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He can't do it traduction Espagnol

956 traduction parallèle
I have spent my whole life escaping to far-off places, and it's only recently, like, now, like, literally this second that I realize, like, I can't do that!
Me he pasado la vida escapando a lugares remotos, y no ha sido hasta recientemente, o sea, ahora, literalmente este momento, cuando me he dado cuenta de que ¡ no puedo hacerlo!
I could kill him! He's not behaved very well and he had no right to do it, but what's done can't be undone.
No se comportado muy bien y no tenía ningún derecho de hacerlo pero lo que está hecho no puede ser deshecho
- I'll bet he can't do it.
- Apuesto a que no.
I can't do it. He loves me.
No puedo hacerlo.
He can't do it.
No puede hacerlo.
Barney, I told you, I can't do it.
- Ya le he dicho que no puedo.
I've tried, but I can't change the feeling and it would be a lie to say I do if I don't.
Lo he intentado, pero no puedo cambiar los sentimientos y mentiría si te dijera que sí cuando es que no.
It isn't because he's in the theater or because he's important and can help me just as I can help him to do my best and his best.
- No es porque se dedique al teatro, ni porque sea importante y pueda ayudarme igual que puedo ayudarle yo a dar lo mejor de nosotros.
- Gee, boss, he can't do it.
- No puede hacerlo.
If he okays it, all the cracking down McLaren can do won't hurt us.
Si él la aprueba, todas las medidas de McLaren no nos harán daño.
- He says he can't do it, sir.
Dice que no puede hacerlo.
But he can't come right over here and fetch it so what they do is this...
Déjaselo en la consigna de Piccadilly Circus...
I'm sorry, josie, i can't do it.
He estado esperando todo el día que cruzase esa puerta.
- Is not. Can't you tell he didn't do it?
No lo son, ¿ no comprende que él no lo hizo?
- He thinks the 59th can't do it, huh?
- ¿ Cree que el 59 no puede hacerlo?
He can't do that. It belongs to me.
No le dejaré, es mío.
- He can't very well ignore me now, can he? - No, marrying me ought to do it.
Una noche estaba sentado en su auto con Tony.
When it fixes him so's he can't do his work, then he'd better go someplace else, and the quicker the better.
Cuando le impide trabajar, es mejor que se vaya a otro sitio. lo más rápido posible
And it'd be our own, and could nobody can us, and if we didn't like a guy, we can say, "Git", and he'd have to do it.
Y sería nuestro y no nos podrían decir nada. Si no nos gustase alguien, le diríamos : "Vete" y tendría que hacerlo.
If it's so bad he can't tell you, how do you think he feels?
Si es tan malo que no te lo puede decir, ¿ cómo crees que se debe sentir él?
- No, I can't do it.
Te he perdonado.
It can't do any harm, now that he knows we're aboard.
Ya no supone ningún riesgo, pues él sabe que estamos a bordo.
I can't do it right when I've been drinking.
No puedo hacerlo bien cuando he estado bebiendo.
Or someone who knew how to have it fixed to get him put back to where he was. Can't you do it for me?
¿ No puedes hacerlo por mi?
There isn't anyone in the world I can ask except Van, and he wouldn't do it.
Solo podría pedírselo a Van, pero él no lo haría.
Well, I oughtn't to do it, but I reckon he can wait till Saturday.
No sé si hago mal o no. Pero ¡ qué demonio! Que espere, si quiere.
He says he can't do anything about it.
Dice que no puede hacer nada.
If he can't get his hands on that contract, he won't burn the wheat- - It won't do him any good.
Sino puede poner las manos en el contrato, no quemará el trigo. ¿ Y si alguien nos ve irnos?
Ah, Kiloran, I can't do it. I promised.
Kiloran, no puedo hacerlo, lo he prometido.
- He can't do it anymore.
- No puede hacerlo.
I can do that stuff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and beat him at it every time. He doesn't frightened me with that stuff.
Puedo contestarle las 24 horas del día durante una semana y poder con él todas las veces.
You can see he didn't do it.
Sabe que él no lo hizo.
He can't do it.
No van a poder.
Please let him alone. Can't you see he didn't do it?
Déjenlo en paz. ¿ No perciben que no fue él?
He can't just whip it off like you do with your essays.
No se lo quita de encima tan rápido como haces tú con tus ensayos.
Tomorrow, there won't be anything he can do about it.
But you can prove he didn't do it with his gun.
Pero puedes probar que no lo hizo con su arma.
Madeleine, help him. He can't do it alone.
Madeleine, ayúdele, no podrá solo.
He thought, " If the wholesalers withdrew their charges... it means they can't do without us fishermen.
Él pensaba, " Si los comerciantes retiraron la denuncia... significa que necesitan a los pescadores.
Maybe he can't do it.
Quizá no pueda beberlo de un trago.
Our Fabius can't do this act of wisdom and he won't do it.
Este acto tan cuerdo de nuestro Fabio no puede hacerlo, y no lo hará.
- You're afraid he can't do it?
- ¿ Tiene miedo de que no pueda?
I can't believe he'd still do it You don't know it!
No lo conoces.
There's one thing. He can't do anything about it while we're shut in here.
Y no puede hacer nada al respecto mientras sigamos aquí encerrados.
Maybe we can save something. If we can't, then it's time enough to consider what he'll have to do if he wants me to marry him.
De lo centrarlo pensaremos qué pedirle por mi matrimonio.
I can't do it. He's my friend.
No lo haré, es mi amigo.
I can't do it anymore... goodness me my head!
No puedo más... ¡ Dios, qué testarazo me he dado!
He can't do it anymore, he's tied-up.
- Está atado.
Not a thing that dog can't do when he puts his mind to it.
No hay nada que no pueda hacer cuando se le mete en la cabeza.
I'm still saying he can't do it.
Sigo apostando a que pierde.
It's not a crush, and he can't do without you now.
No es un capricho y él ya no puede privarse de usted.

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