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He's not moving traduction Espagnol

301 traduction parallèle
Don't you find it strange he's not moving?
¿ No te parece extraño que no haya venido?
He's not moving.
No se mueve.
- He's not moving.
- No se mueve.
But he's still taking his time moving in the clear, not covering his tracks.
Pero sigue perdiendo tiempo, avanzando al descubierto, sin cubrir sus huellas.
I want to get lost, but the cow's not moving.
Si le he entendido. ¿ Pero cómo quiere...?
- He's... he's not moving.
- No se mueve.
I thought I saw a shadow. A tall man, his head was completely hooded... he was moving slowly towards the sarcophagus. And that's not all, while I was still there on the stairs... footsteps sounding from down here.
Un hombre alto, encapuchado, que se acercaba al sarcófago y, otra cosa, mientras bajaba al salón me pareció oír pasos.
Really? But he's not moving.
Pero no se está moviendo.
He's not moving Steven - give him a hand.
No se mueve, Steven - dale la mano. ( Steven y Dodo toman un brazo cada uno y guían al doctor por el pasillo.
He's not moving, damn it!
¡ No se está moviendo, maldición!
He's not moving
Está como escondido.
He's not gonna be moving for a long time.
No se moverá en mucho tiempo.
He's not moving anymore.
Ya no se mueve.
But Herzog assures them that he's not moving in permanently... and the local Aguarunas agree to let him shoot.
pero Herzog les asegura que no se quedará por mucho tiempo... y los Aguarunas locales estan de acuerdo en permitirle rodar la película.
- Barney, he's not moving.
- Barney, no se mueve.
He went over toward the moving van, but he's not there now.
Fue por delante de la camioneta, pero no está ahí ahora.
Frank, he's not moving.
Frank, no se mueve.
How do know he's not moving his lips?
¿ Cómo sabes que no mueve los labios?
You ever been behind somebody on like a two lane road or something, somebody you cannot get around, you've been behind them already for like 18 minutes and you want to get some where and he's not moving all?
¿ Alguna vez vais detrás de alguien, en una carretera de dos carriles, alguien a quien no podéis adelantar...? ¡ Lleváis detrás de él como dieciocho minutos! ¡ Y queréis ir a alguna parte!
- He's still not moving his lips, Stephen.
- Sigue sin mover los labios, Stephen.
She munched on nothing, moving her jaw right to left not knowing how she's sickening, Like he who can't keep his saliva in his mouth Or who scratch off the dirt between his feet's toes.
Ella mascaba la nada, moviendo su mandíbula de derecha a izquierda sin saber cómo es de nauseabunda, como el que no puede mantener la saliva en su boca o el que se saca la suciedad entre los dedos de sus pies.
He's not exactly moving in.
No quiere tu territorio.
Shit! He's not moving?
No se mueven más.
I can see the CAG. He's not moving!
Veo al comandante. ¡ No se mueve!
He's not moving.
Él no se mueve.
He's not moving!
Vuelve, por favor.
He's not moving.
El no se mueve.
- But he's not moving now. Do I take him out?
- Pero no se mueve. ¿ Lo saco?
That Al Bundy is not only moving in the fast lane he's doing wheelies in it, baby.
Que Al Bundy no sólo está de vuelta en las pistas sino que está haciendo wilies en ella, bebé.
He's moving toward the consummation of an act that he is incapable of consummating. Not with his wife. Not with anyone.
Está buscando realizar un acto que no puede consumar ni con su esposa ni con nadie.
He's... he's not moving!
No se mueve.
I'd love for him to move on, but he's not moving past my mother's death.
Me encantaría que rehiciera su vida, pero no ha superado a mi madre.
It's on his nose, and he's still not moving.
Está en su nariz, y no se ha movido.
He's not moving much air.
Apenas respira.
- He's not moving air.
- No respira.
- He's not moving any air.
- No respira bien.
Not moving in, he's just staying until his apartment's finished.
No se muda, solo se queda hasta que acaben con su apartamento.
And when Andy plays with you, it's like even though you're not moving, you feel like you're alive, because that's how he sees you.
Y cuando juega contigo, es como si... Aunque no puedes moverte, sientes que estás vivo, porque así es como te ve él.
Having a kid is great as long as his eyes are closed and he's not moving or speaking.
Tener un niño es fabuloso mientras tenga los ojos cerrados y no se mueva ni hable.
Mom, he's not moving.
Mamá, no se mueve.
He's not moving his legs.
No mueve las piernas.
He's not moving!
¡ No se mueve!
He's not moving in here.
No se mudará a vivir aquí.
It's not fast. He said it's slow-moving.
Dijeron que está avanzando despacio.
We're not sure how he's moving the drugs.
No estamos seguros de cómo va a mover la droga.
He's combative, not moving his right side.
Está agresivo y no mueve el lado derecho.
Pilot's in D'argo's body, but he's not moving.
Piloto está en el cuerpo de D'Argo Pero no se mueve
He's not moving a lot. I'm worried.
No se está moviendo mucho.
He's out there doing his own thing, moving forward, not looking back.
Está haciendo lo suyo, y ha seguido con su Vida.
He's not moving any air.
No mueve nada de aire.
No se va a ir a Nueva York.

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