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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He can't hear you

He can't hear you traduction Espagnol

388 traduction parallèle
He can't hear you.
No puede oírlo.
- He really can't hear a thing. - Not a thing. - Are you sure?
Cada uno de tus hijos es un insulto a las buenas costumbres sin lo debido casamiento
I can't hear you.
¿ Sí? No le he oído.
- He can't see you and he can't hear you.
- No puede verle ni escucharle.
He can't see you and he can't hear you.
Ni le ve, ni le escucha.
I told you she was very tired She can't even hear me
Les he dicho que esta cansada. Ni siquiera puede oírme
He can't hear you.
No puede oírla.
He can't, he can't hear you.
- ¿ Por qué?
- He can ´ t see or hear you.
- No puede verla ni oírla.
He can't hear you, Gagin.
No le oye, Gagin.
I'm afraid he can't hear you, captain.
Me temo que no le oye, capitán.
If you're putting on this act for Brad, he can't hear you.
Si estás fingiendo esto por Brad, no puede oírte.
I can't hear you. - Oh, I didn't say anything.
- No he dicho nada.
- I think he's attractive. - I can't hear you.
- Yo lo encuentro muy atractivo.
God, what a shot! Shut up, baboon, he's asleep! He can't hear you.
¡ La pucha, que palanca!
He can't hear you!
- No te oye.
Pardon, I can't hear you... you speak so soft.
Perdona, pero no te he oído... hablas tan sumamente bajo.
Can't you hear them saying "there he is"?
No oyes que dicen todos : ¡ Allí está! ¡ Allí está!
He can't hear you.
No te puede oir.
He can't hear you.
Él no puede oírlo.
He can't hear you.
No le escucha.
He can't hear you. He's too far away now.
¡ Paul!
Can't you see that he can't hear us?
Hay que evitar el escándalo.
He can't hear you.
- ¿ Y esto qué es?
- He can't hear you.
- No te puede oír.
Of course he can hear you. He doesn't answer because it tires him out.
Por supuesto que puede oirte, pero no te contesta porque está cerca de los neumáticos.
Can't you hear my guts rolling?
Ni me he podido abrigar.
He had a class. Can't you hear?
Ya terminó su clase. ¿ Escucha?
He can't hear you!
Él no te está oyendo!
My old Dad would turn in his grave if he could hear you say that. Yes, well he can't hear me, can he.
Mi padre se levantaría de su tumba si te oyera decir eso.
Maybe he can't hear you.
A lo mejor no te oye.
You hear that? He's working to his limit - can't afford spare time!
Trabaja hasta el agotamiento.
He can hear you, Jim, but he doesn't understand.
Puede oírle, Jim, pero no comprende.
He can't hear you.
No te oirá.
If he can't hear, how's he going to know if you're shouting?
Si no puede oír, ¿ cómo va a saber si le gritan?
Even if he could hear you, he can't talk to you, Tony.
Aunque... pueda oírte, no podrá hablar contigo, Tony.
- He can't hear you, anyway.
- Total no te escucha.
He can't hear you, Max.
No puede escucharte, Max.
- He can't hear you.
- No puede oírle.
He can't hear you.
El note puede oír.
Why shout if he can't hear you?
¿ Por qué llamas si no te oye?
I told you I can hear it, but I don't!
Te he dado la razón, pero no sé de qué hablas.
I'm giving the orders. Can't you hear me?
Le he dado una orden. ¿ No me oyó?
- But, he can't hear through walls, you know.
- No han podido oírnos.
- He can't take it, boy. You hear?
- No puede tomarlo, chico. ¿ Me oyes?
- Can't you hear him? - So he is.
- ¿ Ah, sí?
There aren't any swallows, but I think you can hear a... And this enchanter of whom you speak, he has seen the Grail?
No hay golondrinas, pero creo que puedo oir un... gY ese mago del que habláis, ha visto el Grial?
He can't hear you. He's deaf.
No te oye.
- He can't hear you.
- No puede oírte.
If I can't hear you, how's he going to?
- Si yo no te oigo, ¿ cómo va a oírte él?
Oh, Charlie, you stupid bungler. You can't whistle, and he can't hear you.
Charlie, mentecato, no sabes silbar, no puede oírte.

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