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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ D ] / Don't fuck it up

Don't fuck it up traduction Espagnol

252 traduction parallèle
- So good luck, you boozers, users, and losers. And don't fuck it up.
Buena suerte, boozers oozers y perdedores, y no la caguen.
Good luck, and don't fuck it up.
Buena suerte, y no la caguen!
Why don't- - Don't fuck it up, man.
Nosotros... porque...
Mammy says that if whites don't play with the whip first, they can't get it up to fuck a woman.
- Untranslated subtitle - - Untranslated subtitle -
Get your ass after him, and don't fuck it up this time.
¡ Ve tras él y esta vez no friegues las cosas!
Shut up or I'll cut it off. I don't have time to fuck around.
Cállate si no quieres salir lastimada.
Now don't fuck it up.
No la arruinen.
don't fuck it up!
No mandes todo a la mierda.
- And don't fuck it up!
Y no joderlo!
Don't fuck it up by being so touchy!
¿ No lo vas a arruinar todo por tu carácter malo?
Don't fuck it up.
No lo arruines.
Add all that up. I don't know what the fuck it means but you got some bad-ass perpetrators and they're here to stay.
Júntalo todo y no sé qué cojones significa pero te digo que se trata de profesionales y no se van a ir tan fácilmente.
Don't be late and don't fuck it up.
No llegues tarde y no la jodas.
Don't fuck it up.
No friegues las cosas.
We can all retire on this one. Don't fuck it up.
Todos podemos retirarnos con esta... no la cagues.
- Travers, don't fuck it up!
- ¡ Travers, lo va a fastidiar todo!
I don't care if you fuck up your own life, but don't fuck it up for your mom and me.
No me importa que te cagues la vida, pero no nos cagues la vida a nosotros.
And that may have been the same for Rockefeller as it is for Gates... but in what I do, you fuck up, you don't just lose one of your stock options.
Y quizá fue igual para Rockefeller y para Gates... pero si uno la caga aquí, no sólo pierde la opción de compra de acciones.
Don't fuck it up for yourself. This is gonna be the most expensive case you've ever had if you lose.
No metas la pata porque será un caso muy caro, si lo pierdes.
I know compromise is a dirty word in this room, but if we don't come up with some fresh ideas, and soon, we're really going to fuck it up.
Yo sé que las concesiones no son bienvenidas aquí, pero si no tenemos alguna nueva idea pronto quedaremos todos jodidos.
Don't go in there and fuck it up.
No Io arruines todo.
I'm trusted with security, and I don't fuck it up.
Me confían la seguridad y no friego las cosas.
Don't go fuck it up with small fry shit like that.
- Hay que ser listo. - No entiendes.
Don't let that M.S.G. fuck up your head more than it is, Mikey.
No dejes que ese M.S.G. te joda más de lo que ya estás, Mike.
This is your first big chance to stay alive, don't fuck it up.
Esta es tu gran oportunidad de seguir vivo, no la jodas.
You touch her again, I don't give a fuck how much your brain's worth, it's going to end up splattered all over this room. Do you understand?
Si vuelves a tocarla, no me importa un carajo cuánto valga tu cerebro, va a estar desparramado por todo este cuarto, ¿ entendiste?
Don't fuck it up. Leave this to me.
No la cagues, déjame esto a mí.
♪ Your baby won't be near you ♪ ♪ Anymore ♪ Just as well,'cause they always fuck it up for ya, don't they?
Tu chica... ya no está... a tu lado.
When the sun comes up, I don't give a fuck........ whether it's man, woman, child or little Johnny next door.
Cuando el sol se ponga, no me importará una mierda si se trata de un hombre, una mujer, un chico o el pequeño Johnny al lado.
Don't fuck it up this time.
No metas la pata esta vez.
I've got my appeal going. I don't wanna fuck it up.
Saldré bajo palabra, no quiero estropearlo.
I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to fuck up. I don't think it's too bad.
Los siento, señor. No quería fallarle. Creo que no es muy grave.
Don't fuck it up. Ohh.
No, no jodas todo.
I don't know, what you want to do about your shit.. But please don't fuck it up for me.
No sé que quieren hacer con su dinero, pero por favor no me jodan.
Don't fuck it up!
¡ No lo jodas!
And, don't fuck it up.
Y no lo jodas
Don't worry, I'll take care of it. But don't fuck up again.
No te preocupes, ya me ocuparé, pero no vuelvas a equivocarte.
Let's don't fuck it up.
Fijate de no joder todo.
No lo jodas.
Don't fuck it up.
No la cagues.
Don't fuck it up.
No hagás cagadas.
Give me two days, Pelu. Don't fuck it up.
Dame dos días, Pelu.
As long as you work with us and don't fuck it up, you'll be OK.
Mientras trabajés con nosotros y no jodás todo está bien.
Just, Sandy, don't fuck it up.
Sólo, Sandy, no lo compliques.
Don't fuck it up.
No lo estropees.
Well, just don't fuck it up for Joey.
Sólo no le jodas la vida a Joey, ¿ sí?
- I don't like this whole idea, but unfortunately I have to accept it until you fuck up two more times
No me justa esta idea, pero lamentablemente tengo que aceptarla hasta que la cagues dos veces más.
Don't fuck it up, John.
No la "cagues", John.
Don't fuck it up!
¡ Y no la cagues esta vez!
If you're going to be so stuck up about it why don't we just "fuck", "get laid"?
Si te acojona tanto la palabra por qué no simplemente follamos, o nos acostamos.
Buckle up... and don't fuck it up.
Abróchate el cinturón... y no hagas ninguna cagada.

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