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Downton abbey traduction Espagnol

160 traduction parallèle
Mrs Bird, at Downton Abbey the housekeeper manages the store cupboard, but...
Señora Bird, en Downton Abbey, el ama de llaves organiza las provisiones, pero creo que encontrará...
Hello, this is Downton Abbey.
¿ Diga? Aquí Downton Abbey.
Hello, this is Mr Carson, the butler of Downton Abbey.
¿ Oiga? Soy el señor Carson, el mayordomo de Downton Abbey.
We're watching "Downtown Abbey."
Estamos viendo Downton Abbey.
- Downton Abbey. - Would they ever allow it?
Downton Abbey. ¿ Lo permitirían?
Managing Downton Abbey?
¿ Administrando Downton Abbey?
I have to go where I am useful and that place, I'm afraid, is no longer Downton Abbey.
Debo ir donde soy útil y ese lugar, me temo, ya no es Downton Abbey.
You mean you wish me to leave Downton Abbey and transfer...
¿ Quieres decir que quieres que me vaya Downton Abbey y la transferencia...
That is why Downton Abbey still has such an important role to play.
Es por eso que Downton Abbey todavía tiene un papel tan importante que desempeñar.
You seem to think she can only be happy in some version of Downton Abbey.
Parece creer que sólo será feliz en una versión de Downton Abbey.
I could see my sister but, to be honest, the thought of staying in with a ready meal and watching all of Downton Abbey is much more appealing.
He podido ir a ver a mi hermana, pero sinceramente, la idea de quedarme aquí con comida preparada y viendo todo Downton Abbey es mucho más atractiva.
Are you bored with Downton Abbey?
¿ Estás aburrida de Downton Abbey?
Actress, Downton Abbey, knows the princess.
Actriz de Downton Abbey, conoce a la Princesa.
" Downton Abbey.worry, I have already chosen
" Downton Abey.
There is going to be hell to pay at Downton Abbey tonight.
Va a ser un infierno para pagar esta noche en Dowton Abbey.
Well, you see, to us, in marrying you it seemed like Sybil had left Downton Abbey forever.
Bueno, sabes, para nosotros, al casarse contigo es como si Sybil haya abandonado Downton Abbey para siempre.
God forbid you give away the ending to Downton abbey.
Dios no quiera que te revelen el final de Downton Abbey.
Feeling the "Downtown Abbey"?
¿ Te crees en "Downton Abbey"?
That's very Downton Abbey.
Es muy Downton Abbey.
Why don't you cue up Downton Abbey or something?
¿ Por qué no pones Downton Abbey o algo?
This isn't Downton Abbey, Jane.
Esto no es Downtown Abbey, Jane.
Like, it's like a dirty Downton Abbey.
Es como plaza Sésamo.
The Bachelor, Downton Abbey, liking every stupid thing my friends post on their walls?
¿ La despedida de soltero, Downton Abbey, que me guste todas las estúpidas cosas... que mis amigos publican?
The Bachelor, Downton Abbey, and...
Despedidas de soltero, Downton Abbey, y...
"Downton Abbey" with me, no matter how many times I asked.
"Downton Abbey" conmigo, no importa cuántas veces lo pida.
Shut up, Downton Abbey.
- Cállate, Downtown Abbey.
- "Downton Abbey." - What?
- "Downton Abbey" - ¿ Qué?
- Life isn't Downton Abbey.
- La vida no es Downton Abbey.
- Life is Downton Abbey.
- La vida es Downton Abbey.
What is this, "Downton Abbey"?
¿ Qué es esto, "Downton Abbey"?
I shall be Countess of Grantham one day and the Countess of Grantham lives at Downton Abbey.
Un día seré condesa de Grantham y, tal como yo lo veo, la condesa de Grantham vive en Downton Abbey.
Do you think these great houses like Downton Abbey are going to go on just as they are for 40 years?
¿ Crees que las casas como Downton Abbey seguirán iguales los próximos 40 años?
Do you wanna watch Downton Abbey tonight?
¿ Quieres ver Downton Abbey esta noche?
Well, I do because I watch "Downton Abbey."
Bueno, es porque miro "Downtown Abbey".
The same reason you're only three episodes into Downton Abbey.
Por la misma razón que solo has visto tres episodios de Downton Abbey.
I'm loving that whole Downton Abbey thing you've got going on there.
Me encanta ese rollo Downton Abbey que llevas.
This is so Downton Abbey.
Esto es tan Downton Abbey.
And don't forget to tune in to the Starving Games after the season finale of "Downton Abbey."
y no olviden sintonizar los juegos de hambre Despues del final de temporada de "Downton Abbey."
I was up late eating cupcakes and trying to figure out the perfect way to give Natalie attention when "Downton Abbey" came on.
Quedé despierta comiendo magdalenas y tratando de averiguar la manera perfecta de darle atención a Natalie cuando comenzó "Downton Abbey."
"sire, some news from downton abbey."
"Sire, noticias de Downton Abbey."
You wrote to Charlie Carson at Downton Abbey.
Escribiste a Charlite Carson en Downton Abbey.
You see, I worked at Downton Abbey, but only for a short time.
Verá, trabajé en Downton Abbey, pero por poco tiempo.
Have you ever seen Downton Abbey?
¿ Has visto alguna vez Downton Abbey?
Oh, by the by, Downton Abbey- - got it in my briefcase.
Por cierto, Downton Abbey... a llevo en mi maletín.
But we're not sitting in Downton Abbey, are we?
Pero no estamos sentadas en Downton Abbey, ¿ no?
I've got some leftover coq au vin in the fridge and six episodes of "Downton Abbey" on the DVR.
Tengo un poco de sobras pollo al vino en la nevera y seis episodios de "Downton Abbey" en DVD.
"Downton Abbey," here I come.
Ahí voy "Downton Abbey".
You will address me as Lady Grantham of Downton Abbey, or better yet, not at all.
Te dirigirás a mí como Lady Grantham de Downton Abbey, o mejor aún, no lo hagas.
Especially this downtown Abby or whatever her name is.
Sobre todo nada de Downton Abbey o sea cual sea su nombre.
Welcome... to Downton Abbey.
Downton Abbey ".
Or the hours of him going Downton on my abbey.
O las horas de su bajar al centro de mi abadía.

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