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She's been writing her name on sandwiches that aren't even hers.
Ha estado poniendo su nombre en sándwiches que no eran suyos.
Oh, my God, have you been living up there?
Dios, ¿ has estado viviendo ahí arriba?
What would you have to show if you hadn't been looking and finding and seeking?
¿ Qué tienes para mostrar si no has estado buscando e indagando?
Your dad and I are just concerned'cause you've been so distant lately.
Tu padre y yo estamos preocupados porque últimamente has estado muy distante.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe I've been so distant because I've been busy with my own life?
¿ Se os ha ocurrido alguna vez que haya estado tan distante porque he estado ocupada con mi propia vida?
So, this is why you haven't been coming home?
¿ Por esto no has estado viniendo a casa?
You've been dating your mom's assistant?
¿ Has estado saliendo con el becario de tu madre?
Do you remember being in Dallas?
¿ Te acuerdas de haber estado en Dallas?
I don't know if you remember, but my back's been bothering me lately.
No sé si usted recuerda, pero mi espalda me ha estado molestando últimamente.
I've been working on that all morning, and it is for a party tonight.
He estado trabajando en eso toda la mañana, y es para una fiesta esta noche.
"Welcome to Arizona State's admissions portal."
"Bienvenidos al estado de Arizona, portal de admisiones".
We've been playing it all morning.
La hemos estado poniendo toda la mañana.
It's also not "customary" for a dean of admissions to alter an applicant's status, so... I'll go get the straitjacket from the nurse.
Tampoco se "estila" que el decano de admisiones altere el estado de los solicitantes, así que... iré a por la camisa de fuerza de la enfermería.
Manny, I know what you've been trying to do the whole day.
Manny, sé lo que has estado intentando hacer todo el día.
I'll tell you, I haven't been this out of sorts since that twister lifted up our house.
Ya os digo, no he estado tan decaída desde que un tornado se llevó nuestra casa.
Oh, your father and I have been arguing about something for over an hour.
Tu padre y yo hemos estado discutiendo sobre algo cerca de una hora.
It's just... it's been a lot recently, you know, coming off of a really long trial, Cam's spring cleaning frenzy, hauling Lily all over for softball, pretending to care about softball.
Es solo que he estado muy liado últimamente, ya sabes, acabo de salir de un juicio largo, la locura de la limpieza de primavera de Cam, llevar a Lily a softball, fingir que me interesa el softball.
I've been here a million times.
He estado aquí un millón de veces.
The fact that you stayed with that book at all, which is basically a love story between two men.
El hecho de que has estado con ese libro hasta el final, el cual es básicamente una historia de amor entre dos hombres.
- That's not bad. - No, it wasn't good, but I'm not crying and you haven't called me "missy", so let's keep going.
- No, no ha estado bien, pero no estoy llorando y no me has llamado señorita, así que sigamos.
The one congress will have a lot of questions about being here.
El congreso se hará muchas preguntas por haber estado yo aquí.
I need to know who they are, and who they've been talking to.
Necesito saber quiénes son y con quien han estado hablando.
You were tapping along!
¡ Has estado siguiendo el ritmo!
Have you been here all night?
¿ Has estado aquí toda la noche?
I've been doing some reading.
He estado estudiando algo.
You have been doing a sterling job... in most areas.
Ha estado haciendo un trabajo admirable... en muchas áreas.
The killer has been in that home.
El asesino ha estado en ese hogar.
You know, I've never even been to the Orchard tea-rooms.
¿ Sabe? , nunca he estado en los salones de té Orchad.
But we've been waiting for the storm to pass to be able to get out there.
Pero hemos estado esperando que la tormenta pase para poder salir.
Oh. He must have been out in the storm when the boom dropped.
Debe haber estado en la tormenta cuando cayó la botavara.
- The radar's been active since yesterday morning.
El radar ha estado activo - desde ayer por la mañana.
You look like you've been busy.
Parece que has estado ocupada.
Mr Lewis and Miss Boyd shared a joint account with a small Caribbean bank - - they seemed to have been struggling the last few years.
El Sr. Lewis y la Srta. Boyd compartían una cuenta conjunta en un pequeño banco del Caribe, parecían haber estado en dificultades los últimos años.
OK, so we've been going around the harbour trying to find any
Hemos estado recorriendo el puerto tratando de encontrar
And after our phone call, I've been giving it some thought.
Y después de nuestra llamada he estado reflexionando.
My daughter's been training me.
Mi hija me ha estado entrenando.
The problem is, though, this past week she's been incubating chicken eggs in the airing cupboard, you know, for the little boy who lives next door, he has chickens but no sense of where they come from.
El problema es, sin embargo... la semana pasada ha estado incubando huevos de gallina en un armario para ventilar ropa para el niño que vive al lado... él tiene gallinas, pero desconoce de donde vienen.
Been at City Met for 25 years.
Ha estado en City Met por 25 años.
Only been here for four years.
Solo ha estado aquí por 4 años.
Wow, someone's been busy.
Alguien ha estado ocupado.
Ah, I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this.
No puedo explicarte cuanto he estado esperando por esto.
So, I've been focusing on the Chichester area - - just like you said.
Me he estado enfocando en el área de Chichester... justo como Ud. dijo.
I've been to calypso parties that weren't so up close and personal.
He estado en fiestas de calypso que no eran tan cercanas ni personales.
Apparently one of our bankers has been lying to us.
Aparentemente uno de los banqueros nos ha estado mintiendo.
I hear they worked it out, but things have been icy ever since.
Tengo entendido que lo solucionaron pero las cosas han estado tensas desde entonces.
They've been awful.
Han estado terribles.
You've been playing the exact same song for 14 hours.
Han estado tocando exactamente la misma canción por 14 horas.
This must be because of all that loud, blaring music he's been playing in those nightclubs.
Debe ser por toda esa música escandalosa que ha estado tocando en los clubes nocturnos.
The guy who's been terrorizing me, that's your dad?
¿ El tipo que me ha estado aterrorizando es tu padre?
This is a coup.
Esto es un golpe de estado.
You've been in a coma.
Has estado en coma.

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