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Eastenders traduction Espagnol

75 traduction parallèle
If you're on "EastEnders", the press want your opinion on everything. - Why?
Si sales en la telenovela, ya quieren saber tu opinión de todo.
¿ Telenovelas?
Oh, I can't tonight. lt's EastEnders.
Transmiten EastEnders.
The wife won't miss an episode of EastEnders.
Mi esposa no se perderá un episodio de la telenovela
You can record EastEnders.
Puedes grabar la telenovela.
It's like something out of EastEnders.
Parece una teleserie.
– You and a certain actor from EastEnders.
- ¿ Qué? -... tú y cierto actor de EastEnders.
I feel like a character on EastEnders ‒ the come-down version.
Me siento como un personaje de telenovela. Versión cutre.
Michelle from EastEnders got a third.
Michelle de EastEnders sacó un aprobado.
I've banned EastEnders. He's livid.
He prohibido ver Santa Barbara.
'What was his girlfriend's name on EastEnders?
'¿ Cómo se llamaba su novia en "EastEnders".?
- EastEnders?
- ¿ Y porque no probaste en EastEnders?
I never watch TV, apart from "Emmerdale", "Corrie" and "EastEnders".
Yo nunca veo TV, aparte de'Emmerdale','Corrie'y'EastEnders'.
Ross is sort of mud with Barry because it was Ross that persuaded Barry to leave EastEnders.
No mencionaría a Ross por aquí. Ross no le cae muy bien a Barry porque Ross le aconsejó a Barry acerca de dejar'EastEnders'.
Just say to him, " I thought you were brilliant in EastEnders, Ultimate Force.
- Pídele a Ross Kemp que te dé una frase. Díle, " Creo que estuviste genial en EastEnders, en Ultimate Force.
- Who's this one?
Martin Kemp estuvo en EastEnders y Spandau Ballet.
- Barry off EastEnders.
- Oh, Barry, sí. - Sí.
Sorry, can I just say, if you're interested in a famous face, I represent Barry from EastEnders.
Lo siento, si estás interesado en un rostro famoso, represento a Barry, de East Enders.
The Thames was modelled on the opening credit's of EastEnders.
El Tamesis fué modelado en la apertura de creditos de la Pascua.
So, will you please welcome from EastEnders, Charlie Slater.
Así que demosle la bienvenida, de "EastEnders", a Charlie Slater.
EastEnders. I love it.
EastEnders. Me encanta.
EastEnders, Meera.
EastEnders, Meera.
I didn't mean it to be a whole thing about being in EastEnders.
No pretendía que todo se tratara de estar en "EastEnders".
- ( Mimics EastEnders drums at end of episode ) - Give it a rest.
- Dame un respiro.
EastEnders highlights, choice bits from the reality shows, ten-second music videos.
Momentos destacados de Eastenders, fragmentos de reality shows, videoclips en 10 segundos
You have got 24 hours to sort out your policy on EastEnders, right? Or you're for the halal butchers.
Tienes 24 horas para ponerte al día en tu política sobre Eastenders o de cabeza al matadero.
( Imitates EastEnders drums )
( Imita los tambores de Eastenders )
So you know your EastEnders?
¿ Ya conoces EastEnders?
- ( Imitates EastEnders drums, gets it wrong ) - What?
( Imita mal los tambores de EastEnders ) ¿ Qué?
Particularly if it's on after East Enders and they ain't got to change the channel.
Y más si es justo después de "Eastenders", no tienen que cambiar de canal.
My character on East Enders, he started out as an interesting three-dimensional person, but then over the years the writers turned him into a joke, and that's why I walked away, you know, it wasn't what I wanted to do.
Mi personaje en "Eastenders" era una persona interesante y tridimensional. Pero con el paso de los años, los escritores lo convirtieron en un chiste. Y por éso me fui, no era lo que yo quería hacer.
Shaun, on East Enders, they started to turn his character into a joke and he walked away at the top of his game.
Shaun. En "Eastenders", comenzaron a convertir su personaje en un chiste. Y él se fue, cuando estaba en la cima.
When I was on East Enders we used to go to a place called Castro's. It's quiet and they treat you well if they recognise you.
Cuando hacía EastEnders solía ir a un sitio llamado Castro's... es tranquilo y te tratan bien si te reconocen.
I used to come here a lot a few years ago. I don't know if you remember me, - when I was in East Enders?
Yo solía venir aquí hace unos años no sé si me recuerda, cuando hacía EastEnders.
- It's only Barry off East Enders?
Es Barry de EastEnders. Hola.
When they said you went into the East Enders bosses to beg for his job back and you were on your knees and then you burst into tears.
Cuando dijeron que fuiste a ver a los jefes de "EastEnders"... para suplicar que le devolvieran el trabajo y que estabas de rodillas, y que rompiste a llorar.
Thank you. Oh, but before I go, do you remember Barry off East Enders?
Oh, antes de irme, ¿ os acordais de Barry de "EastEnders"?
- You mean Barry from EastEnders?
- O sea, ¿ con Barry de "EastEnders"?
Jesus, this isn't EastEnders, this is politics.
Jesús, esto no es EastEnders, esta es la política.
It was on EastEnders about 100 years ago! Shut up, you!
Estuvo en Eastenders hace cien años
East Enders ( teleserie Británica ).
Erm, do, I know... Do Bianca, from EastEnders.
Lo se.
- ( EastEnders theme tune ) - Can someone switch over to Corrie?
¿ Puede alguien cambiarle a "Corrie" por mi?
- EastEnders.
- EastEnders.
Quite sudden, really, she was just in her bedroom watching Eastenders and by the time I came up with her Bovril she was just sat there.
Fue súbitamente. Estaba en su dormitorio, mirando "Eastenders" y cuando llegué con su caldo de carne estaba allí en su asiento, desplomada.
She was watching Eastenders, you say?
¿ Dijiste que estaba mirando "Eastenders"?
I know someone on'Enders, actually, wait till I tell them that.
Conozco a gente en "Eastenders" espera a que les cuente, se harán encima.
Dr. Legg off EastEnders.
No lo sé. El Dr. Pierna De EastEnders.
- EastEnders.
- "East Endorsa".
That was Martin Kemp. Martin Kemp was in EastEnders and Spandau Ballet.
Ese era Martin Kemp.
- Shaun?
- Barry de'EastEnders'.

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