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Debs traduction Espagnol

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Frogsie Debs?
¿ Frogsie Debs?
Max, on that table are all that remain of the worldly goods of Frogsie Debs.
En esa mesa está todo lo que resta de las pertenencias mundanas de Frogsie Debs.
15 years ago, Debs and his partner, a man named C Errol Madre, discovered a lost gold mine in Mexico.
Hace quince años, Debs y su socio, un hombre llamado C. Errol Madre descubrieron una mina de oro perdida en México.
And all that time Madre has been sitting down there in Mexico with his half of the map, waiting for Debs to show up. Hmm.
Y todo ese tiempo, Madre ha estado sentado en México con su mitad del mapa, esperando a que aparezca Debs.
No, he's not, Max, because you bear a striking resemblance to Debs.
No, Max, porque tú tienes un parecido asombroso con Debs.
I don't even know what Debs talks like.
No sé cómo hablaba Debs.
That's providing we can find Debs's part of the map.
Si podemos encontrar la parte del mapa de Debs.
Another one here thinks he's Frogsie Debs.
Aquí hay otro que cree ser Frogsie Debs.
He really thinks I'm Frogsie Debs.
En verdad cree que soy Frogsie Debs.
Madre. Everything is going exactly as we've planned, except that Maxwell Smart showed up, not Frogsie Debs.
Todo está saliendo exactamente como lo planeamos excepto que apareció Maxwell Smart, no Frogsie Debs.
They're coming up to the debs- - Gervaise first, Vivian second, Simon third.
Ahora se acercan a los maniquís.
Thomas Jefferson Gardiner, Solomon David Gardiner and Eugene V. Debs Gardiner. "
Thomas Jefferson Gardiner, Solomon David Gardiner y Eugene V. Debs Gardiner ".
The Debs are paying.
Las Deidades pagan.
Lace, if the Debs are paying, you think I could have a double cheeseburger, some french fries, and a coleslaw?
Lace, si pagamos, crees que podría pedir una hamburguesa doble con queso con patatas fritas y una ensala?
These are the Silver Daggers, and we are the Dagger Debs.
Estos son los Desgraciados Plateados, y nosotras las Deidades Desgraciadas.
Maggie here is now a sister and a member of the Dagger Debs.
Maggie es ahora una hermana y una miembra de las Deidades Desgraciadas.
Yeah. Well, you see, I'm trying to join the Dagger Debs and the president, Dominic, said that he'd take me if I delivered a message.
Si, vera, intento unirme a las Deidades Desgraciadas, y el jefe, Dominic, dijo que me aceptaria si le traia un mensaje.
We ain't gonna be anybody's "Debs" anymore.
No seremos mas las Deidades.
Me and my girls here were the Dagger Debs, and now, we're the Jezebels.
Yo y mis chicas, las Deidades Desgraciadas, que ahora somos, Las Jezabels.
But don't you think, Emma, that if Debs gets a lot of votes, it'll strengthen that image?
Pero, Emma, ¿ no crees... que si Debs saca muchos votos se reforzará esa imagen?
- He's gonna read the piece on Debs.
- En que leerá el artículo sobre Debs.
Ever since there's been a base here, there's been what you'd call the Puget Sound Debs.
Desde que existe esta base, ha surgido lo que se podría llamar las cazadoras de la Base Naval.
Think there's any truth to what he said about those girls, Puget Debs?
¿ Crees que es cierto lo que dijo sobre las cazadoras?
Oh, this is my administrative deputy, Amanda Debs.
Ésta es mi ayudante administrativa, Amanda Debbs. ¿ Cómo está?
Staff came running from all directions - Mrs. Debs, the prison cook, Miss Springer, uh, my head guard and - and her squad members.
El personal llegó corriendo, la Sra. Debbs, la cocinera... la Srta. Springer, yo y todo el personal de guardia.
But you ain't runnin for state senator, are ya, Debs?
Pero ella se presenta a senadora.
Dixie, take the warden and Debs outta here, back to the hostages. You too, Mary. Why?
Dixie, llévalas con las rehenes, tú también, Mary.
Move it. [Jamie] Come on, Debs, move it.
¡ Vamos, moveos!
Mrs. Debs, would you pull the folder for Dr. Matthews out of the file, please?
¿ Puede traer la ficha de la doctora?
Isn't that right, Mrs. Debs? Yes. But somebody has taken her file.
Sí, pero han robado su ficha.
Debs will tell the cops that, uh, Mrs. Fletcher's got it all worked out.
Ella le dirá a la policía que la Sra. Fletcher lo ha resuelto.
Mrs. Debs, you've been deputy warden for 20 years.
Ha sido la ayudante de la alcaidesa durante 20 años.
While Mrs. Gates was pursuing funding for her reforms... and a nomination to the senate, you ran the prison, Mrs. Debs.
Mientras ella conseguía fondos y la nominación para senadora... usted dirigía la prisión.
So Mrs. Debs had her own accomplice cut the power, and then she knifed Mims in the dark.
Ella y su cómplice cortaron la luz para poder matarla.
'Cause pinned to Debs, you wouldn't stay alive in any prison in the country.
Como cómplice no sobrevivirías en ninguna cárcel del país.
And these Texas and Oklahoma debs are really nice... a real relief from these hypercritical New York girls.
Y las debutantes de Tejas y Oklahoma son encantadoras, un alivio después de las neoyorquinas, que son tan críticas.
- I call dibs on Ruth. - Dibs. - Dibs!
Llamé Debs a Ruth
No, but, you know, debs are carefully scrutinized.
No, pero, sabes, se las miran con lupa.
Hi, Debs, just off?
Hola, Debs. ¿ Sales?
Does anyone think Eugene Debs would agree with that?
¿ Alguien cree que Eugene Debbs estaría de acuerdo con eso?
Don't feel bad about Debs... because Debs is just Debs.
No te sientas mal por Debbs, porque Debbs es simplemente Debbs.
¡ Debs!
Debs, last night... It doesn't mean anything.
Debs, la otra noche... no significa nada.
- Debs all right?
- ¿ Debs está bien?
- Debs!
- ¡ Debs!
- Debs.
- Debs.
- Just sit down, Debs.
- Siéntate Debs.
Debs, you should get some rest.
Debs, deberías tomar un descanso.
- Oh, Debs.
- Oh Debs.
Some are in the jail, like Eugenio Debs, a great man of this country.
como Eugenio Debs... un gran hombre de este país.

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