cross him off the list.
Surns, Saterley, Stevens, a él ya le he cobrado.
He's afraid you'll double-cross him.
- Teme que lo traiciones.
Why, you're telling me to double cross him.
Bueno... me está pidiendo que le traicione.
Yeah, that's right. Double cross him.
Exacto, que le traicione.
You know Little Boy if you cross him!
Sabes cómo es si lo engañas.
There's a picture of a Jehovah's Witness and behind him in the stonework is a cross so that he becomes a crucified figure.
Esta es una imagen de un Testigo de Jehová y detrás de él, en la piedra, una cruz lo convierte en una figura crucificada.
Let us contemplate in its mystery how our Lord, Jesus Christ being sentenced to die bore with great patience the cross which was laid upon him for his greater torment and ignominy.
Contemplemos en su misterio como nuestro Señor, Jesucristo, habiendo sido sentenciado a morir cargó con gran paciencia con el peso de la cruz que le impusieron para su gran tormento e ignominia.
Oh, Holy Virgin, example of patience. by the most painful carrying of the cross on which thy son, our Lord Jesus Christ, bore the heavy weight of our sins, obtain for us of Him, by thy intersession, courage and strength to follow His steps
Oh, Vírgen Santa, madre dolorosa, ante el peso de la cruz con que tu hijo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, soportó el gran peso de nuestros pecados, danos por, tu Hijo, coraje y fuerza para seguir Sus pasos,
And bear our cross after Him to the end of our lives,
y cargar con nuestra cruz, como Él, hasta el fin de nuestros días,
- Sock him, Jimmy! - Who you tryin'to cross?
Id a buscarlo, canallas.
Watch me cross over, you'll see me stand beside him.
Ahora voy a acercarme a él y me quedaré a su lado.
I saw him carrying the cross.
Llevaba una cruz a sus espaldas.
When even the thief upon the cross beside him... asked him to remember, Jesus said...
Incluso cuando el ladrón que estaba crucificado junto a Él... le pidió que lo recordara, Jesús dijo...
Why, to figure out a nifty little double-cross... is just child's play for him.
Manipular una pequeña y linda traición es un juego para él.
Oh, have you known him all his life? Why, he's cross, no?
Lo has conocido toda su vida.
Let him carry the cross!
¡ Que lo lleven a la cruz!
Let your cross save him now.
Que ahora Io salve su cruz.
Jip. Oh, did he think I could be cross with him?
Jip. ¿ No habrás pensado que me había enfadado contigo?
Think I'm gonna let him get away with a double-cross?
¿ Crees que voy a dejarle que se salga con la suya después de esta traición?
You can't give Turkey another chance to double-cross you when you got this boy to pay him off.
No puedes darle a Turkey otra oportunidad de traicionarte cuando cogiste a este chico precisamente para desquitarte de él.
His conscience gives him no peace, so he's putting a cross on her grave.
Ahora le remuerde la conciencia y le va a poner una cruz en la tumba.
That intermission wouldn't give him time To cross town and get back.
No tuvo tiempo de cruzar la ciudad.
We won't pay him the 750 Without his cross on this.
No podremos llegar a las 7.30 como prometimos.
And he won't double-cross me, Blodgett, because you're going along to watch him.
Y no me traicionará porque usted le acompañará.
And is he sometimes cross in the morning or always as charming as I've found him?
¿ Está malhumorado por la mañana o siempre es encantador?
Don't be cross with him, Ma.
No te enfades con él, mamá.
My friends... you may not know him on this side of the grave... but when we cross the river... over there... he will be there with us still... and you will know him by the seal of God on his brow.
Amigos míos, puede que no lleguéis a conocerle en esta vida, pero, cuando crucemos el río, hacia allá arriba, todavía estará con nosotros, y le reconocéis por el sello de Dios que llevará en la frente.
Don't cross with him, Jamie. You're too drunk to do yourself justice.
No luches con él, Jaime, has bebido demasiado.
But these two had already plotted to double-cross Zorah Bey... by really burying him alive, four feet under the ground.
Pero estos dos ya habían tramado traicionar a Zorah Bey... enterrándolo vivo de verdad, a más de un metro bajo la tierra.
If you find proof that clears him, give him the Southern Cross.
Si halla pruebas a su favor, dele el Southern Cross.
So you'd give him command of the Southern Cross, and no other reason.
¡ Para que le dieras el comando del Southern Cross y ningún otro motivo!
By him who died on the cross, I swear I'm no coward but in my very soul, I know this is wrong.
Por Él que murió en la cruz, juro que no soy cobarde pero, en el fondo de mi alma, sé que está mal.
If I said to you that Sergei is waiting somewhere on earth you would cross seas and climb mountains just to see him again.
Si te dijesen que Sergej te espera en un punto cualquiera de la tierra, tú atravesarías mares y montañas para volver a verlo.
- I'll get cross with him one of these days.
- Un día me cruzaré con él.
We'd say : "Why don't they give him the Cross?"
Siempre decíamos : "¿ Porque no le dan la cruz?".
Mr. Cross, out is somebody that he / she wants to see him / her.
Señor Cross, afuera hay alguien que quiere verle.
He would have got a great deal more if he hadn't spoiled it by showing off. I'm really very cross with him.
Habría conseguido mucho más si no lo hubiera estropeado alardeando.
Those guys decided to award the Congressional Medal to Drake and the Distinguished Service Cross to the officer with him.
Esos tipos decidieron premiar con la medalla del Congreso a Drake y al oficial que iba con él con la Cruz de Servicios Distinguidos.
I've got to cross-examine him. If I don't we haven't a chance.
Tengo que interrogarle, si no estamos perdidos.
It's your cross to bear. Stop giving him money.
Esa es tu cruz, ¡ quédate con el jornal!

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