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He can't traduction Espagnol

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Owen, he can't handle any more.
Owen, no podemos hacer nada más.
I can't fix him because... because no one can fix him because he's dead, Zola.
No puedo curarlo porque... nadie puede curarlo... porque está muerto, Zola.
I talked to my mother and told her that tonight can't be avoided.
He hablado con mi madre y le he dicho que de esta noche no pasa.
And I can't take it because he makes many misspellings. - I know. I'll do anything I can to have him handed it in time.
Y no se lo puede permitir porque hace muchas faltas de ortografía
And I can't take it because he makes many misspellings. - I know. I'll do anything I can to have him handed it in time.
Hago lo posible para que vaya al día
I made some mistakes so it can't be noticed.
He hecho algunas faltas que no se note,
Marc. He can't throw anything at a teacher.
Marc, vale que él no le debe lanzar nada a un profe.
I've already told you where I was. Can't I go to the movie one afternoon?
Ya te he dicho donde estaba ¿ No puedo ir al cine una tarde?
But he can see in me something that others can't.
Algo que los demás no ven
He can't stand that... you and I talk.
No soporta que Tú y yo hablemos
He can't stand that you and I talk.
No soporta que tú y yo hablamos
The fact that he's my son doesn't mean he can steal what is mine.
Que sea mi hijo no significa que me pueda robar lo mío
And that he can't pass the tests because it's hard for him to concentrate?
¿ Y que no aprueba las asignaturas porque le cuesta mucho concentrarse?
I bought it. Can't you see?
La he comprado ¿ Que no lo ves?
Why do I have to kill myself studying If I can't go with the major I want? From now on, I will have fun.
Es que ¿ por qué me he de matar a estudiar, sin dar nada para entrar en la carrera que quiera?
That means he can't do the talk like we have planned.
Y que, entonces, no podrá hacer la charla que teníamos prevista
He can't tell me I'm pretty?
¿ No me puede decir que estoy guapa o qué?
I can't believe he's gone.
No me puedo creer que haya muerto.
Tim swears the "where's the beef" lady is the same woman as the "I've fallen, and I can't get up" lady.
Tim jura el "dónde está la carne" dama es la misma mujer como el "yo he caído, y no me puedo levantar" dama,
He has to abort before the rocket goes into space, and he can't do that until the rocket's computers reboot.
Él tiene que abortar antes el cohete va al espacio, y él no puede hacerlo hasta computadoras del cohete reinicio,
He can't open the interior hatch if he's passed out.
No puede abrir la escotilla interior si él se desmayó,
'Cause that means he can't get over you, which means a big pile of chaos for all of us.
Porque eso significa él no puede obtener más de usted, lo que significa una gran pila de caos por todos nosotros,
You can't be surprised if he doesn't want you to help him.
No te puede sorprender que no quiera que lo ayudes.
And he talked about commitment and loyalty and his unbreakable love for her. - I mean, if they couldn't make it, why would I think anyone can make it? - Gabby.
Y habló del compromiso y la lealtad y su inquebrantable amor por ella.
No, so, you know, I invite him to talk to me after the science fair, and he knows who I am, and he says, "No, no, sorry, Mr. Mason, I'd love to, " but I can't be late to pick up my brother. "
Así que lo invito a hablar conmigo después de la feria de ciencias, él sabía quién era yo, y me dice : "No, lo siento, Sr. Mason, me encantaría, pero no puedo llegar tarde a recoger a mi hermano".
He thinks he can just sit back and everything's going to just be handed to him, so he doesn't appreciate anything.
Piensa que puede sentarse y todo va a ser entregado a él, - Así que no aprecia nada.
Warren G, Dr. Dre's stepbrother, and Nate Dogg, who is in no relation to Snoop Dogg, but he's like everyone's adopted brother because they can't sing a refrain without him.
Warren G, el hermanastro de Dr. Dre, Y Nate Dogg, que no tiene ninguna relación con Snoop Dogg, pero es como el hermano adoptivo de todos. Porque no pueden cantar un estribillo sin él.
If Keaton gets to Winter first... he's gonna bury him in a very deep, dark hole so he can't reveal any more of the CIA's secrets.
Si Keaton llega a Winter antes que nosotros... va a enterrarle en un agujero muy muy hondo para que no pueda revelar más secretos de la CIA.
- He can't hear us.
- No puede oírnos.
Atwood's not gonna give you any answers that he can't stand behind.
Atwood no te va a dar respuestas que no pueda sostener.
If today's taught me anything, it's that you can't know enough about a person.
Si hoy he aprendido algo, es que nunca sabes lo bastante sobre una persona.
Well, whatever he decides, we've realized our new house can't hold any secrets.
Bueno, decida lo que decida, nos hemos dado cuenta de que esta nueva casa no puede guardar ningún secreto.
You're telling me he's right here in Washington, D.C., and we can't touch him?
¿ Me están diciendo que está aquí mismo en Washington y no podemos tocarlo?
He can't see you.
Él no te puede ver.
My father-in-law can't stop telling me about how much he loves "the gays," but you don't see me dangling him off a roof.
Mi suegro se la pasa diciéndome cuánto ama a los "gays", pero no me ves colgándolo de un techo.
You know, they said that the truck driver was... he was intoxicated, but I can't find any evidence that supports that.
Ya sabes, dijeron que el conductor del camión estaba... que estaba intoxicado, pero no puedo encontrar evidencias de que así fuera.
He can't be saved.
No se le puede salvar.
I can't wait for his house to get fixed up and he can go home.
No veo la hora de que su casa esté reparada y pueda volver a ella.
So he's stuck down there and he can't breathe?
¿ Así que está atrapado ahí abajo y no puede respirar?
He can't run.
No puede correr.
In fact, there's been a rumor going around that he's- - he's isolating himself somewhere in these woods, you know, so he can't hurt anybody else.
De hecho, se rumora que se aisló en algún lugar de este bosque. Entonces ya no puede lastimar a nadie más.
Okay, just- - just stay together. He can't hurt us if we're together.
Permanezcamos juntos para que no pueda dañarnos.
Figure that way, he can't get squirrelly again.
Velo de esta forma, no puede volver a esconderse.
CIA says he's using his diplomatic pouch, which can't legally be searched, to smuggle in a dossier on S-218's next target.
La CIA dice que está usando su maleta diplomática, que legalmente no puede inspeccionarse, para contrabandear un expediente sobre el próximo objetivo del sospechoso 218.
He can't get away with this!
¡ No puede librarse de esto!
He can't find me.
No puede encontrarme.
- He can't do anything, because of the law.
- No puede hacer nada, por la ley.
He can't accuse you of anything.
No te puede acusar de nada.
We have a job to do and while we are doing that job, we can't treat Bozer like he's some suspect.
Tenemos un trabajo que hacer y mientras hacemos ese trabajo, No podemos tratar a Bozer como si fuera algún sospechoso.
He's sending me a message, laughing at me because I can't catch him.
Me está enviando un mensaje, burlándose de mí porque no puedo atraparlo.
I've been here an hour, you haven't given me one thing I can use.
He estado aquí una hora y no me ha dado nada que pueda usar.

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