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Devoted traduction Espagnol

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As for your devoted suitors, have you finally decided on whom to crush?
Y en cuanto a tus devotos pretendientes, ¿ Has decidido ya a quien aplastar?
Kate devoted to her clinic, now to Max's new father.
Kate se dedica a su clínica, y ahora al nuevo padre de Max.
Hector was a heroic man who devoted himself to helping others.
Hector era un hombre heroico que dedicó su vida a ayudar a otros.
I'm just a devoted family man, like yourself.
Soy un devoto hombre de familia, como usted.
You devoted 10,000 column inches to The Naked Columnist last year.
Le ha dedicado 10 mil líneas. al columnista desnudo el año pasado.
Do you know how many you devoted to Iraq?
¿ Sabe cuántas ha dedicado a Irak?
This side of the wall is devoted to cars.
Este lado de la pared está dedicado a los coches.
Because that would be wrong, they were... clearly devoted to each other.
Porque eso hubiera estado mal, ellos estaban... claramente dedicados el uno al otro.
And, uh, for the best part of 80 or 90 years, they devoted themselves to what looked like an archaeological expedition on the Temple Mount.
Y, por alrededor de 80 ó 90 años, se dedicaron a algo como una expedición arqueológica en el Templo del Monte,
"Your devoted husband, Nelson." Nucky.
tu devoto esposo, Nelson. " Nucky.
In Carthage, Carthage by the sea, he found a city devoted to appetite, to pleasure, to the temptations that keep us from our better selves.
En Cartago, Cartago a orillas del mar, él encontró una ciudad dedicada al apetito, al placer, a las tentaciones, que nos aleja de nosotros mismos.
What's your get-up tonight... The devoted, pleading wife, the temperance firebrand, the crusading suffragette?
¿ Qué es lo que escoges esta noche... la esposa devota y suplicante, la brasa templada, la sufragista en su cruzada?
The devoted clergy of your Majesty's Church of England, and the nobility and loyal gentlemen of York, welcome you most heartily.
El devoto clero de la Iglesia Inglesa de Su Majestad y la nobleza y caballeros leales de York le damos la bienvenida de todo corazón.
She devoted her life to her father, along with her choices, dreams, loves and creative desires.
Dedicó su vida a su padre, junto con sus opciones, sueños, amores y deseos creativos.
She died at the age of 78, poor and blind, having devoted her life to gathering her brother's works for posterity.
Ella murió a los 78 años, pobre, ciega, después de haber dedicado su vida a recopilar las obras de su hermano para la posteridad.
He devoted his life to it.
Dedico su vida a esto.
He devoted his whole life to it.
Se dedicó toda su vida a ello.
Allison webb was a devoted spouse and committed partner.
Allison Webb fue una esposa dedicada y una compañera comprometida.
¿ Adicta?
Once I'd broken the code, I had access to the ship's complete archive. There are thousands of pages devoted to this, scientific research, philosophical debate...
Cuando descifré el código tuve acceso al archivo completo de la nave hay miles de páginas dedicadas a esto investigaciones científicas, debates filosóficos- -
Well, I-I have years of devoted service To the family, and I...
Bueno, he tenido años de servicio devoto a la familia, y yo...
First dance "hopelessly devoted to you,"
El primer baile, "Hopelessly devoted to you".
Are you a devoted wife?
¿ Eres una esposa dedicada?
Kepler is the first-ever satellite solely devoted to the hunt for planets outside our solar system.
Kepler es el primer satélite de la historia dedicado exclusivamente a buscar en los planetas de fuera de nuestro sistema solar.
I shall take my large, devoted gang, and my money, elsewhere.
Tomaré a mi devoto grupo y mi dinero en busca de otro lugar.
"Lost" has garnered millions of devoted fans around the world... among them, the actors themselves.
"Lost" ha ganado millones de devotos fans en todo el mundo Entre ellos, los propios actores.
He was a devoted husband to Joan, father-in-law to Will, father to Anna, Kevin and Natalie,
Fue un devoto esposo con Joan, suegro de Will, padre de Anna, Kevin y Natalie,
I have devoted my adult life to studying this beautiful language.
He dedicado mi vida adulta a estudiar esta hermosa lengua.
Fitzpatrick's website, Pyramidschemealert.org, is devoted to exposing the bullshit of multi-level marketing.
La página web de Fitzpatrick, Pyramidschemealert.org, está dedicada a exponer la mierda de la comercialización a múltiples niveles.
My grandma, your great-grandma, made Mr Digsby for me, and I was completely devoted to him.
Mi abuela, tu bisabuela, fue quien me hizo al Sr. Digsby y siempre lo adoré.
A devoted single father.
Un ferviente padre soltero.
I'm told she was a... a devoted employee, a terrific person.
Ya le he dicho que era... una empleada dedicada, una gran persona.
The word "knight" summons up images of chivalric warriors, figures in plate armour, aristocratic heroes devoted to their ladies, Lancelot and Perceval.
La palabra "caballero" convoca las imágenes de guerreros de caballería, figuras con armadura a placas, Héroes aristocráticos devotos a sus damas, Lancelot y Perceval.
You are a devoted mother, aren't you?
Tú eres una madre entregada, ¿ No?
You have devoted your life... to a wussy sport which you will never master.
Tú, señor... estás dedicando tu vida a un deporte blandengue que nunca dominarás.
I've never met anyone as devoted as Birgitte in my life.
Nunca he conocido a nadie tan dedicada como Birgitte.
- Devoted.
- Dedicado.
I've never met anyone as devoted as Birgitte in my life.
Nunca he conocido a nadie tan dedicado como Birgitte.
I've never met anyone as devoted as Birgitte...
Nunca he conocido a nadie tan dedicada como Birgitte...
"if you want to rip apart this ecosystem, " you'll have to rip apart this devoted environmentalist first.
" Si quieren despedazar este ecosistema, tendrán que despedazar a este devoto ambientalista primero.
An incredible amount of discussion and intention devoted to the subject of Max's snare sound.
Una cantidad increíble de discusiones e intenciones dedicadas al tema del sonido del redoblante de Max.
Well, he appears to have devoted his life To public service and fighting corruption.
Bueno, el parece tener su vida dedicada al servicio público y a pelear la corrupción.
She was devoted.
Era dedicada.
Can you give this jury one fact that proves that Jessica Davis was not a loving and devoted mother?
¿ Puede dar a este jurado un hecho que pruebe que Jessica Davis no era una querida y devota madre?
Boyd Fowler is a devoted fan.
Boyd Fowler es un devoto seguidor.
Look, our limited resources should be devoted to cases we can actually prosecute.
Los recursos limitados deben dedicarse a causas que podamos procesar.
Tens of thousands of devoted satanic worshippers.
decenas de miles de devotos seguidores satanicos.
I devoted myself to Matulee and became Black Devil.
Me entregue a Matulee y a El Diablo Negro.
He's devoted his life to taking children, and he's found the perfect place to hide them.
Ha dedicado su vida a tomar niños y encontró el lugar perfecto para esconderlos.
The man that devoted his life to spreading joy could very likely be hiding a, uh...
El hombre que dedicó su vida para repartir bondad podría muy bien estar escondiendo un...

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