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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ D ] / Doesn't ring a bell

Doesn't ring a bell traduction Espagnol

334 traduction parallèle
Colonel Varaldo? Doesn't ring a bell. He's been retired for some time.
Eso me va, pero quiero algo que se monte muy fácil.
Doesn't anything ring a bell with you?
¿ Ninguno le dice nada?
Avenue Henri Martin, doesn't that ring a bell?
No entiendo. Es mentira. Avenida Henri Martin, ¿ no te suena?
They'll be kicking the good old days around all night if somebody doesn't ring a bell.
Continuarán toda Ia noche..... si alguien no hace sonar Ia campana.
Floyd Collins. Doesn't that ring a bell?
Floyd Collins. ¿ No te suena?
If this jar doesn't ring like a bell with just glue alone..
Atiéndame, si esta vasija... no vuelve a sonar como una campana, sólo con el pegamento...
Her name was Trinity Guevara, doesn't that ring a bell?
Se llamaba Trinidad Guevara, ¿ no te dice nada ese nombre?
Doesn't it ring a bell?
Y porque te adoro.
No, it doesn't ring a bell.
No, no he recibido ninguna llamada.
The picture doesn't ring a bell?
¿ No os recuerda nada?
Puppy Schneider! That name probably doesn't ring a bell?
Puppy Schneider, ¿ no le suena?
Two rings. Doesn't it ring a bell?
Dos alianzas. ¿ No te acuerdas?
Doesn't ring a bell.
No me suena.
Doesn't Mick Evratt ring a bell for you?
Mick Evratt. ¿ No le suena?
'Boring'just doesn't ring a bell.
No creo que "aburrido" sea la palabra.
No, Tom Fitch doesn't ring a bell.
No, no me suena ningún Tom Fitch.
"Lucky Pierrot", the shooting, doesn't it ring a bell?
"Lucky Pierrot", el tiroteo, ¿ no le suena eso de nada?
- i believe you're looking after his nerves doesn't ring a bell, luckily i have a file cabinet with all the dossiers of my patients if i saw him, i'm sure i'd remember one moment, i have a picture of him
- Creo que se ocupa de sus nervios. No me suena. Por suerte tengo un buen fichero con todos mis pacientes,... si lo veo, seguro que le recuerdo.
Doesn't ring a bell.
No suena una campana.
Doesn't ring a bell.
No sé.
Doesn't ring a bell.
No lo conozco.
Doesn't the word potato ring a bell, Comrade Pelikán?
¿ No le recuerda algo también, camarada Pelikán?
Francis Grutti, that doesn't ring a bell?
- Francis Grutti, ¿ no le suena una campana?
I can tell her face doesn't ring a bell
Ya veo que esa cara no le dice nada
Doesn't the name Silvia Polvesi ring a bell?
¿ Le dice algo el nombre de Silvia Polvesi?
Andre Ducquenne. Doesn't ring a bell?
André Duquesne. ¿ Te suena?
No, the name doesn't ring a bell.
No, el nombre no me dice nada.
- Doesn't ring a bell.
No me suena. Es un drogadicto.
Doesn't ring a bell.
No conozco.
- Doesn't ring a bell.
- De qué trata?
Boy, this doesn't ring a bell with anything I know.
No me recuerda a nada que yo conozca.
- Oh, it doesn't ring a bell.
- No me suena nada.
- Doesn't ring a bell. NEAL : Oh.
De hecho, era el único en 4to grado con "Amor, Odio" tatuados en sus nudillos.
It doesn't ring a bell.
No, no lo recuerdo.
Doesn't ring a bell, Jerry?
¿ No te suena, Jerry?
Doesn't it ring a bell?
¿ Eso no te dice nada?
Doesn't ring a bell.
No los recuerdo.
Eh, doesn't ring a bell.
Su esposa lo pintó desnudo. No me suena.
It doesn't ring a bell.
No me suena.
- It doesn't ring a bell.
- Pues, no sé... no lo he visto.
No, that name doesn't ring a bell with me.
- No, no conozco a nadie con ese nombre.
It doesn't ring a bell.
- Julie Costello. Me suena.
No, that doesn't ring a bell, sorry.
Ese nombre no me suena.
- Sorry, doesn't ring a bell. - No -
- Lo siento, no me suena.
A bell that doesn't ring serves no purpose.
Esta vez haremos que suene. ¡ Vaya vaya!
Doesn't ring a bell.
No recuerdo nada.
You sure Oregon doesn't ring a bell?
¿ No te suena Oregon?
Doesn't ring a bell.
- No me suena.
- That name doesn't ring a bell.
Eddie Wang. No me suena conocido.
- Doesn't ring a bell.
No tienen ojos.
Doesn't ring a bell.
No suena.

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