Eat that traduction Espagnol
8,219 traduction parallèle
Wait, dad let's you eat that stuff? Um-hm.
Qué se obtiene con eso?
Are you gonna eat that?
¿ Te vas a comer eso?
Wayne's going to eat that whole deer, and the next one's yours.
Wayne se va a comer ese venado, y el próximo será tuyo.
Why are we sitting here playing guess what's in the Twinkie, and don't eat that shit anyway.
No importa. ¿ Por qué estamos aquí jugando a las adivinanzas? No comas esa porquería.
Do you always eat that much?
¿ Siempre comes tanto?
You don't eat that Japanese muck.
No comas ese lodo japonés.
No! Do not eat that!
¡ No te comas eso!
You can eat that?
Se puede comer eso?
Eat that up!
¡ Cómete eso!
You gonna eat that carnita or are you gonna give it to your dog?
¿ Vas a comer esa carnita o se la vas a dar a tu perro?
She tries to eat that deposit receipt, you Heimlich it right out of her, hear me?
Si intenta comerse ese comprobante, sácaselo. ¿ Me oíste?
I wouldn't eat that if I were you.
Yo no me lo comería.
Okay, I will tell him that I come soon to eat soup. What'd you say?
Bien le diré eso vendré pronto para comer sopa que dijiste?
That is what we eat here.
Eso es lo que comemos aquí.
That's all you're gonna eat is cheese and bread?
Eso es todo... lo que vas a comer, ¿ queso y pan?
Here, we eat and drink, that's all.
Aquí sólo tomamos y comemos.
But, that's what I'm going to say to my mom and she's gonna eat it up.
Pero eso le diré a mi mamá y le encantará.
The night had become so haunted by ghosts of Christmases past that Rags began to stress-eat.
La noche se había llenado de tantos fantasmas de Navidades pasadas... que a Rags le dio angustia oral.
I can't believe we go out to eat, and you order the one thing on the menu that anyone could make with their eyes shut.
No puedo creer que vayamos a comer y pidas lo único del menú que cualquiera puede hacer sin pensar.
I could eat on that cheeseburger.
Me comería una hamburguesa con queso.
Hey, how did you learn to eat spaghetti like that?
¿ Cómo aprendiste a comer espaguetis?
Frank, if that $ 50,000 isn't under that windmill, I'm gonna bury you up to your neck and let the desert critters eat you alive.
Frank, si esos $ 50 000 no están bajo el molino, te enterraré hasta el cuello, para que los bichos del desierto te coman vivo.
Who can eat with all that beeping?
¿ Quién puede comer con todo ese pitido?
The only thing that I would eat was the Jell-O... I remember that.
La única cosa que comía era la gelatina.
If it's been more than a couple of days you should try to eat some of that bird they gave you.
Si han pasado más de un par de días debería tratar de comer un poco de esa ave que le dieron.
You tell him that you eat fish.
Dile que comes pescado.
You don't have to eat like that.
No tienes que comer así.
McCarthy must've put weed in that soup because my brain is trying to eat itself.
McCarthy debe haber puesto hierba en esa sopa porque mi cerebro está tratando de comerse a sí mismo.
That pesky little doggie eat it?
¿ Ese perrito molesto se la ha comido?
He's going up against the Alien or the Predator or something that will try and kill him and maybe eat him or lay eggs in his eyeballs.
Va en contra de Alien o Depredador, o algo que tratará de matarlo y tal vez comérselo o poner huevos en sus cuencas.
I think you can understand that their kids can't live or eat off IOUs.
Creo que puede entender... que sus hijos no pueden vivir o comer de pagarés.
I would rather be a vegetarian than stuff my face with all the flesh that you eat.
Yo preferiría ser vegetariana... a llenarme de toda esa carne que tú comes...
Do you remember that? You guys actually had matching bowls, but you didn't care, and he was obsessed. He could only eat in that, and sometimes I would even bring it up to him at night in bed.
Lo recuerdas? y él estaba obsesionado. ya veces me atrevería a llevar que hasta él por la noche en la cama. tenía 15 años de edad y todavía quería comer cereales!
At 10 o'clock at night, he was 15 years old and still wanted to eat cereal! Okay, that's enough.
eso es suficiente.
They've already suggested that I eat sand.
Algunos van diciendo que he comido tierra.
So, I was really hungry, so I started to eat some mushro - oms that I brought from home.
Así, estaba realmente hambriento, así que empecé a comer un poco de mushro - oms que traje de casa.
Now, they never found the body, but when Boris is under hypnosis with Professor Anatov, he actually confessed to the murder, and he claimed that he was being forced to eat the body.
Nunca encontraron el cuerpo, pero cuando Boris estuvo bajo hipnosis con el profesor Anatov, confesó el crimen, y aseguró que fue forzado a comerse el cadáver.
That's like an- - a whole regular-size ice cream if you eat the whole box. I know.
Es como comerte un helado normal si te comes toda la caja.
And how can I ensure that producers or suppliers, um, are gonna eat?
¿ Y cómo puedo asegurarme de que los fabricantes, o proveedores van a comer? "
I mean, you've got to see the way I eat an avocado and you'll be like that's you know, do that to me.
Quiero decir, usted tiene que ver mi forma de comer un aguacate Y seréis como eso es sabes, hacerme eso.
I told you - don't wear that when you eat.
Te dije que no uses eso cuando comas.
Are you afraid that I'll eat you up?
¿ Te da miedo que te vaya a comer?
Perfect! You get Sharktopus to eat likikata... and the President said that he'll pardon you.
si hubiera alguna sangre para sacrificio.
If you just hold them in your hand hoping that you might get to eat them one day, they're going to melt.
Si simplemente las dejas en tu mano esperando llegar a comértelas algún día, entonces se derretirán.
I never expected that shrimp cocktails would sprout wings and fucking eat people, it's just...
Nunca esperé que a esos cocktails de camarones les brotaran alas... y se comieran a la gente, es solo que...
I'm gonna give this to the man at the register and tell him you can have anything in the store one can eat up to $ 5 worth and that he is to keep the change.
Le daré esto al muchacho de la caja... y le diré que puedes comprar lo que quieras de la tienda... con valor de hasta $ 5... y que el cambio es suyo.
The minute that the waft of stench, huh, from the herpes and the syphilis and the lice that you eat, huh, the minute that started coming...
En el momento en que la ráfaga de olor, ¿ eh, a partir de los herpes y la sífilis y los piojos que usted come, ¿ eh, el momento en que empezó a venir...
How much did you eat? Um... Yeah, that's not enough.
¿ Cuánto has comido? Sí, eso no es suficiente.
Before we eat this wonderful cake that Patrice made, look at all these donations for Lila.
Antes de que comemos este maravilloso pastel que Patrice hizo, miren a todos estos donaciones para Lila.
You eat those whole, is that right?
¿ Te los comes todo, es así?
Huh? Is that what you always eat for lunch?
¿ Eso es lo que comes siempre de almuerzo?
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16