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He's right about that traduction Espagnol

284 traduction parallèle
He's right about that.
Tiene razón.
And he's right about that part of you, Father.
- ¿ A qué parte te refieres? - A tu corazón.
He didn't know that he was doing anything that you might call noble but being one of the best oil men there is, he's got the right hunch about oil.
Él no sabía que estaba haciendo algo que podríamos llamar noble pero al ser buen petrolero, tuvo una acertada corazonada.
Oh, he's all right. He's a bit big to talk to. That's the worse part about him.
No pasa nada, aunque es tan grande que cuesta hablar con él.
He's right about that part of you, Father.
Tiene razón sobre esa parte de ti, papá.
Just because he didn't know about Jessica's coma... you thought everything he said was wrong... and that mother's story was right.
Como él no se enteró del coma de Jessica... pensaste que todo lo que dijo estaba mal... y que lo que mamá contó era cierto.
You've decided that he's just about right for me.
Te parece que es bueno para mí.
The curious part about the story as it was told me is that this young man, this guide, he's supposed to be right here in diamond stud this very moment.
Lo curioso de la historia es que este joven, este guía está en Diamantstad en este mismo momento.
All right, it's OK if that's the way he feels about it, but if he wants his ampoules, he'll have to come out of hiding and get them.
De acuerdo, está bien si éso es lo que siente. Pero si quiere sus ampollas, tendrá que salir de su escondite y conseguirlas.
That's right. I heard about that.
Ya he oído hablar de ello.
He's gone right off his rocker at the thought that she might find out about him.
Ha perdido el juicio al pensar que ella podría averiguar algo sobre él.
That's right, Kotty. Remember he was tellin'about D-Day?
Es verdad, Kotty. ¿ Te acuerdas de lo que contaba del día D?
You know, I been thinking... that all my life... I been so busy... snapping to, and giving orders, and taking orders... and being a general`s son and doing the job... and all that, I just never took time to sit right down... and you know, think about what my reason for living is.
Estuve pensando que toda mi vida he estado muy ocupado prestando atención, dando y siguiendo órdenes siendo el hijo del general, cumpliendo con ese trabajo y todo eso. Tanto que nunca me tomé el tiempo de sentarme y tú sabes, pensar en cuál es la razón de mi vida.
He'll get you there all right, Mr Peters, that's all you need worry about.
Le llevará allí, Mr. Peters. No se preocupe de nada más.
Brown started to pump him about his work habits fortunately Bob saw him through it right away and just to make sure he was not on the wrong track he arranged to meet him again, that's right, Bob?
Brown empezó a sonsacarle sobre su trabajo aquí pero por fortuna Bob se dió cuenta enseguida. Pero sólo para asegurarse de que sus sospechas eran ciertas, consintió en volver a verlo. ¿ No, Bob?
All right, Joy Boy, go tell Darcey that the Dude ain't available cos he's diggin'up a husband for some old souse cos he's nuts about her apples.
De acuerdo, Alegre, dile a Darcey que el Dandy está muy ocupado... tratando de encontrar marido a una vieja borracha... porque anda loco detrás de sus manzanas.
Well, Pop's already said no to that... and Pop's usually right about everything he says.
Bueno, ya ha dicho Pop que no... y Pop es generalmente recto acerca de las cosas que dice.
That's right, Giorgio. That's what I wanna talk to you about. Oh, good!
En efecto, para eso he venido a hablar con usted.
He's right about that!
¡ Es cosa nuestra!
Of course, he's very upset about his wife but business is so heavy right now that he can't afford to neglect it for a moment.
Está mal por lo de su esposa pero tiene tanto trabajo que no puede permitirse desatenderlo.
After he's no more here... Mistress Evans will see that I was right about this place... and then she may get a wee glimmer... that I can be right about some other things.
Cuando ya no esté en este mundo, la Sra. Evans verá que yo tenía razón sobre este lugar... y quizá entonces intuya... que puedo tener razón sobre otras cosas.
You mean like that story about the lion cub who's tame until he gets his first taste of fresh meat, right?
¿ Es como la historia del león domado hasta que prueba la carne por primera vez?
He's right about that.
Él tiene razón.
- Yes, it is. They killed the Indians. - He's right about that.
