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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ E ] / Everything is going to be fine

Everything is going to be fine traduction Espagnol

132 traduction parallèle
Everything is going to be fine.
Todo estará bien.
I'm sure everything is going to be fine.
Seguro que juntos tendremos suerte.
Cleva, the doctor says there's every reason to expect that everything is going to be fine.
Cleva, el médico dice que hay razones para esperar que todo vaya bien.
Everything is going to be fine.
Todo irá bien.
Take my word for it. Everything is going to be fine.
Te prometo que todo saldrá bien.
This time everything is going to be fine.
Everything is going to be fine
Todo va a estar bien
And I know that once we get married everything is going to be fine.
Y sé que una vez que nos casemos todo estará bien.
I better call Joseph and tell him everything is going to be fine.
Será mejor que llame a Joseph para decirle que todo está saliendo bien.
Everything is going to be fine.
- Tranquilo.
Listen, sweetheart, it's just like Holliday said - as soon as we get the diamonds, we'll take both your collars off and everything is going to be fine.
Escucha, cielo, es como Holliday dijo. Tan pronto tengamos los diamantes les quitaremos los collares. Y todo saldrá bien.
Everything is going to be fine, okay?
No va a pasar nada. ¿ Está bien?
Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine.
No te preocupes, no me pasará nada.
I talked to a psychic today and she told me everything is going to be fine. She said we're going to work everything out. Isn't that something?
y me dijo que todo va a estar bien me dijo que vamos a superar todo no es algo?
Everything is going to be fine. Trust me.
Todo te va a ir bien.
Everything is going to be fine.
Todo va a salir muy bien.
Everything is going to be fine.
Todo va a salir bien.
I mean, everything is going to be fine.
Todo saldrá bien.
I just want you to know everything is going to be fine, all right?
Sólo quiero que sepan que todo estará bien, ¿ bueno?
You know what? Once you finally talk to Noel, everything is going to be fine.
Sabes qué, estoy seguro que una vez que hables con Noel todo estará bien.
- Everything is going to be fine.
- Todo va a salir bien.
All right then. Everything is going to be fine, according to paramedics.
Bueno, todo va a salir buen según los paramédicos.
And I promise you everything is going to be fine
Y te prometo que todo va a salir bien.
Everything is going to be fine.
Ya ha pasado todo.
But everything is going to be fine.
Pero todo saldrá bien.
Everything is going to be fine.
Todo va a ir bien.
Nate, dear, everything is going to be fine, you'll see.
Todo saldrá bien, ya verás.
Neha, everything is going to be fine.
Neha, todo va a ir bien.
Everything is going to be fine.
Todo va a estar bien.
Everything is going to be fine.
Todo saldrá bien.
Can you stop pretending that everything is going to be fine?
¡ ¿ Puedes dejar de pretender que todo está bien?
Everything is going to be fine. "
Todo irá bien ".
Everything is going to be fine.
Todo estara bien.
Don't worry puttar ( son ), everything is going to be fine.
- No te preocupes... todo está bien...
Everything is going to be fine, you'll see Suat.
Todo va a estar bien, ya lo verás Suat.
I swear to God, everything is going to be fine.
Te juro por Dios que todo estará bien.
Everything is going to be fine, Wisloeff.
Todo estará bien, Wisloeff.
Everything is going to be fine.
Mira, todo va a estar bien.
Esta habitación de aquí.
Everything is going to be just fine, I promise you :
Todo va a salir bien, se lo prometo.
Everyone is going to show up and everything will be fine.
Van a aparecer, ¿ de acuerdo? Y todo se arreglará.
Everything is going to be just fine.
Todo va a estar bien.
But I am here to tell you... that everything is going to be just fine.
Pero he venido a decirte que todo va a salir muy bien.
Look at you. Everything is going to be just fine.
¡ Todo irá bien!
Well, everything is gonna be fine now,'cause I'm going to handle this myself, May.
Y ahora también todo irá bien porque yo mismo me voy a ocupar de ello.
Setting a date is going to be difficult But before the engagement, everything was fine, wasn't it?
Fijar una fecha será difícil
I can come to the Mall of the Uncharted Territories, buy anthing I want cause I'm rich- - and that leather SM faced wacko Scorpy clone- - he's-he's, locked in here... here so, you know, I- - - -anything with all, you know, everything, is going to be just fine, but no- - my friend, she's sick, so we gotta find a place where she can heal- - and you have no idea what I'm talkin'about, do ya?
Sabes, poder llegar al Hiper de los Territorios Inexplorados, comprar todo lo que quiero porque, soy rico... y ese cara de cuero chiflado del clon de Scorpy, está, está encerrado por ahí... asi que, sabes, Yo nada de nada, sabes, todo iba a estar bien, pero, no mi amiga.
Everything is going to be just fine.
todo va a andar bien.
Everything is going to be just fine...!
¡ Pondremos todo en orden!
In Enron, it looks to me like the captain first gave himself and some friends a bonus, then lowered himself and the top folks down in the lifeboat and then hollered up and said, by the way, everything is going to be just fine.
En Enron, me parece a mí que el capitán primero se dio a sí mismo y a sus amigos unos bonos y luego él y los de arriba se subieron en el bote salvavidas y luego gritaron, "Todo va a estar bien".
Everything is going to be just fine.
Tú vas a ver que todo va a salir bien, eh?

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