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Grilled cheese traduction Espagnol

549 traduction parallèle
I'd like to have a grilled cheese sandwich and a Cherry Coke.
Quisiera un sándwich de queso gratinado y una Coca de Cereza.
- One grilled cheese on rye.
- Caliente de centeno y queso.
Anyhow, I'm a little late because I didn't have any cash, so to pay for my grilled cheese, I had to unload lobsters for two hours.
Me he retrasado porque no llevaba dinero y, para pagar mi bocadillo de queso, he descargado langostas dos horas.
Well, if you didn't have that grilled cheese sandwich, you could've put it on your credit card.
Si no te hubieras comido el bocadillo, podrías utilizar la tarjeta de crédito.
Actually, I was wondering if you could make me a grilled cheese sandwich.
¿ Podrías hacerme un emparedado de queso?
- Grilled cheese and skins.
- Queso gratinado y pollo.
Excuse me, did you order the cheeseburger, medium-well with no onions or the grilled cheese with bacon and tomato?
Bran, el Hombre. Y sabe cumplir. ¿ Bran el Hombre?
Want some grilled cheese, ese?
- ¿ Quieres queso gratinado, ese?
You're going to melt just like a grilled cheese sandwich.
¡ Vas a derretirte como el queso de un emparedado!
Although, for grilled cheese, I might've used the wool setting.
Aunque, para queso, yo habria seleccionado'lana'.
What, the grilled cheese?
¿ En qué, en el sándwich de queso?
A grilled cheese engine.
Perdimos el motor.
Grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast.
Desayuna un bocadillo de queso.
Is someone making grilled cheese?
¿ Alguien está preparando queso derretido?
A grilled cheese sandwich just like your mother made.
- Gracias. Sándwich de queso a la parrilla como lo hacía tu madre.
She'll have a grilled cheese, tomato and onion rings and I'll have cheeseburger and malted milk.
Tomará un sándwich con queso, tomate y aros de cebolla y yo tomaré una hamburguesa y un batido.
You see, Dick, it's like, with you, you know you're going to have grilled cheese every day, day after day after day after day.
Respecto de ti... Tú sabes que comerás queso fundido todos los días. Un día, tras otro, tras otro...
Grilled cheese.
- Queso fundido...
God, I love grilled cheese.
- Me encanta el queso fundido...
There's two really cute girls sitting at the counter eating grilled cheese.
Hay dos chicas en el mostrador, comiendo queso.
It's called a grilled cheese sandwich, you dub.
Se dice "bocadillo de queso fundido", idiota.
Grilled cheese, black coffee.
Sandwich de queso fundido, caf � negro.
- No capers. But that's just grilled cheese. What's the point?
¿ Para qué hacer un simple sándwich de queso fundido?
He gets steak. I get cold grilled cheese. What gives?
Tienes carne, yo queso a la plancha frio. ¿ Qué pasa?
( CHUCKLES ) Eat your grilled cheese.
Cómete el queso.
Invite her up for one of them grilled cheese sandwiches and orange soda.
Invítale un sandwich de queso y una soda.
Grilled cheese and some fries, and maybe a big bowl of, "What the hell areya doin'?"
- Sándwich de queso y patatas. Y un gran bol de "¿ qué demonios haces?"
And I'm guessing she doesn't burn your grilled cheese sandwiches every time.
Y supongo que no te quema tus sándwiches de queso todas las veces.
Where the hell's my grilled cheese?
¿ Dónde diablos está mi queso asado?
But the only problem is that we drew all over it, and I dropped my grilled cheese sandwich on it so it's kind of rank.
Pero el único problema es que dibujamos encima y a mí se me cayó mi sándwich de queso en él así que apesta un poco.
How about a grilled cheese sandwich?
¿ Y un sándwich de queso a la plancha?
- No, no, it's just a grilled cheese.
- No. no, es sólo de queso fundido.
- And I won't leave - Um, may I have the grilled cheese and- -
Un sándwich de queso fundido, papas y una Coca de dieta.
You know, I don't think I've ever bought a woman a grilled cheese sandwich before.
Nunca invité a una chica a un sándwhich de queso.
I don't want no grilled cheese.
No quiero queso a la parrilla.
Grilled cheese... my favorite.
Queso Grilled... mi favorito.
And by the time they stop laughing, I'm halfway through a grilled cheese.
- Para cuando dejen de reir, yo ya me habré encargado del queso.
You smell like sweet red plums... and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Hueles a ciruelas rojas dulces y sándwiches de queso fundido.
And I smell like sweet red plums and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Huelo a ciruelas dulces y sándwiches de queso fundido.
- i don't want grilled cheese.
No quiero sándwich de queso.
you love grilled cheese.
- Te encanta el sándwich de queso.
That means i gotta eat a grilled cheese sandwich.
Y yo me como el sándwich de queso.
She had eight grilled cheese sandwiches.
Ella se comio ocho Sandwiches de queso derretido.
- I'll have a grilled-cheese sandwich
- Un sándwich de queso y Coca-Cola.
Okay, the Montana lamb with roquette-leaf and goat-cheese salad, and the lime-grilled free-range chicken with the pumpkin pasta and dandelion greens.
Cordero de Montana con escarola y ensalada con queso de cabra. Y pollo de granja a la parrilla de lima, con pasta de calabaza y diente de león.
Listen, somebody has got to order the grilled-chicken, red chilli-pepper pasta with goat cheese so I can have a bite.
Tienen que pedir el pollo a la parrilla, las pastas y el queso de cabra, así me convidan.
Want some grilled cheese, ese?
Si te quieren matar, te matan.
Grilled onions, cheese on a hamburger. Hamburger, you gotta know.
Hamburguesa, debe saber!
T omato soup grilled-cheese fixings and a family-size bag of Funyuns.
Caldo de tomate aderezos para un sándwich de queso y una bolsa de frituras.
We want a cheese grilled sandwich?
Jillie, Jillie. ¿ Un bocadillo fundido de queso?
Grilled Portobello pizzas topped with fresh basil and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
- Pizzas Portobello a la parrilla con albahaca y queso Parmigiano Reggiano.

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