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Garland traduction Espagnol

971 traduction parallèle
Won't you cut the garland?
¿ No va a cortar la cinta?
Won't you cut this garland?
¿ No va a cortar esta cinta?
Max, which one of these foul guinea hens is named Lily Garland?
Max, ¿ cuál de estas falsas gallinas de Guinea se llama Lily Garland?
Lily Garland, you business giant.
De Lily Garland, gran empresario.
Lily Garland, front and center.
Lily Garland, delante y en medio.
Come on now, fess up. Which one of you pretty witches is named Lily Garland?
Vamos. ¿ Cuál de estas lindas brujitas se llama Lily Garland?
Yes, Lily Garland.
Sí, Lily Garland.
I changed it to Lily Garland.
Se lo he cambiado a Lily Garland.
You mean Lily Garland?
¿ Quieres decir Lily Garland?
About Plotka, Garland, being such a disappointment... such a washout.
Que Plotka, Garland, es una decepción,... una incapaz.
We will start with Miss Garlanïs entrance.
Empezaremos con la entrada de la Srta. Garland.
You're not Lily Garland anymore.
Ya no eres Lily Garland.
We're going to stay in this theater till Miss Garland learns how to scream.
Nos vamos a quedar en este teatro hasta que la Srta. Garland aprenda a gritar.
Now, Miss Garland...
Bueno, Srta. Garland...
Lily Garland, I only heard one thing :
Lily Garland, sólo he oído una cosa :
Make way for Miss Garland there.
Hagan sitio a la Srta. Garland.
Lily Garland...
Lily Garland...
That Mr. Whatsit of the Mayfair Club called me up... and told me they were having a Lily Garland night and would I come?
Ese Sr. Lo-Que-Sea del Mayfair Club me ha llamado... para decirme que iban a organizar una noche Lily Garland, y que si iría.
I didn't think anything had happened until I got to rehearsal... and it was "Miss Garland" this and "Miss Garland" that all over the place.
Yo creía que no pasaba nada hasta que llegué a los ensayos... y era "Srta. Garland" esto y "Srta. Garland" aquello todo el rato.
Lily Garland, I haven't finished yet.
Lily Garland, no he terminado aún.
I have an actress in my employ named Lily Garland.
Tengo una actriz bajo contrato llamada Lily Garland.
No more Lily Garland.
Ya no más Lily Garland.
Wipe her off the face of the earth, back into oblivion, Lily Garland.
Borradla de la faz de la tierra, de vuelta al olvido, Lily Garland.
I have just fired Lily Garland.
Acabo de despedir a Lily Garland.
Do you think I need any Lily Garland to open a show of mine?
¿ Crees que necesito a Lily Garland para estrenar un espectáculo mío?
Give Miss Whitehouse Miss Garland's part.
Dale a la Srta. Whitehouse el papel de la Srta. Garland.
Lily Garland's been putting up with all this tripe you've been getting away with.
Lily Garland ya ha aguantado estas tonterías con las que saltas.
When you came here two years ago with Lily Garland... the sheriff didn't have to tack a sign on the stage door.
Cuando viniste aquí hace 2 años con Lily Garland... el sheriff no tuvo que poner nada en la entrada al escenario.
Lily Garland.
Lily Garland.
Ran around telling everybody, "Where would Lily Garland be without the great Jaffe?"
Le iba diciendo a todo el mundo, "¿ dónde estaría Lily Garland sin el gran Jaffe?"
I happen to be calling on Miss Garland.
Me refiero a la Srta. Garland.
Did you ever hear of a female entitled Lily Garland?
¿ Has oído hablar de una fémina titulada Lily Garland?
We're going to draw up a contract between Oscar Jaffe and Lily Garland.
Vamos a redactar un contrato entre Oscar Jaffe y Lily Garland.
At least we won't have to worry about any goose chase with Lily Garland.
Al menos no tendremos que preocuparnos por engatusar a Lily Garland.
How little you know the real Lily Garland, George.
Qué poco conoces a la verdadera Lily Garland, George.
I'm warning you about bothering Miss Garland, and I mean it.
Le advierto que no moleste a la señorita Garland. Lo digo en serio.
Miss Garland is taking a nap.
La señorita Garland está descansando.
How small, how cheap, what egotism not to know... that it was Lily Garland instead of Oscar Jaffe that really mattered.
Qué pequeño, qué barato, que egoísta no darme cuenta... que era Lily Garland y no Oscar Jaffe lo realmente importante.
You'll be greater than ever, Lily Garland.
Serás más grande que nunca, Lily Garland.
I'm going to put on the Passion Play in New York... with Lily Garland as the Magdalene.
Voy a montar "La Pasión" en Nueva York. con Lily Garland como Magdalena.
Lily Garland, I gave you that.
Lily Garland, yo te lo puse.
You've almost made a fool out of Lily Garland.
Casi consigues engañar a Lily Garland.
- It's Lily, Lily Garland.
- Es Lily, Lily Garland.
Where's the contract, the last one I drew up with Lily Garland?
¿ Dónde está el contrato, el último que hice con Lily Garland?
We will start with Miss Garlanïs entrance.
Comenzaremos con la entrada de la Srta. Garland
Miss Garland.
Srta. Garland.
Chico, Jaquim is standing on the garland.
Chico, mira que Jaquim està con los pies encima del festón.
Merle Garland Beauty Shoppe.
Salón de Belleza Merle Garland.
- Merle, I want you to meet Mr. Sherman. Miss Garland.
Merle, quiero presentarte al Sr. Sherman.
- How do you do, Miss Garland?
- La Srta. Garland. - Mucho gusto.
Voy a traer a Judy Garland.

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