- Los españoles mataron a los incas y ellos a los indios.
He told me there's a triangle right there, that nobody thinks about.
El me dijo que aquí hay un triángulo, que nadie tiene en cuenta.
But at one thing he was right about, though, was that girl of Genovese's.
Pero en algo había acertado èl a pesar de todo. Era la mujer de Genovese.
No he hasn't confirmed, but he feels that's about right.
- No, pero él presiente que es así.
And if he doesn't then I may be right about something that's been nagging at me.
Y si no se pone nervioso... Entonces puedo tener razón sobre algo que me ronda la cabeza.
Uh, he's right about that.
Tiene razón.
I know I'm drunk, but he's still the whitest nigger in town, and I ain't gonna change my mind about that, I'll tell you right now.
Ya sé que estoy borracho, pero sigue siendo el negro más blanco de la ciudad, y no voy a cambiar de opinión sobre eso, te lo advierto.
Especially I'm talking about walking erect, right, yeah, home erectus, or whatever he was. This dude, cause I mean, uh, it's one of the few things that separates us from the lowest, lower animals, walking and hats, right?
... se habló mucho del caminar erguido, el Homo Erectus, o como se llame porque, está claro, es una de las pocas cosas que nos distingue de los animales inferiores!
- He's right about that...
- Tiene razón sobre...
And that's how you find the burglar when you get home, right. He'll be talking about, help me. Please help me.
Y así, atrapado, es como encuentras al ladrín cuando llegas a tu casa, y él te dice : ¡ Ayúdame, por favor, ayúdame!
If Sidney's right about it and I'm sure that he is.
Y estoy segura de que la tiene.
He's talking about a few right here in Lisbon, mostly Jews who have escaped the Germans, that's all.
Está hablando de unos cuantos aquí mismo, en Lisboa, sobre todo Judios que han escapado de los alemanes, eso es todo.
I wanna put it to a vote right now... that Dominic Prizzi... tells us what the hell he's gonna do about it.
Y Dominic Prizzi... tendrá que acatar lo que aquí acordemos.
He's right about that.
Tiene razon sobre eso.
Oh, that's right. Didn't I tell you about the gunshot?
Ah, es cierto no le he hablado del disparo.
Yeah, I got here at 8 : 30, and he was already here when I got here. Yeah, that's about right.
Sí, yo llegue a las 8 : 30, y él ya estaba aquí, sí más o menos a esa hora.
He's right about that, missy.
Tiene razón, señorita.
If you're right about John Brewster, that he's been trying to frame Steppings, then isn't it just possible that Steppings didn't make this threat?
Si tienes razón sobre John Brewster, que trata de inculpar a Steppings, ¿ no es posible que Steppings no haya hecho la amenaza?
And your colleague M. Berland has never talked to me about it. Even though he knows the students better than you. That's right.
Y tu colega Berland nunca me dijo nada, a pesar de que conoce sus alumnos mejor que tú, necesariamente.
So you're going to tell me that he's lying about James too, right?
¿ Me quieres decir que miente sobre James también?
He got it! That's what I'm talkin'about. All right.
Todavia estamos en juego.
So I thought I'd just leave these lying around, like, so Jeff could find out what it was about, but he told me that he knew... - It's all right Mr. Mitchell.
Creí que si dejaba éstas por aquí... él podría averiguar qué era, pero me dijo que sabía...
He's right about that.
El tiene razón sobre eso
Because I've heard Oh, it's not about that right now.
He oído decir que... Ah, eso no viene al caso ahora.
About only thing we know about that guy right now is that he's independently wealthy, well-educated and totally insane.
Lo único que sabemos de este tipo ahora es que es adinerado, culto y que está totalmente loco.
Because I read it, it's about this lonely guy... that wanders the world for many years, right?
Porque lo he leído, va sobre un chico solitario... que vaga por el mundo durante muchos años, ¿ no?
That's where he lives, right down the street my whole life... and I didn't even know about it.
Ahí vive, toda la vida ahí... y yo no sabia nada.
'Cause you know, this means that maybe he's happy... and I made the right decision about moving us out here.
Porque esto quiere decir que quizas sea feliz... y que tome la desición correcta al mudarnos acá.

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