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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ G ] / Gentry

Gentry traduction Espagnol

524 traduction parallèle
The walls in the Count Šándor's mansion were the silent witnesses of the gentry's wild life.
Los muros del castillo del conde Šándor fueron testigos mudos de una exuberante vida de seòoría.
Mr Gentry is very busy. You will have to take your turn with the rest.
El Sr. Gentry está muy ocupado, tendrá que esperar su turno como el resto.
Mr Gentry will see you as soon as he possibly can.
- El Sr. Gentry le recibirá en cuanto pueda.
Mr Gentry, hadn't you better see Mr Mclintock?
Sr. Gentry, ¿ recibirá al Sr. McClintock?
Mister Gentry.
¡ Pero Sr. Gentry!
Of course, what I don't understand Mr Gentry is..
Pero lo que no comprendo, Sr. Gentry, es...
And in my office. Don't be late for court, Mr Gentry.
Ya llega tarde a la Corte, Sr. Gentry.
Why wasn't it discovered by the Police.. Until after Mr Gentry was retained in this case?
¿ Por qué no la encontró la policía en el registro?
Well it seems they've adopted some resolutions. The gist of which is that Lee Gentry is no better than the murderers he defends.
- Vendrían a indicar que usted no es mejor que los asesinos a los que defiende.
Mr Gentry, if I were to say "pretty please"..
Sr. Gentry, si se lo pido con mucha amabilidad.
The Grand Jury is going to read this, Mr Gentry.
El Gran Jurado leerá eso, Sr. Gentry.
Fine talk, Gentry. It will be pretty tough on you if you slip.
Me parece que van a ser muy duros con usted.
The flowers. ─ Coming, Mr Gentry.
- Enseguida, Sr. Gentry.
I said : "Mr Gentry, I wouldn't lower myself listening to your insinuation."
Yo le dije : " Sr. Gentry,... no me voy a rebajar a escuchar sus insinuaciones.
Is there any particular reason for Mr Gentry's sudden attitude?
¿ Hay algún motivo para la actitud de Gentry?
Whereas I have yet to see the slightest token of regard from Mr Gentry.
Mientras que el Sr. Gentry nunca te ha demostrado su amor.
And the rest of the things I told you when I walked in on you and Mr Gentry.
Y todas las cosas que te dije cuando te vi con ese Gentry, -... siguen valiendo.
There is only one thing you can do for me, Gentry.
Sólo hay una cosa que puede hacer por mí, Gentry.
Is it because Eddie White gave Mr Gentry a sadly-needed slap in the face? What?
¿ Es porque Eddie White le dio una bofetada bien merecida a Gentry?
Mr Gentry is not here.
El Sr. Gentry no está aquí.
[Voices :] "Come on Gentry! Let's have the truth." "Accident eh?"
- ¡ Vamos, diga la verdad, Gentry!
─ Lee Gentry.
- Lee Gantry.
How do you like the picture, Mr Gentry?
¿ Le ha gustado la película?
Hello Mr Gentry. I ain't got much time.
No tengo mucho tiempo.
Listen, Mr Gentry. The way you been behaving I've no pity for you whatsoever.
Sr. Gentry, con el comportamiento que ha tenido, no me merece ninguna lástima.
Listen, Mr Gentry. I'm Carmen's friend, not yours.
- ¡ Soy amigo de ella, no tuyo!
No, Mr Gentry, she doesn't seem to be in.
No, Sr. Gentry. No parece que esté dentro.
Hey, Gentry. Just a minute.
¡ Gentry, un momento!
I know what day of the week it is this time, Mr Gentry.
Esta vez sé qué día de la semana es, Sr. Gentry.
Can you get to that Gentry matter tonight?
¿ Podemos tratar el asunto Gentry?
It isn't worth it, Mr Gentry.
No merecen la pena.
Lee Gentry.
¡ Ese sería Lee Gentry!
Good evening, Mr Gentry.
Hola, Sr. Gentry.
Well, Mr Lee Gentry. Don't tell me you're going to snub me twice in one day.
Bueno, Lee Gentry, no irá a rechazarme dos veces en el mismo día.
I thought, uhoh, Mr Gentry's being naughty.
Pensé : "¡ El Sr. Gentry está con una de sus infidelidades!"
Well, it's none of my business I suppose, Mr Gentry. But I don't care to be called a liar.
Bueno, si quiere no me mire, Sr. Gentry,... pero no me llame mentirosa.
Have the Cops got Gentry, yet?
- ¿ La poli ha cogido a Gentry?
Take the handkerchief away, Gentry.
Quita este pañuelo.
Well Gentry, we're getting to be old friends.
Bueno, Gentry, al final nos haremos amigos y todo.
They'll say Lee Gentry was a coward.
Te tratarán de cobarde.
That's too easy, Gentry.
Eso era demasiado fácil, Gentry.
Gentry, that's it! Gentry.
Esry, eso era, Esry.
'Hello, Gentry.
" Hola Gentry.
─ What happened, Mr Gentry?
- ¿ Se marcha?
─ I'd like a statement, Mr Gentry.
- ¿ Alguna declaración?
If you want to get mad.
Si te quieres enfadar, enfádate con Gentry.
Get mad at Mr Gentry, not me.
No conmigo.
Hello, Gentry.
- Hola, Gentry.
Lee Gentry?
¡ El Sr. Gentry!

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