Don't go outside traduction Espagnol
421 traduction parallèle
Don't you know that a girl can break as soon as they go outside? Just like a plate when you throw it!
Nunca deberían dejar a una mujer fuera de su...
Don't go outside! It's dangerous!
¡ No salgas, que es peligroso!
Don't ever go outside the army gates.
Jamás salgas fuera de las rejas.
Now, you go outside and don't come in until we tell you.
Ahora sal, y no entres hasta que te lo digamos.
Funny... last Christmas I was in the inside looking out and thinking I'd go bats if I couldn't get outside. And now I'm out... I don't know.
Es curioso, la última Navidad estaba dentro, mirando fuera y pensando que me volvería loco si no podía salir y ahora que estoy fuera no sé...
I don't wanna go outside by myself with nobody to talk to.
No quiero ir a caminar... en la oscuridad sin nadie con quién hablar.
I don't want this to go outside this cabin.
No quiero irme del camarote.
This house is small and I don't want to bother them, let's go outside.
Esta casa es pequeña y no quiero molestarles. Salgamos.
Why don't you go and introduce your son to your friends outside?
¿ Por qué no va a presentar a su hijo a sus amigos de ahí fuera?
Don't go outside.
- ¡ No!
Why don't you go outside, Steve, and find some other place down the street?
¿ Por qué no te vas, Steve? Ve a buscar otro bar.
Look, if you want to throw your weight around, why don't you go outside where there's plenty of room?
Puede darse una vuelta por ahí. ¿ Por qué no se marcha?
Why don't you go outside and walk around?
¿ Por qué no das una vuelta? Eso te calmará.
Why don't we go outside and have a cigarette?
- ¿ Por qué no vamos a fumar fuera?
Why don't we go outside?
Salgamos un poco.
If you're not going to drink anymore, why don't you go on outside and get things over with?
Si no va a beber más, ¿ por qué no sale y acaba de una vez?
Benny, why don't you go outside and wait for me in the car?
Benny, sal fuera. Espérame en eI coche.
Why don't you go outside and play?
¿ Por qué no vas a jugar afuera?
Why don't you go on outside and play, baby.
¿ Por qué no vas a jugar afuera, bebé?
Yukiko, why don't you go outside with Ken?
Yukiko, ¿ por qué no te vas a jugar con Ken?
Don't go outside.
No salgas.
Susan, please go outside and don't let anybody in.
Susan, por favor, sal y que no entre nadie.
Why don't you go on through and wait for him outside?
¿ Por qué no sale y lo espera afuera?
- Well,... err... why don't we go outside and have a look?
- Bueno, ¿ por qué no salimos a echar un vistazo?
Young lady, don't go outside, please!
Señorita no salgas, por favor.
Yasuzo, don't go outside!
¡ Yasuzo no salgas!
Don't go outside, or nearthe windows, understand?
No salgáis ni os acerquéis a las ventanas, ¿ entendido?
If you boys want to talk, why don't y'all go outside?
¿ Por qué no os vais a hablar fuera?
The only thing I can think of is don't use the door, don't go outside.
Lo único que se me ocurre, es no cruzar esa puerta.
Why don't you go outside?
¿ Por qué no sales afuera?
Why don't you just go outside and make yourself comfortable and we'll call you if we need you.
¿ Por qué no sale y se pone cómodo? Lo llamaremos si lo necesitamos.
Why don't you go outside and get a breath of fresh air?
¿ Por qué no vas afuera A tomar un poco de aire fresco?
Look, boys, why don't you all go outside and watch the fight?
¿ Por qué no vas a verla pelea?
Don't any of you go outside.
No salgan.
I hate to change bulbs outside my house because no matter how tight I put it in, they attract a lot of dirt and guck and they're full of dead bugs and I don't like to go up there and touch'em.
Detesto cambiar las bombillas de la puerta porque por más ajustadas que estén siempre atraen la suciedad, y se llenan de bichitos muertos y no me agrada tener que tocarlas.
- Why don't we go outside?
- ¿ Por qué no vamos afuera?
- The ambulance is outside. - Why don't we go outside?
La ambulancia está afuera, señor.
I don't need go outside.
No me hace falta salir.
I go outside, a little depressed- - I'll cut the story short'cause you don't want to hear all this.
Me voy fuera, deprimido, te lo cuento rápido... porque sé que no quieres oírlo.
Kids, why don't you go outside for a while?
Niños, ¿ por qué no salís fuera un momento?
Don't go outside.
No vaya afuera.
Why don't we go outside and find a nice big tree and sit down under it?
¿ Por qué no salimos y buscamos un árbol bien grande y nos sentamos debajo de él?
Look, um, why don't you go on outside, honey.
Oye, ¿ por qué no sales, cariño?
Okay. Just don't go outside.
Está bien, pero no salgas.
Why don't you get the check and I'll go outside and thank them properly?
Paga la cuenta y yo iré afuera a agradecérselo.
Listen, why don't you let him go to the church, and then I'll pick him up outside right afterwards and he can go to my beach place and stay for the weekend.
Oiga, ¿ Por qué no le permite ir a la iglesia, y luego yo lo busco afuera cuando todo termine... y lo llevo a mi casa en la playa para pasar en fin de semana.
Outside a church... you don't go crucifying people outside a church on Good Friday.
No se mata allí y menos en Viernes Santo.
Why don't we go outside to talk?
por que no vamos afuera para hablar?
- I don't know what's going on, but I'm gonna go outside and take a look around.
- No sé lo que pasa, pero voy a salir a echar un vistazo.
Don't go outside, no matter what.
No salgas de aquí bajo ningún pretexto.
Listen, fellas, hold it. Why don't we go outside, get some fresh air?
Muchachos, ¿ por qué no vamos afuera a respirar aire fresco?
don't go far 26
don't go yet 54
don't go to sleep 22
don't go there 232
don't go out 31
don't go 1905
don't go home 28
don't go anywhere 259
don't go breaking my heart 18
don't go away 144
don't go yet 54
don't go to sleep 22
don't go there 232
don't go out 31
don't go 1905
don't go home 28
don't go anywhere 259
don't go breaking my heart 18
don't go away 144