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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He's coming for you

He's coming for you traduction Espagnol

224 traduction parallèle
Man away for three months, and doesn't even tell you what boat he's coming on.
El hombre fuera por tres meses y ni siquiera te dice en que barco vuelve.
You've known this was coming for a long time. You've taken everything he's offered you. Now you've got to pay for it.
Verás nunca te he preguntado si me dejas ponerte un anillo en este dedo.
Mr. Standing sent to another post for help... but they can't get here in time, so after dark tonight... he's coming with a few men to try to rescue you.
El Sr. Standing pidió ayuda a otro puesto... pero no llegarán a tiempo, así que cuando anochezca... vendrá con un par de hombres a intentar rescatarlo.
- He's coming over to see you to hit you for a donation to the Community Chest.
- Viene a verte para un donativo a la Tesorería Comunitaria.
He's coming around on his feeling for you.
Están creciendo sus sentimientos por ti.
He's coming by for you in a few minutes.
Vendrá a verte en unos minutos.
You ask him for what's coming in the middle of a river crossing he'll pay off in dry bills.
Si le pides lo que te debe cruzando un río, te lo pagará. Y con billetes secos.
Once he's headed in the right direction... "slacken the leash immediately and praise him lavishly for coming along with you."
Cuando vaya en la dirección correcta... aflójele la correa de inmediato... y elógielo por seguirla ".
He's coming for you.
¡ Viene por ustedes!
I saw him leave. But he's coming back, and he'll carry them for you.
Le he visto salir, pero volverá y te ayudará a cargar con eso.
He's coming home for dinner for the first time this week and it never occurs to you to wonder what he's been doing those other nights.
Viene a cenar por primera vez esta semana nunca se te ocurrió imaginarte que ha estado haciendo las otras noches.
He claimed if you play for keeps and the law's coming, it's okay to kill.
Decía que si te metes en eljuego mientras te buscan, puedes matar.
He's coming back for you and for me.
Ha regresado por ustedes y por mí.
Sheriff Parent says for you to stay there, he's coming right over.
El sheriff Parent dice que no se mueva, ahora va.
I leave you, for he's coming.
Llega : me retiro.
To tell you not wait for him because he's not coming for dinner.
Para decirle a la señora que no le esperase porque él no viene a cenar.
I don't know if it's for me or for you, but he's coming.
No sé si por ti o por mí, pero vendrá.
Otherwise, he's coming after you with a court order for withholding evidence, conspiracy...
Si no, te perseguirá con una orden judicial por ocultar pruebas, conspiración...
Quigley said to tell you he's coming for you.
Quigley me dijo que te dijera que viene por tí.
You saving it for Sealove? Don't, he's not coming.
Oiga, ¿ lo reserva para Sealove?
And he's coming for you.
Vendrá a buscarte.
And he's coming for you.
Y él vendrá por ti.
He's coming for you, Diana.
Él vendrá por ti, Diane.
He won't stop coming for you until he gets you, until he's reborn.
No parará hasta llegar a ti y pueda nacer de nuevo.
Because he's not coming for me, Richie, he's coming for you, Tess.
Porque no viene por mí, Richie, viene por ti, Tess.
Little brother, he's coming for you right now.
Hermanito... los viene a buscar ahora.
If it's all right with you, he's going to be coming to our house for Thanksgiving weekend.
Si les parece bien a ustedes, él va a venir a nuestra casa para el fin de semana de Acción de Gracias.
He's coming for you.
Viene por ustedes.
He's very generous of you for coming.
Es muy generoso de su parte el haber venido.
He's coming over to discuss what kind of men you want for the orgy.
Viene para hablar sobre el tipo de hombre que quieres para la orgia.
Well, you know that eventually he's gonna be coming for you.
Bueno, sabes que en algún momento vendrá por ti.
He's coming for you, whether you like it or not!
¡ Viene a buscarlo, le guste o no!
You better be right... because if Doyle should send Hickey after me... he's coming directly for you.
Será mejor que tengas razón... porque si Doyle manda a Hickey por mí... viene directamente por ti.
I thought you said he's coming over here for something.
Creí que dijiste que vendría para algo.
For three weeks, you've been telling me how you can't stand the guy. Now you're disappointed he's not coming back?
Te has pasado tres semanas diciéndome que no le soportas y ahora estás decepcionado porque no vuelve.
He's coming for you.
¡ El viene por mi!
Did you tell him what he's coming up for?
¿ Le dijiste a que viene?
He's coming for you.
Vendrá por ti.
He's coming for you, Christine.
Vendrá por ti, Christine.
- He told me... to tell you to wait here for him, that he's coming over.
- Dice que le espere aquí, que ya viene.
I'm sure he's coming back for you.
Estoy segura de que volverá a ti.
If there's a hunter out there, who do you think he's coming for first?
Si hay un cazador, ¿ por quién vendrá primero?
Oh, I don't know what I'm going to do with him. He's the best partner anybody could wish for, But he's a little bit backward in coming forward, if you know what I mean.
no sé qué voy a hacer con él.
He said he's coming for you.
Dijo que vendría por ti.
- No vendrá por ti.
Joe, your father's coming for you. He's going to be here soon.
- Joe, tu padre viene por ti.
He's coming for you, Sarah.
Viene por ti, Sarah.
It's you he's coming for. You know that.
Va a por ti, lo sabes.
If you're looking for Rick, I don't know where he is, and I don't know when he's coming back.
Deja tu mensaje. Si buscas a Rick, no sé dónde está ni cuándo vuelve. Gracias.
Then what you coming back for, Jack? He's on his deathbed.
Está en el lecho de muerte.
- I know he's the boss and everything... but you're up and coming here, and it's time for you to spread your wings, legal eagle.
- Mira, ya se que el es el jefe y todo eso... pero eres un joven prometedor, y es hora de que despliegues tus alas, aguila legal.

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