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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ G ] / Give it back to me

Give it back to me traduction Espagnol

873 traduction parallèle
Will you give it back to me or shall I charge you with grand larceny?
¿ Me los devolverá o debo acusarlo por robo?
Just give it back to me, I'll be indebted to you.
Por favor, devuélvemela. Es más, te lo agradeceré.
¿ Quieres decir que te llevarás tu propia sentencia de muerte a Rusia... y me la devolverás?
But you must give it back to me.
Pero me lo tienes que devolver.
Give it back to me.
¡ Démelo!
Tell me something - my soul, he give it back to me.
Mi alma, me la acaban de devolver.
- Give it back to me and I'll give
- Devuélvamelo y yo le daré
Well, you can always give it back to me.
Parece un tipo un tanto extraño.
Now, give it back to me.
Dirty stinker, get right back in there and explain to them how you got my laundry by mistake and forgot to give it back to me.
Eres un imbécil. Ahora entras y les explicas que te equivocaste en la lavandería y olvidaste dármelo.
Give it back to me.
Me lo devolverás.
Boy, give it back to me! I paid for it!
¡ Chico, devuélvemelo!
- Give it back to me and let me go!
- ¡ Devuélvemelo y déjame ir!
- You've got to give it back to me.
- ¡ Devuélveme mis colillas!
Listen, you can take the bag and give it back to me tomorrow at the cafeteria.
Hagámos así : Yo le doy la bolsa y Ud. me la lleva al comedor mañana. Yo me llevo el reloj.
Give it back to me, or I'll kill you!
- ¡ Devuélvelo o te mataré!
Please give it back to me!
¡ Devolvédmelo, por favor! ¡ Es mío!
Give it back to me, it's mine!
¡ Devuélvamelo, es mío!
Pero es un placer mayor, en nombre de mi compañía, devolverte el Narciso.
I'll give it back, but I'd like to know where that one is I bought for you.
Lo devolveré, pero me gustaría saber dónde quedó el que te compré.
Unless you give me, the easier will it be for me to pay you back, I suppose. But this is only 1.
Supongo que cuanto menos me dé, más fácil me será devoIvérseIo después.
As punishment for forcing it on you, I'd ask you to give it back.
Como castigo por habéroslo impuesto, os pediría que me lo devolvierais.
But it is within your power, by ruling out that prejudice to which I have referred to... and by rendering the proper verdict, to give life back to this boy. Look at his sister... and his father. Look at him, gentlemen.
Pero sí está en sus manos, haciendo caso omiso a los prejuicios a los que me he referido... dar un veredicto justo, devolviendo la vida a este joven.
It's not for me, it's to give to Alfredo when he comes back.
No es para mí. Es para decírselo a Alfredo.
Say, I got a good mind to return it and make them give you your money back.
Se me ocurre que vayamos y que hagamos que te devuelvan el dinero.
I suppose you want me to give you the hundred pounds so you can put it back?
¿ Quieres esa suma para devolverla?
It just doesn't seem reasonable that we should have to give her back now to strangers.
No me parece razonable que tengamos que entregarla a unos extraños.
Gee, Trudy, it's like old times... having you give me a pat on the back and telling me to go after things.
Caray, Trudy, es como antaño... que me des una palmada en la espalda y me digas que vaya tras de las cosas.
- My mother told me to give back the ring to the lady who gave it to me. - What is it?
¿ Qué quieres?
I can see that. If you were the lady who gave me a ring my mother says I have to give it back to you.
Si Ud. es quien me dio el anillo, mi madre dice que debo devolvérselo.
That doesn't give me time to get back to my men, does it?
No tengo tiempo para ver a mis soldados, ¿ no?
I wanted to give it back.
-... y que quería que me la diera.
It'll give me an excuse to come back.
Eso me dará una excusa para volver.
- Give it back to him, I ain't interested.
- Devuélveselo. No me interesa.
Do you want me to give you back your ring or may I keep it among my souvenirs?
¿ Quieres que te devuelva tu anillo o puedo quedármelo de recuerdo?
I'd be glad to give it back to him, but I need it.
Me encantaría devolvérselo, pero lo necesito.
You've got somethin that belongs to me. If you want out of here alive, you better give it back.
Si queréis salir vivos, devolvedme lo mío.
But my Father has ordered me not to give it to anyone. But if you took it off my back, I wouldn't resist. "
Yo llevaba el requesón pero no se lo podía dar, entonces me dije : yo no tengo nada para darte, excepto la túnica, pero tengo órdenes de mi padre y no se la puedo dar a nadie.
So I had rather give it to my kid. Well you'll oblige me by carrying it back up when you bring the mail.
Devuévala arriba con el correo.
She said to give it you back
Me dijo que la devolviera.
It'll give me something to look forward to on the long voyage to England and back.
Será algo que recordaré durante el largo viaje a Inglaterra.
Give me back my own knife, will you? I kind of got used to it.
Dame mi cuchillo, le había cogido el tranquillo.
So I started back to the guy to give it back, the thing.
Así que, me volví hacia el hombre para devolverle el juguete.
But all of a sudden, it seemed wrong to give it back, so I went again.
Es que simplemente no lo quería, pero entonces, me pareció mal devolvérselo y me marché.
Give me a $ 1,000 pesos credit to play with you... and if in 1 hour I don't give them back, you can keep it.
Me dan crédito por mil pesos para jugar con ustedes Si en una hora no se los regreso, pues se quedan con ellas.
And if you do, you can trust me to give it back to you.
Y si pasáis, os lo devolveré. ¡ Prometido!
Give it back to me.
Devuélvame el texto.
Give it back to me!
- Cállate, ocupante ilegal.
She didn't like it much, and when we got back... she tried to make me give up tennis and play husband instead.
No le gustó y cuando regresamos quería que dejara el tenis e hiciera de esposo.
He told us, "Give it back, or else you can't say hello to me for 2 weeks."
Nos amenazó : "¡ DevuéIvanIa o no dejaré que me saluden durante dos semanas!"
Please, for God's sake, give it back to me!
¡ Devolvédmelo! ¡ Es mío! ¡ Por favor!

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