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He's not alone traduction Espagnol

441 traduction parallèle
If you are not only Lord Kim Eung Boo's son, there is no way he will leave you alone...
Sí. Si usted no fuera el hijo Lord Gim Eun Bul, de ninguna forma lo hubiera dejado en paz todo este tiempo.
He's not working alone.
- No está trabajando solo.
He's not alone!
¡ No está solo!
Leave him alone, he's not feeling so good.
Déjenlo en paz, no se encuentra demasiado bien.
If he's not back in five, we'll carry it alone.
Bien, lo sacaremos nosotros.
I warned him not to go down alone. He's the boss.
Le advertí que no bajara solo, pero es el jefe.
And it looks like he's not coming down there alone.
Y parece que no se irá solo para abajo.
He's not alone, Pedro. Toss a bomb!
No está solo, Pedro. ¡ Lanza una bomba!
Something tells me he's not gonna be alone here. Oh? Tell you what I'll do.
Algo me dice que aquí no va a estar solo.
He's not so good in a crowd but when you get him alone
Él no es bueno, es uno del montón.
A guy is alone. All his life he's alone. All his life he keeps looking not to be alone.
Un hombre está solo, está solo toda la vida, y pasa toda la vida buscando no estar solo.
- God! Leave God alone, he's not involved in this.
Deja tranquilo al Señor, que no tiene nada que ver.
Leave him alone, he's sick It's not his fault.
Deja en paz al cura, está muy mal. No es culpa suya.
And he's not alone.
Y no está solo.
He's not alone.
No viene solo.
He's not exactly alone.
No está solo precisamente.
That's a charming suggestion, but I'm afraid I cling to the old motto : "He travels fastest who travels alone." Perhaps you've not heard of it.
Estaría encantado, pero pienso que... quien viaja solo, va más rápido.
- In that case he's not alone.
No es el único.
'" As he sits down, his great brain tells him that he's not alone in this cabin.
" Al sentarse, su gran cerebro le dice que no está solo en esta cabaña.
If he's not allowed to be left alone and the Major found out...
Me ocuparé de él.
He's not alone.
No está solo.
He's not alone.
Él no está solo.
He's not the first young man to cross the ocean alone.
No es el primer jovencito que cruza solo el océano.
He's not alone, he's got Susan Lowell with him.
No está solo. Tiene a Susan.
He's not alone up there.
No está solo ahí arriba.
Oh, he's not alone.
No está solo.
- No, he's not alone.
- No, no está solo.
Do you know what it's like to be alone in a camp full of rough-neck miners, a father who holds a quiet hatred for you because you're not the son he's always wanted?
¿ Sabe lo que es estar sola en un campo lleno de mineros, y con un padre que te odia en silencio porque no eres el hijo que siempre quiso?
- He's not alone?
- ¿ No está solo?
"He may not know everything, what's behind it, but he knows when a thing's to be fooled with and when it's to be left alone."
"Puede que no lo sepa todo... "... pero sabe cuándo hay que meterle la mano a un asunto y cuándo no.
Let him know he's not alone.
Que sepa que no está solo.
- Because he's not alone.
- Porque no está solo.
If he's alone and he's not around here, surely he hasn't gotten out.
Si está solo y no está por acá, seguro que no salió.
No, doc, he's not exactly alone.
No, doctor, no ha venido solo.
Not even sorry he's back alone.
Ni siquiera lamenta haber vuelto solo.
You see, you're not an old heap and he's a slob for leaving us alone like this.
Ves, no eres un viejo cacharro y él es un vago que nos deja solos así.
You know he's not supposed to be alone.
- No podemos dejarle solo. - No estaba solo.
He's not gonna go alone.
No irá solo.
- He's not alone.
- No está solo.
He's not alone.
El no esta solo.
No he's not... leave'im alone.
- No es tarde, déjalo en paz.
It's not right that he alone enjoy it all.
No es justo. No es justo que él se beneficie por todo esto.
Keep close to me. He's not alone.
No te alejes de mí.
Then when he sees mother's not coming back he jumps alone in the water and hunts fish by himself.
Entonces, ve que su madre no ha vuelto. Así que salta sola al agua y caza ella misma.
He's not afraid to walk alone.
No teme ser independiente.
- Maybe he's not lost, just alone.
- igual no se ha perd ¡ do y está solo.
First of all, it's not late, and I wasn't alone.
Lo primero, no es tarde. Y no he venido sola.
- It's a cinch he's not working alone.
- Seguro que no trabaja solo.
It's the Italian, Mr. Boda, he's not alone.
Es el italiano, el Sr. Boda,
But he's not alone.
Pero no estará solo
I don't care if he's not alone!
¡ Me importa un comino que esté acompañado!

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