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For obvious reasons traduction Espagnol

273 traduction parallèle
But I told the lawyer that I want the baby. For obvious reasons.
Pero le he dicho al abogado que quiero quedarme con la niña.
Now, gentlemen, for obvious reasons, no word of this should get outside this office.
Ya hora, caballeros, por razones obvias, nada de esto debe salir de este despacho.
She is the hit of the show, for obvious reasons.
Es la estrella del espectáculo, por razones obvias.
For obvious reasons, you've had to work without knowing your target or even your weapon.
Por razones obvias, han tenido que completarlo sin conocer ni su objetivo, ni su armamento.
First of all my mother asked me to return this locket to you which she can't accept for obvious reasons.
En primer lugar mi señora madre me encarga devolverle este medallón que por razones obvias no puede aceptar.
They've steamed at full speed for the Plate, for obvious reasons. The fellow's raving mad.
Piden que les proporcionemos 2.000 toneladas de combustible.
Yeah, but now you've changed your mind for obvious reasons.
Pero cambiaste de opinión, por razones obvias.
For obvious reasons, we can't send out a hut at a time so we'll be divided into serials, A-Y, with a mix from all the huts.
Por razones obvias, no podemos enviar fuera a todo el barracón de una vez, así que nos dividiremos en grupos de la A a la Y, con una mezcla de todos los barracones.
They accept, for obvious reasons.
Ellos aceptan, por razones evidentes.
It's out of the question for obvious reasons, so I recommended you and she agreed.
Es impensable, por razones obvias, así que... te recomendé y accedió.
For obvious reasons Father kept me out of his world.
Por razones evidentes... mi padre me mantuvo alejada de su mundo.
For obvious reasons I can't tell you my clan.
Por motivos evidentes no puedo decirte mi clan.
Tell her that I can not possibly see her here... for obvious reasons.
Dile que no puedo visitarla aquí... por razones obvias.
If that was the case, he'd deny it for obvious reasons.
Si ése fue el caso, lo niega por razones obvias.
Yes, you see, SHADO have developed an amnesia drug, for obvious reasons.
Si, verá, SHADO ha desarrollado una droga de amnesia, por razones obvias.
They keep personnel to a minimum for obvious reasons.
Mantienen un mínimo de personal.
But that Friday in the park not withstanding the twilight for obvious reasons wasn't wearing her glasses was still able to recognize the accused with his hat pulled down as the fleeing killer.
Pero ese viernes en el parque, en el crepúsculo, sin sus lentes colocados - por obvias razones - ella fue capaz de ver a un hombre, con su sombrero calado, y reconocerlo como el acusado.
- For obvious reasons.
- Por razones obvias.
Gentlemen, none of you have ever met before for obvious reasons of security.
Caballeros, ninguno de ustedes se conoce por obvias razones de seguridad.
It's called that for obvious reasons.
El nombre es obvio.
She reaches the hotel, arriving there about 12 : 15. I myself timed the journey. But then I was not running like a young gazelle, for obvious reasons.
Llegó al hotel a las 12 : 15 más o menos, yo mismo cronometré el viaje, claro que sin correr como una gacela por razones obvias.
Now, for obvious reasons involving the Neutrality Act, this is touchy business.
Por razones obvias de nuestra neutralidad, es un tema delicado.
Loretta, this is Carla, who I divorced for obvious reasons.
Loretta, esta es Carla, de quien me divorcie por razones obvias.
For obvious reasons, Byrock stays as far away from the dumpsites as he can.
Por razones obvias, Byrock se mantiene alejado de los vertederos.
Well, she has very few visitors for obvious reasons.
- Ella recibe muy pocas visitas.
Correct, Redl, and for obvious reasons.
Así es, Redl, y por causas evidentes.
It is my custom to walk around to see that the house is secure because for obvious reasons, Sir Eustace is not always to be relied upon in that respect.
Tengo por costumbre dar una vuelta para asegurarme de que la casa estaba cerrada pues, por razones obvias en Sir Eustace no siempre se podía confiar a ese respecto.
