Guilty as charged traduction Espagnol
435 traduction parallèle
De acuerdo con las pruebas y el testimonio de la acusada, es culpable de los cargos de asesinato.
- Guilty as charged.
- ¿ Qué? - Culpable del cargo que se le imputa.
The gentleman stands guilty as charged.
El caballero es culpable.
We the jury, find the defendant Clifford Pyncheon, guilty as charged.
Encontramos al acusado culpable del delito que se le imputa.
Therefore, the finding of this court - martial is that the accused is guilty as charged. "
Por consiguiente, la Corte Marcial considera al acusado culpable.
You will be found guilty as charged and you will be executed.
Los declararemos culpables y los ejecutarán.
I intend to prove to you, ladies and gentlemen, That the defendant is guilty as charged.
Tengo la intención de probar que el acusado es culpable de este asesinato.
Of course, I'm going to ask you for a verdict of guilty as charged.
Por supuesto, voy a pedirles un veredicto de culpable.
¿ Es el acusado Chu Chu Ramirez culpable o inocente de los cargos?
Guilty as charged.
Reconozco mi culpa.
And I'm sure, ladies and gentlemen, when you have heard and seen the people's witnesses, you will only be able to bring back one verdict, and that will be "guilty as charged."
Estoy seguro que tras escuchar a los testigos solo podrán emitir un veredicto : culpable de los cargos.
Bertram Cates is found guilty as charged.
Bertram Cates fue hallado culpable.
And I assure you that when you have heard the evidence of the two girls between them, you will see that you've no alternative but to find the accused guilty as charged.
Y les aseguro que, después de escuchar la evidencia expuesta por ambas niñas,... verán que no tienen más alternativa que encontrar al acusado culpable de los cargos en su contra.
Only to say if he's guilty as charged.
Sólo acuerdan decidir si es culpable de los cargos.
Vincenzo Pisciotta, aka Mpompo and Salvatore Passatempo guilty as charged of the massacre of May 1st, 1947, at Portella della Ginestra.
Vincenzo Pisciotta, alias Pompo y Salvatore Passatempo culpables de la masacre consumada el 1 de Mayo de 1947 en Portella della Ginestra.
We find the defendant guilty as charged.
Encontramos al acusado culpable de los cargos.
I must also vote guilty as charged.
Yo también debo declararle culpable.
Private Arthur James Gardner... you've been found guilty as charged for the crime of murder.
Soldado Arthur James Gardner... ... ha sido hallado culpable de los cargos de homicidio.
Guilty as charged.
Culpable de los cargos.
So I put it to you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, - to find the defendant guilty as charged.
Así que les dejo a ustedes, damas y caballeros del Jurado,... el hallar al acusado culpable de los cargos que se le imputan.
That's very difficult to say, but I think - that if you're found guilty as charged on both counts, - then you're probably facing two to three years in jail.
Eso es difícil de decir, pero creo que si te hayan culpable, de los dos casos,... seguramente te tengas que enfrentar a dos o tres años de cárcel.
We find the defendant guilty as charged... and sentence her to die in the electric chair.
Encontramos a la acusada culpable de todos los cargos y la sentenciamos a morir en la silla eléctrica.
Nonetheless, it is... the decision of this court... that you... Jay Louis Wagner... are guilty as charged.
No obstante este Tribunal declara al acusado Jay Louis Wagner culpable de los cargos.
Otherwise, I am not guilty as charged.
Por lo demás, no soy culpable de lo que se me acusa.
I find the defendant guilty as charged.
Encuentro al acusado culpable de los cargos
Space Commander Travis, you are guilty as charged.
Comandante Espacial Travis, es culpable de los cargos.
Considering all the facts and arguments presented by both counsel... and after careful deliberation... I find the defendants guilty as charged.
Considerando los hechos y los argumentos presentados por ambos abogados... - y después de cuidadosa deliberación... encuentro a los acusados culpables.
Under the circumstances of this ruling, I have no alternative but... to withdraw my plea of "Not guilty" and to plead Mrs. Papadakis... "Guilty as charged."
Bajo las circunstancias de esta sentencia no tengo otra alternativa sino cambiar mi petición de inocente por la de culpable.
I am guilty as charged.
Soy culpable.
I feel like I should say, "Guilty as charged."
Siento como si tuviera que decir : Me declaro culpable " ".
Guilty as charged, Marshal.
Me declaro culpable, jefe.
I plead guilty as charged.
Me declaro culpable.
all of the members present concurred in finding you guilty as charged, and sentencing you to be put to death.
todos los miembros aquí presentes los encuentran culpables de los cargos, y los sentencian a la pena de muerte.
Guilty as charged, Your Honor.
Culpable de los cargos, Su Señoría.
Guilty as charged.
- And you are guilty as charged.
- Y tú eres culpable de los cargos.
Guilty as charged.
Me declaro culpable.
Guilty as charged, sir. But... the guy's OK, right?
Soy culpable, señor, pero el tipo está bien.
It is the determination of this court that the prisoners are guilty as charged.
Esta corte encuentra... a los prisioneros culpables.
Guilty as charged.
Ese soy yo.
On the charge of conduct unbecoming a United States Marine the members find the accused guilty as charged.
Del cargo de conducta impropia de un marine de los EE.UU el jurado halla a los acusados culpables según la ley.
Under the circumstances, I find the accused... guilty as charged... and convict her on the charge and sentence her to death
Bajo estas circunstancias, declaro a la acusada... Culpable de los cargos... y bajo el cargo de sentencia de muerte.
Guilty... As charged
Culpable... de sus cargos.
You find the defendant not guilty of the offense... as charged in the indictment.
Encuentran a la acusada no culpable del delito... que se le imputa en la acusación.
Bertram Cates, this court has found you guilty of violating public act volume 37, statute 31428, as charged.
Bertram Cates, este tribunal lo ha hallado culpable de violar el inciso 37 del Acta Pública estatuto 31428, tal como se lo había acusado.
- Fellow officers.. who have due the liberation handed down the unanimous verdict. Guilty.. as charged!
Es responsable de los cargos que se le imputan, y en consecuencia le sentencio a muerte.
Guilty. As charged.
The court has carefully considered all the evidence and finds you all guilty, as charged.
El tribunal ha examinado y considerado cuidadosamente todas las pruebas... y le considera culpable de todos los cargos.
"We, the jury, in the above entitled action, having found the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree as charged in count one of the indictment do now fix the penalty as death."
"Nosotros, el jurado, en la acción mencionada, encontramos al acusado Charles Manson, culpable de asesinato en 1 er. grado y establecemos la pena de muerte".
The court finds you guilty of murder as charged.
Este tribunal lo considera culpable de asesinato.
The tribunal finds the accused... Lt. Martin Kalthrob... guilty, as charged... with dereliction of duty... desertion under fire... and cowardice in the face of the enemy.
El tribunal encuentra al acusado el teniente Martin Kalthrob culpable de los cargos de negligencia en el cumplimiento del deber deserción bajo fuego y acto de cobardía frente al enemigo.