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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ D ] / Devereaux

Devereaux traduction Espagnol

474 traduction parallèle
Looks like the Jubilee of the Devereaux line.
- El Jubilee de la línea Devereaux.
He's sea lawyer for Devereaux and Company.
Es un abogado marítimo para Devereaux y Compañía.
- He wouldn't be... except he holds the power of influence with old Commodore Devereaux.
No sería peligroso salvo que tiene poder con el Comodoro Devereaux.
But Commodore Devereaux's fair and square.
Pero el Comodoro Devereaux es justo y correcto.
And with the Southern Cross under me, I'd get my second wish... because the man who commands in steam... will be the head of Devereaux and Company someday.
Y con el Southern Cross bajo mi mando obtendría el segundo deseo... porque el hombre que mande en vapor... algún día estará a cargo de Devereaux y Compañía.
Of course, Commodore Devereaux, you need a mighty experienced captain... to navigate a fine ship like the Southern Cross, steam and all that.
Comodoro Devereaux, necesita un capitán con experiencia... para navegar un buen barco como el Southern Cross, a vapor y todo eso.
It was really you I came up to see, Commodore Devereaux.
En realidad era Ud. A quien vine a ver, Comodoro Devereaux.
Which do you think is Commodore Devereaux?
- ¿ Quién es el Comodoro Devereaux?
- This is our own Ivy Devereaux.
Esta es Ivy Devereaux.
- Commodore Devereaux's daughter.
¡ La hija del Comodoro Devereaux!
Then who runs the Devereaux Company?
- ¿ Quién dirige la Cía. Devereaux?
I don't need Commodore Devereaux.
No necesito al Comodoro Devereaux.
Commodore Devereaux is already on his way there.
El Comodoro Devereaux ya está en camino.
Commodore Devereaux.
De veras no debe.
Commodore Devereaux gave you that appointment to give to Jack.
El Comodoro Devereaux te dio esa misión para que se la dieras a Jack.
Tolliver won't boss the Devereaux line.
Tolliver no será el jefe de la línea Devereaux.
So long as Commodore Devereaux's house flag is on the sea, I'll answer to him.
Mientras la bandera del Comodoro Devereaux flamee, le serviré.
Commodore Devereaux is dead.
El Comodoro Devereaux está muerto.
Steve Tolliver's the new head of Devereaux and Company.
Steve Tolliver es el nuevo jefe de Devereaux y Compañía.
Navarro and Devereaux? Humph.
Nunca escuche esos nombres.
Mr. Devereaux, I'm sorry to tell you this. But Mr. Green, the manager, said if your bills aren't paid by tonight, we'll be forced to lock you out.
Lamento Sr. Deveraux, pero si hoy no paga su cuenta,... seremos obligados a expulsarlos.
- Just one little detail, Mr. Devereaux.
Sólo un detalle : ¡ El señor no firmó!
Now, listen, Devereaux. You and I both know that that check is no good.
Sabemos que este cheque no es bueno.
One of these days, with an act like ours, Navarro and Devereaux will be right... take it easy.
Un día más, nuestro show será famoso : Durval Deveraux... ¡ Tenga calma!
Lionel Q. Devereaux, your old roommate at Yale?
Lionel Deveraux, su compañero de cuarto en Yale.
Well, Devereaux, let's see your list of clients.
Deveraux, vamos a ver su lista de clientes.
Look, Devereaux, you promised me Carmen.
Deveraux, usted me prometió a Carmem.
I might add that, uh, she's the future Mrs. Devereaux.
En breve será la Sra. Deveraux.
Does the name lionel q. Devereaux do anything to you?
¿ Hay algo que Deveraux pueda hacer por usted?
You never heard of the Devereaux girls, like the Copa girls or the goldwyn girls?
¿ Nunca escuchó de las Deveraux Girls, ni de las Copa Girls?
Mademoiselle Fifi is a Devereaux girl. She used to be a complete nobody.
Mademoiselle Fifi es una Deveraux Girl.
- Just a minute, Devereaux. Didn't I hear you say the other day you were going to marry Carmen?
¿ No iba a casarse con Carmem?
- Andy. Andy! - Oh, hello, Mr. Devereaux, what's new?
¿ Hola Sr. Deveraux, cuales son las novedades?
Especially Mr. Devereaux.
Principalmente el Sr. Deveraux.
- Well, hello, Devereaux.
¡ Hola, Deveraux!
Devereaux, what'll you take for Fifi's contract?
¿ Deveraux, cuanto quiere por el contrato de Fifi?
Listen, Devereaux. I saw Mademoiselle Fifi get in the cab. I followed her.
Vi a Mademoiselle Fifi entrar en un taxi y la seguí.
- You know an agent by the name of lionel Devereaux?
¿ Conoce a Lionel Deveraux?
- Devereaux, what are you doing in here?
No soy un ratón. - ¿ Qué hace aquí, Deveraux?
I'll make you Devereaux girls. Ziegfeld girls.
- ¡ Serán las Deveraux Girls!
You're gonna make us a Devereaux girl, huh?
Iba a transformarnos en Deveraux Girls.
Listen, Devereaux, why don't you save us a lot of time and trouble, and confess?
¿ Por qué no ahorra nuestro tiempo y confiesa?
Devereaux. - What's the "q" for?
- Lionel Q. Deveraux.
I know Devereaux.
Conozco a Devereaux.
Ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to announce that the territorial governor, at the request of your leading citizens has appointed as the first federal judge in this district Colonel Owen Devereaux.
Señoras y señores es un honor para mí, anunciar que el gobernador, por petición de los ciudadanos ha nombrado primer juez federal de este distrito al coronel Owen Devereaux.
Now it's up to Colonel Devereaux.
Ahora le cedo la palabra al coronel Devereaux.
Colonel Devereaux?
¿ Coronel Devereaux?
Celebrating victory for law, order and Judge Devereaux.
Celebrando la victoria de la ley, el orden y el juez Devereaux.
Two nights ago Devereaux was getting ready to try Johnny for the shooting of a man named Rawson in the holdup of Ed Carter's office.
Devereaux está a punto de juzgar a Johnny por el asesinato de un hombre llamado Rawson en el atraco a la oficina de Ed Carter.
Mr. Devereaux.
¡ Sr. Deveraux!
- Where's that crook Devereaux?
- ¿ Dónde está Deveraux?

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