Didn't know that traduction Espagnol
15,463 traduction parallèle
You didn't know you were pregnant? ♪ think of all the luck you got ♪ ♪ know that it's not for naught ♪
¿ No sabías que estabas embarazada? ¡ Hostias!
I'm saying... I know how shitty this feels, like something's taken over your body, and you feel sick and, like, a little crazy, and I'm sorry because I didn't get that before, and I was harsh and cold and...
Estoy diciendo... que sé lo mal que sienta esto, como si alguien se hubiera apoderado de tu cuerpo, y te sientes enferma y, no sé, un poco loca y siento no haberme dado cuenta antes,
Now I'm going to show you something that maybe you didn't know was here.
Ahora voy a enseñarte algo que tal vez no sabías que estaba aquí.
I didn't know that, no.
No lo sabía, no.
I didn't abduct her and you know that.
No la rapté y lo sabes.
You didn't know that, I'm sure.
No lo sabía, estoy seguro.
I know you killed that woman, the one who was here but didn't check out.
Sé que tú mataste a esa mujer, la que estuvo aquí pero que no dejó el motel.
Even if other people didn't always know that.
Aunque otra gente no lo creía del todo.
I didn't know that you had expansionistic ambitions.
No sabía que tenía ambiciones expansionistas.
Yeah, it also explains why he didn't know my name or that we have met before.
Sí, también explica por qué no sabía mi nombre o que nos habíamos conocido antes.
I didn't know that.
No lo sabía.
I didn't know pastors did that.
No sabía que los pastores hicieran eso.
You didn't know that?
- ¿ No lo sabías?
But what you probably didn't know is that I'm a Christian.
Pero lo que quizá no sabían es que soy cristiano.
Didn't know that was a good thing.
No sabía que eso fuera bueno.
And I didn't know that you and I...
- Y no sabía que tú y yo...
I know I didn't grow up around here, but that shit is nuts.
Sé que no he crecido por aquí, pero esta mierda es de locos.
I know that Bren'in isn't well, but I just didn't know where else to go.
Sé que la Bren'in no está bien, pero no sabía otro lugar para ir.
When I first started singing which, as you know, I didn't want to do, but I had to so that I can make money,
Cuando al inicio empecé a cantar, lo que, como sabe, no quería hacer, pero tuve que hacerlo para ganar dinero,
Turns out that I had a child I didn't know about back in 2016, and here in the future, my great-great-great-great granddaughter creates the army of robot Gestapos that Savage will one day use to destroy the world.
Resulta ser que tuve un hijo del cual no sabía nada en 2016, y aquí en el futuro, mi tátara-tátara-tátara-tataranieta crea el ejército de robots Gestapos que Savage algún día usará para destruir al mundo.
I didn't know that was you.
No sabía que eras tú.
I didn't know that. Would you excuse me just for a second?
No lo sabía. ¿ Me disculpan un momento?
Now, I didn't even know that you could still get syphilis, but you can.
No sabía que podías contagiarte sífilis, pero parece que sí.
I didn't know how yet, but it was headed that way.
Aún no sabía cómo, pero íbamos en esa dirección.
The people that I wanted to work with were the people that were coming to this company that was making a product, and I didn't know what it was.
La gente con la que quería trabajar estaba yéndose a una compañía... VICEPRESIDENTA DE OPERACIONES - COMPAQ... que estaba haciendo un producto que yo no conocía.
Just add that to the list of things I didn't know.
Agrega eso a la lista de las cosas que no sabía.
I didn't either, but I think that's kinda, like, what this cultural thing is about, you know?
Yo tampoco, pero creo que de eso se trata esto de lo cultural, ¿ me explico?
I know that you reached out to me that night... and I didn't listen.
Sé que esa noche intentaste hablarme, y yo no te escuché.
I didn't know you could do that.
No sabía que podías hacerlo.
What, you didn't know that?
¿ No lo sabías?
But the worst part was that he didn't know I was a Christian.
Pero lo peor era que... él ni siquiera sabía que soy cristiana.
She was, and, uh... she made me feel special when I didn't even know what that was.
Lo era. Y... me hacía sentir especial y eso era una sensación que no conocía antes.
I knew she was crazy, I didn't know that she was homicidal.
Yo sabía que estaba loca. No sabía de sus tendencias homicidas.
Oh, you didn't know that, did you?
No sabías eso, ¿ verdad?
If I didn't know any better, I would say that you don't respect your buyers'faith.
Si no creyera otra cosa, diría que no respeta la fe de sus compradores.
And I didn't know the girl that well.
Y yo no sabía que la chica también.
Only for long enough to say to leave me alone and that I didn't know where she was.
Solo lo suficiente como para decirle que me dejara en paz y que no sabía dónde estaba ella.
If that's my mom, then either Gary forced her to do it or she didn't know what he was about to do.
Si esa es mi madre, entonces, o bien Gary la obligó a hacerlo, o no sabía lo que él iba a hacer.
Look, I didn't know that she was going to do me the favor of dying, so I made a complete fool of myself by confronting her in a hallway at her office.
Mira, yo no sabía que ella iba a hacer el favor de morir, así que hice un tonto de mí mismo por su confrontación en un pasillo en su oficina.
No, I... I didn't know Gary was going to rob that store.
No, yo... yo no sabía Gary iba a robar a esa tienda.
Yes, Lieutenant, but we didn't know that he wouldn't lie for her.
Sí, teniente, pero no sabíamos que él no mentiría por ella.
Look, I didn't go to law school or nothing, but I know that they gotta be stepping on a few civil liberties here.
¿ Como usted? No estudié Derecho, pero seguro están pisoteando algunas libertades civiles.
You didn't know that?
¿ No lo sabían?
You know, we're actually to a point now where we can survive and thrive, so we need to do that in order to honor our ancestors, to honor Sitting Bull, because they didn't want to lose their way of life.
Actualmente hemos llegado a un punto en el que podemos sobrevivir y prosperar y tenemos que hacerlo para honrar a nuestros antepasados, para honrar a Toro Sentado, porque no querían perder su modo de vida.
And I know that you think that this is just about Charlie, but I think... I think maybe it's bigger, because what came through that mirror instead of Charlie, it didn't exactly grow up in the neighborhood.
Y sé que crees que esto es solo sobre Charlie, pero creo que tal vez esto sea algo mayor, porque lo que vino a través del espejo en vez de Charlie, no creció exactamente por aquí.
I didn't know it, what it must be like for you, and I-I, um, I hope that you are doing better.
No lo sabía, cómo debe de ser para ti, y espero que lo estés llevando mejor.
So if you remember or you figured out why it didn't work on you, I'd like to know that about now because I need you to remind me that magic is real.
Así que si recuerdas o descubriste por qué no funcionó contigo, me gustaría saberlo ahora porque necesito que me recuerdes que la magia es real.
I didn't know that. What happened?
- No lo sabía. ¿ Qué pasó?
I know you didn't throw yourself off that bridge.
Sé que no te tiraste de ese puente.
For the record, Duval didn't know that.
Para que conste, Duval no lo sabía.
I know that I didn't wed a perfect man, but if he did this, it would make a mockery of our marriage.
Sé que no me casé con el hombre perfecto, pero si él lo hizo, sería burlarse de nuestro matrimonio.
didn't know 26
know that 57
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
know that 57
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19