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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ G ] / Go back to the house

Go back to the house traduction Espagnol

549 traduction parallèle
I want you to go back to the house.
Quiero que vuelvas a casa.
You'd better go back to the house.
Será mejor que vuelvas a la casa.
No, Mary, I think you'd better go back to the house.
Querida Mary, creo que será mejor que regreses a casa.
Shall we go back to the house?
¿ Volvemos a la casa?
You go back to the house and look after Mother.
Regrese a la casa y cuide a mi madre.
Do you think you could go back to the house and get me a pencil and paper without attracting attention?
¿ Crees que podrías volver sola a casa y traerme lápiz y papel sin llamar la atención?
Get that fish and go back to the house.
- Y tú, termina la colada.
When I go back to the house, I know what you mean, I... get back into the old groove, and I don't like it, I... wanna run away and... and come to you.
Pero cuando vuelvo a casa sé lo que quieres decir me siento deprimido, quiero huir y estar contigo.
Go back to the house.
Haz lo que te digo. Vuelve a casa.
Go back to the house, honey.
Regresa a casa, encanto.
You go back to the house and wait for me.
Anda, haz lo que te digo.
I asked you to come here because I don't intend for you to go back to the house.
Te pedí que vinieras porque no pretendo que vuelvas a la casa.
Make sure the couple on the bench go back to the house.
Asegúrese de que la pareja del banco regrese a su casa.
Lets go back to the house.
Regresemos a casa.
For two pins, I'd go back to the house.
No sé si volver a casa.
Go back to the house And lock yourself in Your room.
Vuelva a la casa y enciérrese en la habitación.
Let's go Back to the house.
Volvamos a la casa.
We'll just go back to the house and boil ours on the stove.
Regresaremos a casa y asaremos la nuestra en la estufa.
You'd like to go back to the house, wouldn't you?
Te encantaría volver a la casa, ¿ verdad?
Come on, Nico, go back to the house before the old coot comes to beat you!
¡ Jálale, Nico, jala para la casa antes de que venga la vieja a pegarte!
Don't you think you better go back to the house, Mae... before your husband misses you.
¿ No crees que deberías volver a casa, Mae... antes de que tu marido te eche de menos?
We'll go back to the house together.
- Volveremos juntos a tu casa, ¿ eh?
Go back to the house.
Vuelva a la casa.
- Let's go back to the house, shall we?
- ¿ Volvemos a la casa?
Perhaps you'd better go back to the house.
Quizá deba volver a la casa.
Well, it's a cinch she won't go back to the house now.
Está claro que ahora no volverá a la casa.
Darling, let's go back to the house... and you can rest, and... well... then you can talk.
Querido, volvamos a la casa para que puedas descansar y después podrás hablar.
Go back to the house, Simon.
Vuelve a la casa, Simon.
Será mejor que volvamos a la casa.
You had better go back to the house, Father.
Será mejor volver a la casa, Padre.
I must hurry or I shall have to go back through the looking glass before I've seen what the rest of the house is like.
Debo darme prisa o tendré que atravesar el espejo sin ver cómo es el resto de la casa.
If you're lost in this house go back to the land!
Si te sientes perdido en esta casa, regresa a la tierra.
Go on back to the house where you belong.
¡ Vuelve a la casa de donde saliste!
Well, not exactly. I mean, I wanted to. But I did go back to the unfortunate Mrs. Dr. Segert and make a rendezvous for someone at her house at 8 that night.
Vera, Señoría, quise hacerlo, pero me obligó a volver con la Sra. Segert.
Max wouldn't let me go back into the house even to pack a bag.
Max no me dejó volver a casa ni a por el equipaje.
I said I'd get a house, and I got it... but now you may go to the king and tell him he can have it back.
Dije que tendría una casa y la conseguí, pero ahora puede ir a decirle al rey que se la devuelvo.
You tell him to go right back home, and don't you leave the house, either!
Dile que se vuelva a su casa y tú no te vayas con él.
Go back to watch the house and don't move.
Vuelve a tu puesto en la casa y no te muevas.
To call the boy in, to go back to her house, humiliate him...
Llamar otra vez al chico, volver a esa casa, humillarse...
We'll go back to the station house.
Volveremos a la estación.
You go straight back to the house and tell.
Ve derecho a casa y cuéntalo.
You go back to the house.
No lo hará.
I think you ought to go on back to the house and get in bed and do some serious thinking.
Deberías volver a casa, acostarte y reflexionar seriamente.
Well, catch your breath, Ann, and then go on back to the house.
Toma un poco de aire, Ann y regresa a casa.
I begged him to let me go back to the geisha house.
Le supliqué que me dejara regresar a la casa de las geishas.
I have to go, I'll be back by five o'clock, Stay there and do the house.
Ahora tengo que irme, volveré al filo de las cinco, tú aguárdame y arregla la casa.
- Tell them to go back into the house.
- Ordene a esta gente que... vuelva a la casa.
Why don't we go back to the other house?
? Porqué no volvemos mejor a la otra casa.? Pero porqué nos hacen esto?
Stay at my house for a while and do some sightseeing before you go back to the mountain.
Permanece un tiempo en mi casa y visita otras tierras antes de que vuelvas a la montaña.
Go on, back to the house. Come on.
Vuelvan a sus quehaceres.
Go back to the black house.
Regresa a la casa negra.

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