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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He's not gonna make it

He's not gonna make it traduction Espagnol

209 traduction parallèle
Do you? I can tell you he's not gonna make it.
¡ Te digo que se va a morir!
That's a billion-dollar haul he can make out there... and he's not gonna blow it over 20 dead men.
Eso es un lance mil millones de dólares que él puede hacer por ahí... y él no va a volar que más de 20 muertos.
He's not gonna make it to the pad!
¡ No va a lograr llegar al helipuerto!
- He's not gonna make it.
No sobrevivirá.
He's not gonna make it.
No lo conseguirá.
Well, this time he's not gonna make it'cause the wind's blowing him right into the reef.
Pues esta vez no creo que lo consiga porque el viento lo está empujando contra los arrecifes.
He's not gonna make it.
- No lo logrará.
He's not going to make it to lunch, and he's not gonna make it to the meeting.
No llegará al almuerzo, y no llegará a la reunión.
He's not gonna make it through the night.
No pasará de esta noche.
He's not gonna make it. Sonny!
¡ Ten cuidado, Sonny!
" He's not gonna make it.
" Él no lo va a lograr.
" And a box of Juji Fruits rammed up his ass. He's not gonna make it.
" y le encajó una caja de Juji Fruits por el culo. él no lo va a lograr.
He's not gonna make it.
No lo logrará.
Make'em wonder about everything, the point being... it's not gonna be some dog barking that he hears.
Hazlos dudar de todo. La idea es... que no oirá a un perro ladrando.
He's not gonna make it.
No resistirá.
I'm not sure he's gonna make it, Al.
No estoy seguro de que lo logre, Al.
- Why a ground-floor apartment? -'Cause after I break his legs... he's not gonna make it up any steps.
- Porque después de romperle las piernas... no va poder subir las escaleras.
And even though you know he's not gonna make it you root for him for a second.
Y aunque sabes que no lo logrará, la animas un poco.
He's not making it like they thought he was gonna make it on the basketball court... so he's not there, simple as that.
él no está rindiendo como pensaban que iba a rendir en la cancha de básquet... por lo que no está allí, así de simple.
Look, I know I did not cause Mr. Feeny to get sick... but it would make me feel a heck of a lot better... if you would just give me... some sort of sign that he's gonna be all right.
Mira, sé que yo no causé que el Sr. Feeny se enfermara, pero me haría sentir muchísimo mejor si me dieras algún tipo de señal de que va a estar bien.
Come on, people. He's not gonna make it.
Vamos, gente, no lo logrará.
I know he's not gonna make it. Would you excuse me for a second?
¿ Me disculpas un momento?
He's not gonna make it, is he?
No se salvará, ¿ verdad?
Yeah, it was like a defense mechanism, it would make people think like, well he's weird I'm not gonna go around him, so, it kept people away.
Sí, era como un mecanismo de defensa. Muchos pensaban : " Es un bicho raro.
They're not even sure if he's gonna make it.
No están seguros de que sobreviva.
I hope he's gonna make it. There is not an obstacle in this world that will keep my son from this car.
No existe un obstaculo en este mundo que aleje a Jake de este coche
He's not gonna make it back in time and he'd like Sister Peter Marie to run the meeting.
Marie dirija la reunión.
Mike's not gonna make it, is he?
Mike no llegará a tiempo, ¿ verdad?
What? He's not gonna make it as a drummer.
No va a hacerse batería.
He's not gonna make it.
¡ No lo logrará!
He's not gonna make it.
No sobrevivirá.
We don't find the medic soon, he's not gonna make it.
Si no encontramos al doctor rápido, no sobrevivirá.
He's not gonna make it.
No hay nada que hacer.
He's not coming back. He's not gonna make it.
El no va a volver no va a lograrlo.
Give him enough morphine to make him comfortable. He's not gonna make it.
¿ Tienes morfina para que esté cómodo?
He's not gonna make it two hours.
No va a soportar dos horas sin mí.
If he's not gonna make it home for dinner... ask him if I can have his pork chop.
Si no vendrá a cenar... pregúntele si puedo comerme su chuleta.
- He's not gonna make it.
- ¡ No va a aguantar!
It's not gonna make a difference.
Ya lo he dicho. No se notará.
Without a new heart, he's not gonna make it.
Sin un corazón nuevo, no va a sobrevivir.
- He's not gonna make it. - Ten!
- No va a recuperarse.
He's not gonna make it.
No lo conseguirá, se frena.
- Because some of my cats are sick and he said they're not gonna make it. - Sam's an idiot.
Porque tengo unos gatos enfermos y dijo que van a morir.
He's not gonna make it.
No va a llegar.
He's not gonna make it through this without you.
No va a lograr pasar por todo esto sin ti.
What rules if he doesn't go to a hospital, he's not gonna make it.
Si no ingresa en un hospital, morirá.
His name's Odie and he's not gonna make it if he has to live his life in a cage.
Se llama Odie. Y no sobrevivirá si tiene que pasar su vida en una jaula.
- He's not really gonna make it disappear.
- En realidad no es que va a hacer desaparecer.
You really think he's gonna give it all up just to make it clear he's not impotent?
¿ Cree que se entregará sólo para aclarar que no es impotente?
No, he's not. At this rate, he's not gonna make it to the cap before the ebb tide.
A este promedio no lo logrará antes de la marea baja.
His body temperature is dropping. If he doesn't make this beach, he's not gonna make it at all.
Si no llega a esa playa, no lo logrará.

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