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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He's not like that

He's not like that traduction Espagnol

963 traduction parallèle
Ah, well... that... It's not like booze, but why would he buy it suddenly before he dies?
Ah, bueno... eso es...
It's not like that. He's been like that for a while.
No es eso, pero... lleva así un rato.
It's not the first time he's in a situation like that.
Papá ya ha estado a menudo en situaciones así.
Oh, well, that's not the Charlie I mean. The Charlie I mean, he walks like this.
Este no es el Charlie al que me refiero.
That's why you're persecuting me ̶'cause he treated me decent and not like an animal, and I said so.
Él sólo se sentó ahí hablándome toda la noche. Ni una sola vez me puso la mano encima.
When you figure out he laughs like a man, That's not such a funny name after all.
Pero bueno, si se ríe como un hombre no es tan extraño, después de todo.
He's not the kind of guy that gets sent places just like that.
No es de la clase de gente a la que se manda lejos así como así.
But there is only one that I like He's evil and does not have a penny
Pero sólo hay uno que me gusta es malvado y no tiene un céntimo
- It's not possible he'd leave like that.
- Imposible que se fuera así.
he is his hair has turned totally grey at his temples that's exactly what I like he's a real man at least not such a "half-portion"
¡ Sí! ¡ Las sienes ya las tiene totalmente grises! ¡ Eso es precisamente lo que me gusta!
I know, Émile, but still, he's human, not a dog and that crowd, their faces like rabid beasts.
Lo sé, Émile, pero es una persona, no un perro debías ver la masa del pueblo, sus caras, parecían bestias.
Well, maybe it was 20 Onondagas, but that's not to be saying that a MacDougall like myself couldn't have killed 30 if he had a mind to.
Bueno, quizá fueron 20, pero eso no significa que un MacDougall como yo no pudiera matar a 30 si quisiera.
No, it's not like he's found a girl or anything like that.
No, es que ha conocido a una chica o algo así.
I don't blame you for not wanting to trust a swell guy like Roger out of your sight, but he's perfectly safe with Trudi, you can depend on that.
No te culpo por no querer perder de vista a alguien como Roger pero esta perfectamente a salvo con Trudi, puedes estar segura.
he dances like a young man, after all... what is it after all he's a great person, it's not fun to fool him that way it had been Dunja's idea, not mine
Pero baila como un hombre joven, en realidad... ¿ En realidad qué? En realidad es una gran persona, no hace gracia reírse de él así...
That's not like Moll to back down that way. He's not yellow.
Retirarse no es propio de Moll, no es un cobarde.
And whether he is or not, I like him, and that's good enough for me.
Y aunque lo sea o no, me cae bien y con eso me basta.
But it's also possible that a man who would take a chance like he has taken so far is not afraid to die.
Pero también es posible que un hombre que se ha arriesgado tanto no tema morir.
Well, that's not very comforting. That's like having a lifeguard say he's afraid of the water.
Es como si un socorrista dijese que tiene miedo del agua.
It must be clear, even to you, that he's not a criminal to be locked in a cell or shot at like a wild animal.
Es evidente, incluso para usted, que no es un criminal al que hay que encerrar o matar como a un animal.
This may not mean anything, but he looks like a guy that's on my route.
Esto puede no significar nada, pero se parece a un tipo de mi ruta.
- You know, he's not gonna like that.
- Sabes, no le gustará.
It's just that - Well, you're not like any girl I've ever met before.
Es que... bien, no he conocido a nadie como tú.
And it's not an obsession with him. He's made like that.
¡ Y no es una obsesión mía, él es así!
Don't talk like that. He's not dead.
No hables así de él, que no esta muerto
Dressed like that and he says that he's not crazy!
- De esa guisa, y dice que no es el loco.
- Cooper, that's him. He looks just like him Especially around his mouth. But not the top half.
Eso, Cooper, es igualito a él,... especialmente en la boca, pero la parte de arriba no.
Isn't that just like Lew. We're not even in the war yet. But he's got to rush to camp and become an officer.
Así es él, no estamos en guerra, pero él debía ingresar en la academia militar.
He's not like those types who want to hear they were wrong, that their wives are angels above suspicion.
¿ Tú crees que vá a pagar alguien para que le digan suposiciones? . que es sincera, que no le miente, que su mujer es un angel, que los cornudos son los otros
it's my fate if people think of me like that, it's not something I've done
Es mi destino si la gente piensa eso de mí. No es algo que he hecho.
He's not like some of these other doctors that tell you there's nothing wrong with you.
No es como todos esos otros doctores que te dicen que no te pasa nada...
It's not his fault if people take it for granted that he has a place like that.
Él no tiene la culpa de que la gente crea que tiene un sitio así.
He can not drink like you, that's all.
Es que no sabe beber como tú.
But he's not like that now.
Pero él no es así ahora.
He's got an up-to-date gin, not like that old pile of junk you got.
Él tiene una desmotadora actualizada, no como ese montón de chatarra tuya.
All I know is that he's asked you for an honest opinion in a very important matter... and I'd like awfully to know if he's going to get it or not.
Sólo sé que él te pidió... una opinión sincera sobre algo muy importante... y yo muero por saber si se la darás o no.
And the communicating door is taped up like that one, so that means he's not in the bedroom.
Y la puerta de comunicación también tiene cinta adhesiva., lo que significa que no está en el dormitorio.
It's not like somebody gave him a script, he had worked for maybe weeks or months on this script and he knew every scene in it and to substantiate that, he never went to dailies.
No trabajaba con un guión que le habían dado sin más, él trabajaba durante semanas o meses con ese guión y se sabía de memoria todas las escenas hasta tal punto que nunca iba a ver las tomas diarias.
Not so much you... it's his brother-in-law that he doesn't seem to like.
Miedo de Ud. no, es su cuñado a quien parece no querer mucho.
It's not like I'm afraid of love, it's just that I haven't decided yet.
No es que el amor me dé miedo, sólo que todavía no me he decidido.
He's not like that.
Él no es así
Irá a la feria estatal y se plantará como Gengis Khan... y no sólo creerá que es Gengis Khan -
I don't like that : he's not our son.
No es nuestro hijo.
He's not a big man like that.
No es tan grande.
It's not true that he dumps you like squeezed lemons.
No es cierto que nos tire como a limones exprimidos.
When he makes impossible demands like the nullification of all debts older than 5 years, then - That's not all.
Además, a veces pide cosas imposibles...
Now that I look at him, he's not like that at all.
Ahora que lo veo, no es así del todo.
He's not a man like that.
No es un hombre como los demás.
No, no, he's not like that.
¡ No, él no es así!
It's not only his face that's changed - he doesn't even act like him.
No es sólo la cara lo que ha cambiado - ni siquiera actúa como él.
In that sense he's not like Jose, who has his defects.
En eso no se parece a Jose, que tiene sus defectos.

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