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Do you understand what that means traduction Espagnol

123 traduction parallèle
Do you understand what that means, Sandor?
¿ Entiendes lo que eso signifiica, Sandor?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Sabes lo qué eso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Sabes lo que significa?
¿ Saben lo que eso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiende lo que eso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiendes lo que significa?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entienden?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Sabes lo que significa eso?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Sabe lo que esto significa?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiendes?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entienden lo que esto quiere decir?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiendes lo que eso significa?
So, if the court determines that you are operating below average, then there's a possibility that the court will not be allowed or the state will not be allowed to impose the death penalty against you, do you understand what that means?
Si el tribunal decide que tu coeficiente intelectual está por debajo de la media, es posible que al tribunal, o al Estado, no se le permita imponer la pena de muerte. ¿ Entiendes lo que eso significa?
Do you understand what that means? That he knows?
¿ No comprendes lo que eso significa?
Do you understand what that means- - on a very personal level here- - to know that the companies that make these fine products... want me to be their spokesperson, their voice?
¿ Aquí? Las compañías que elaboran estos productos quieren que yo los represente.
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Sabes lo que eso significa?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entienden que significa?
Do you understand what that means? Yeah.
¿ Entiendes lo que significa eso?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiendes qué significa eso?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Sabe lo que significa eso?
- Do you understand what that means?
-... ¿ entiendes lo que significa éso?
Do you understand what that means, Chris?
¿ Entiendes lo que eso significa, Chris?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiendes eso?
Do you understand what that means, Davison?
¿ Comprendéis lo que eso significa?
Julie, the little company that I started working for is now chief economic adviser to Prince Nasir. Do you understand what that means?
Julie, la pequeña empresa con la que empecé a trabajar es ahora el principal asesor económico del príncipe Nasir.
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiendes lo que quiero decir?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiende usted lo que eso quiere decir?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiende lo que significa eso?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Comprendes Io que eso significa?
Do you understand what that means? That's why Teresa will have the most difficult time with Priscilla, since she suppresses all her powers to the limits.
¿ Sabes lo que eso significa? ya que ella oculta todos sus poderes al límite.
If you're not here in five minutes, I'm coming looking for you. Do you understand what that means?
Si no estás aquí en 5 minutos, iré a por ti, ¿ entiendes lo que quiero decir?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiendes lo que eso significa, Paul?
Do you understand what that means?
- ¿ Entiende lo que significa?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Comprende lo que significa eso?
They'll send in armed police. Do you understand what that means?
Enviarán a policías armados ¿ Entiendes lo que significa?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiende lo que significa?
Do you understand what that means?
Tengo 907 años. - ¿ Sabes lo que significa eso?
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Te das cuenta?
It has to do, sir, with waste and filtrations, things that I don't understand. So what this all means is... the more fish you got, the more water you need.
Entonces, lo que todo esto significa es... que cuantos más peces tenga, más agua necesita.
Do you understand now what that stone means to me?
¿ es que entenderás ahora lo que esa piedra significa para mí?
He says that you want want him - Do you understand what he means?
Dice que vos le queréis - ¿ Sabéis lo que quiere decir?
Do you understand what that means?
Entiende lo que eso significa?
Do you understand what it means to put time into something, to develop something, that's not necessarily, you know, going to work and making a table?
¿ Entienden lo que significa ponerle tiempo a algo, para desarrollar algo, que no necesariamente, ya saben, va a funcionar y hacer una tabla?
Do you really understand what that means?
¿ Realmente sabes lo que significa?
Do you not understand what that means, Attila, Khan of Khitan?
¿ No entiende lo que significa eso, Attila, Khan de Khitan?
Do you gentlemen... and I use that term loosely... understand what this means?
Los señores, yo uso el término sin gran precisión, entienden qué significa esto?
Do you even understand what that means?
¿ Sabes lo que eso significa?
We tried to be your friends, but you don't even understand what that word means, so now we're gonna be something you do understand.
Tratamos de ser tus amigas, pero ni siquiera entiendes lo que significa esa palabra, así que vamos a ser algo que sí entiendes.
You do understand what that means to my family.
¡ Usted no entiende, se trata de mi familia! .
pity means someone is trying to understand what you're going through, that they sympathize, and I do.
Significa que alguien está tratando de entender tu sufrimiento que te compadecen, y yo lo hago.
Patty said I should do everything possible to make sure that doesn't happen. You understand what that means?
Patty me pidió que haga todo lo posible para que eso no ocurra. ¿ Entiendes lo que eso significa?

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