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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ D ] / Did she tell you that

Did she tell you that traduction Espagnol

444 traduction parallèle
- Did she tell you that she won't go?
- ¿ Te dijo que no se irá?
Did she tell you that her aunt was sick?
¿ Te dijo que su tía estaba enferma?
Did she tell you that? I'm just Saying that.
- ¿ Te lo ha dicho ella?
- Did she tell you that story?
¿ Ella te contó eso?
- Did she tell you that?
- ¿ Ella te dijo eso?
Did she tell you that?
¿ Te lo dijo ella?
Did she tell you that?
¿ No se lo dijo?
- Did she tell you that?
- ¿ ella te dijo eso?
Did she tell you that?
¿ Ella le dijo eso?
When did she tell you that?
¿ Cuándo le dijo eso?
Did she tell you that your residency here is not being renewed?
¿ Le ha dicho que no van a renovarle el contrato?
Did she tell you that she loved you?
¿ Te dijo que te quería?
Did she tell you that I found her with one of her friends?
¿ Le dijo que la encontré con uno de sus amigos?
Did she tell you that?
¿ Te lo ha dicho ella?
When did she tell you that, ma'am, the night before?
¿ Cuándo le dijo eso, la noche anterior?
For killing a man, did she tell you that too?
¿ También te lo dijo?
No, sir! Did she tell you to say that?
- ¿ Le dijo que me dijese eso?
Where did she tell you she got that hundred dollar bill?
¿ Dónde le dijo ella que había conseguido ese billete?
His daughter? She can tell you about things that Dr. Frankenstein did that your medical science has never heard of.
Le dirá cosas que hizo el Dr. Frankenstein... que la medicina nunca ha visto.
Did she tell you to say that?
¿ Te lo ha dicho ella?
Did she not tell you that she would have Caesar gone? You listened?
Tonto. ¿ No te dijo que quería que César se fuera?
- Did she tell you that I met him first? - No, I don't believe she did.
No, creo que no.
Did she tell you how she stood up in the police station... how she looked at the man without batting an eye... how she said, " Yes, that's the man.
¿ Sabes que miró a ese hombre sin pestañear y dijo :
What else did she say that Clarence told her to tell you to tell me?
¿ Qué más te dijo que Clarence le dijo que me dijeras?
Did you wanted me to tell her that she's in love with a man who's unattainable?
¿ Quería que le dijera que se enamoró de un imposible y por su culpa?
Did she tell you then that she was gonna have a child?
¿ Le dijo entonces que iba a tener un hijo?
But how did you know that, did she tell you?
¿ Pero cómo sabe eso? ¿ Se lo dijo ella?
I say, did Alice tell you that she writes?
- Sí, sí. - ¿ Mi mujer le ha dicho que escribe?
Did she tell you Gino came out of that door?
¿ Les dijiste a ellas que habías visto salir a Gino de la casa de esa mujer?
It's over. - Did she tell you that?
- ¿ Se lo ha dicho ella?
Did she tell you what her plans were, anything like that?
¿ Le dijo qué planes tenía, o algo así?
Tell me something. What did Dr. Howard mean when she said that you had to leave medical school because of your neurotic identification empathy?
Dime algo. ¿ Qué quería decir la Dra. Howard cuando dijo que tuviste que dejar la Facultad de Medicina debido a tu neurosis empática?
So she did not tell you about that.
No le ha hablado de eso.
Did your wife tell you that she was pregnant?
¿ Le dijo su esposa que estaba embarazada?
Did she ask you to tell me that story?
¿ ella te pidió que me echaras ese cuento?
Did your mother ever tell you of any experiences that she might have had when she lived here?
¿ Su madre no le contó nunca nada... de cuando vivía en esta región? No, al contrario.
Did she also tell you that I once thought that I could write?
¿ También te dijo que yo quería escribir?
But she didn't have to tell you about that, now did she?
Pero ella no tenía por qué contártelo, ¿ no?
Did she also tell you that I was her husband?
¿ También te dijo que yo era su marido?
A 20 aged woman would be filthier if she did that, I do tell you!
Es mejor si lo hace una de 20 años.
Did she not tell you that she agrees to a divorce?
¿ No te dijo que está de acuerdo con el divorcio?
Mr. Vandergelder, if you're thinking of marriage, you might as well learn that you have to let women be women. Now, tell me, did you like her? Did she like you?
Si está pensando en casarse, debería saber... que hay que dejar a las mujeres ser como son. ¿ Le ha gustado?
Tell me, Doc, at the hospital, did she have, you know, access to the drug security rooms, places like that?
Dígame, doctor, en el hospital ¿ ella tenía acceso a los depósitos de drogas y a otros sitios similares?
Did she tell you how she found me that night?
¿ No te ha dicho el estado en que me encontró?
Why did you not tell us that she had been attacked with a sword? 01 : 08 : 59,200 - - 01 : 09 : 00,700 What?
¿ Por qué no nos dijo que había sido atacada con un sable?
How did you expect her to tell you that she made more money than you?
Pero, ¿ cómo podía ella confesarte, que su salario es mayor...?
- Did she ever tell you about that?
Tell me true, not only did that gorgeous-looking girl go out with you, she also drove?
Dime la verdad, ¿ no sólo saliste con esa belleza despampanante, sino que además condujo?
Tell me and you can leave I didn't give artificial respiration to Ju Ju... but she insisted that I did What?
dímelo y podrás irte no le di respiración artificial a Ju Ju... pero ella insistió que lo hiciera que?
She calls me later to tell me that she did like your style... or whatever's left of it, and you know what you do?
Me llama después para decirme que le ha gustado tu estilo o lo que queda de él, ¿ y sabes qué haces tú?
Did you tell Stephen Merchant's mother that she had the face of a Chagall and the body of a Rubens?
¿ Dijiste a la madre de Stephen Merchant's que tenía la cara de un Chagall y el cuerpo de un Rubens?

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