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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ D ] / Don't call him that

Don't call him that traduction Espagnol

213 traduction parallèle
Espero al otro lado del teléfono. Lo acordamos así.
He soesn't mean a thing. Don't call him that.
¡ No es nada para mí y no lo llames de ese modo!
Why, bill is - - Don't call him that!
- No seas idiota, porque Bill...
I would, but I don't know where to call him, that's why.
Sí, pero no sé adónde llamarlo, por eso no lo llamo.
I don't think it is very nice to call him that, behind his back I mean
No me parece bonito llamarlo así, al menos a su espalda.
- Don't let him call you that, Pop.
¡ No dejes que te llame así!
I'd like to see him drink this, and then I'll call him don't do that
Me gustaría verle. Bébete esto y luego le llamas. ¡ No hagas eso!
Don't you call him that!
¿ De qué tienes miedo?
Why don't you go call your little friend, tell him the deal is off and that he can have his squirrel back for your bat.
¿ Por qué no llamas a tu amiguito... y le dices que le devolverás su ardilla a cambio de tu murciélago?
- Don't call him that.
- No le llames así.
Don't you dare call him that bad name!
¡ No lo nombres con esa mala palabra!
You know you want to call him. You know that, don't you?
Quieres llamarlo y lo sabes, ¿ verdad?
You don't call him that in the bed!
Apuesto a que no lo llamas así en la cama.
Carmela, don't call him like that!
Carmela no lo llame así.
That optometrist who goes around to the camps. Why don't you put in a call to him?
Ya sé. ¿ Por qué no llama al optometrista que va a los campamentos?
- Don't call him that.
- No se que le llaman.
Don't call him that, and why should I be alone with him?
No llame a la que le comunicaba que, y por qué debo estar sola con él?
Please don't ever call him that.
- No Ie llames así.
Please don't ever call him that.
- ¿ Qué te ha regalado tu nuevo padre? - No Ie llames así.
Es sólo un maniquí para el consultorio. ¡ No le llames así!
Boy is Eddie, Edward that is, only we don't call him that.
El niño es Eddie, por Edward, sólo que no lo llamamos así.
- Don't ever call him that.
- No le vuelvas a llamar así.
I really don't want to call him Boub, the book isn't make to work that quick.
Realmente no quiero llamarlo Bub, el libro no fue hecho para funcionar tan rapido.
Gloria, don't call him that. Sorry.
Gloria, no le llames así.
Don't you dare call him that!
¡ No te atrevas a llamarlo así!
- Please don't call him that.
- Por favor, no lo llames así.
I don't call that losing him. I should have got the bastard three years ago.
Debería haber cogido a este cabrón hace tres años.
I don't know if that's what you'd call him.
No se si yo le llamaría así.
He told me that if you don't call him he'll put you back in jail.
Me dijo que si no le llamas te volverá a meter entre rejas.
Don't call it that in front of him.
No lo llames así en frente de él.
Hey, don't call him that.
No lo llames así.
They call him Pappy. "Why don't you break into Pappy's house... and see what he's got in that little safe of his?"
Le dicen Pappy. "¿ Por qué no entras a casa de Pappy... y te fijas qué tiene en su caja fuerte?"
See that mean lookin'fellow there, we call him Blade. - Don't shake his hand.
A ese tipo malvado de allí lo llamamos Blade, no le des la mano.
- Don't call him that.
No le llames "viejo religioso".
Don't call him that in front of George though. George don't like that.
No le llames así delante de George.
True, but once he gets in that chair, the floodgates open on his priors, which is why my gut says don't call him.
¿ llamar o no a Joseph al estrado? Es el único que puede explicar la confesión.
Don't call him that. His name is Mallory.
- No lo llames así, su nombre es Mallory.
Wait, you don't call him like that.
Espera, no lo llames así.
Don't call him that.
- No le llames eso.
Why don't I give him a call and see if he'll come down in the price? Oh, that'd be wonderful.
¿ Por qué no lo llamo y veo si quiere rebajar el precio?
Honey, why don't you call him back and tell him how that makes you feel?
Cariño, ¿ por qué no lo llamas tú y le dices cómo te hace sentir?
Why don't you call him back and remind him that the Mexican consumers who buy his textiles can't afford to buy them.
- Josh... ¿ Por qué no lo llamas y le recuerdas que los consumidores mexicanos ya no pueden pagar sus textiles.
"We don't call him that." Fucking rubbing her face in it!
"No lo llamamos así" ¡ Restregándoselo en la nariz!
Call him a dog and I'll see that you don't board the ship again. Get that?
Llámalo perro y no los veremos en el barco.
Don't forget to call him "sir". He likes that.
No olvides decirle "señor".
Why don't we call ourselves "Let's get off our... asses and do something... " because my parole officer really loves it... " when I don't tell him that I spent my day off...
¿ Por qué no nos llamamos "levantemos nuestros malditos traseros y hagamos algo porque a mi custodio de libertad bajo palabra le encanta cuando no le cuento que pasé mi día libre perdiendo el tiempo en la maldita Luna"?
Why don't you call Benjy and tell him that the only reason why you got back into his life... is so that your rich uncle doesn't cut you off.
Por qué no llamas a Benjy y le dices la que la razón por la que entraste otra vez a su vida es que tu tio te desheredó
- Don't call him that.
- No lo llames así.
- Don't call him that.
No le llames eso.
You asked me about the two prophets... maybe... the two prophets... are you and me... but if you don't call the governor and convince him to drain the reservoir, if you do what I think you're gonna do, then everything you've worked for... everything that I've ever seen would be for nothing...
Te pregunté sobre los dos profetas quizás los dos profetas somos tu y yo pero si no llamas al gobernador y le convences para drenar los tanques si haces lo que pienso que vas a hacer, entonces todo tu trabajo todo lo que he visto, no servirá de nada...
Nothing, and don't call him that.
Nada, y no lo llames asi.

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