My 4 young wards nicknamed me splinter for obvious reasons.
Mis cuatro discipulos me llamaron Splinter. Por obvias razones.
There are irrefutable similarities that, for obvious reasons, I cannot discuss, that suggest Laura Palmer was the second and Ronnette Pulaski would've been the third victim of the same killer.
Existen similitudes irrefutables de las que no puedo hablar, que nos llevan a concluir que Laura Palmer fue la segunda y Ronnette Pulaski habría sido la tercera víctima del mismo asesino.
For obvious reasons, no one wants to keep it around.
Por motivos obvios, nadie quiere tenerlo.
Keaton was the real prize for them for obvious reasons.
Keaton era el gran premio para ellos, obviamente.
- So far, But when there is you're never going to go with Arnold for obvious reasons.
- Por ahora. Cuando lo haya, no elegirás a Arnold.
A truth that is known by only a few... and should remain so for obvious reasons.
Una verdad que la saben solo unos pocos y debe permanecer así por razones obvias.
A truth that is known by only a few... and should remain so for obvious reasons.
Una verdad que muy pocos conocen... y debe seguir asi por obvias razones.
For obvious reasons, I wasn't able to consult as usual.
Por obvias razones, no estoy capacitado para consultar, como siempre.
I can't name the station for obvious reasons.
No puedo nombrar la estación por razones obvias.
For obvious reasons, we can never speak of this again.
Por motivos obvios, no podemos hablar de esto nunca más.
For obvious reasons, we're keeping this from the media.
Por razones obvias, mantendremos silencio con la prensa.
Merci, monsieur. It is obvious that Karnoff has his own reasons for directing suspicion... on others than himself.
Es obvio que Karnoff tiene sus razones... para que sospechen de otros y no de él.
$ 7,500 is a pretty penny, but my client needs $ 10,000... for reasons that should be pretty obvious by now.
7.500 dólares hacen una bonita suma, pero mi cliente necesita 10.000... por razones que ya deberían ser bastante obvias.
It was no figment of the imagination that has an accomplice who should be named as, for obvious reasons, planted the bottle that exposed you
No es un producto de la imaginación tener un cómplice, anónimo, por razones obvias, que colocó la botella que te delató.
But just this once I signed the cheques myself, for very obvious reasons.
Pero esta vez he firmado yo los cheques, por razones obvias.
Based on the findings of the Bland Corporation, my conclusion was that this was not a practical deterrent, for reasons which at this moment must be all too obvious.
Basado en las conclusiones del Bland Corporation, mi conclusión es que esto no es un elemento práctico de disuasión, por razones que en este momento son muy obvias.
For reasons that are obvious, I'm not prepared to tell you.
Por razones obvias, no puedo decírtelo.
The coach will be driven by William here, better known as Big William, for very obvious reasons.
El autobús será conducido por William aquí, mejor conocido como Gran William, por razones muy obvias.
Perhaps I should add that the contract would be made, for obvious political reasons, to a Swiss subsidiary which my company will control, of course.
Quizás debería añadir que el contrato se haría... por obvios motivos políticos, a través de una empresa suiza... que mi empresa controla.
First, for very obvious reasons, they thought the Earth, here where I am now, was at the center of everything.
Primero, por razones muy obvias, creían que la Tierra, aquí donde estoy ahora, era el centro de todo.
So cool for reasons too obvious to mention.
Muy genial por razones obvias.
Something I needed for reasons which are now quite clear and obvious.
Algo que yo necesitaba por razones que ahora son bastante claras y obvias.
Well, I brought a very cool T-shirt in honour of the great Minnesota Twins for very obvious reasons, I think.
Yo traje una camiseta genial en honor a los grandiosos Minnesota Twins por obvias razones, creo.
Of the two sisters, I was really more impressed with Margot than with Anne for rather obvious reasons.
yo estaba realmente más impresionado con Margot que con Anne Por razones bastante obvias.

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